Chinese calendar - the definition of the sex of the child, its use


Of course, the future parents really want to seek to find out who will be born - a boy or a girl. The most reliable method for today is to conduct ultrasound diagnostics. But she, firstly, will work only from 20-26 weeks after conception, and not in all cases you can see the gender of the child on the ultrasound (for example, with some positions of the fetus, parents will not be able to be 100% confident to the end of pregnancy who will be born).

There are alternative techniques, such as the Chinese floor definition calendar of the child. You will get acquainted with it more in this material.

Boy or girl?

Little biology

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Before starting to study the Chinese floor definition calendar, remember what we were taught at school in biology lessons. Which parents affect the floor of the baby?

As you know, the floor of the future person determines the set of chromosomes:

  • Xx - female;
  • Hu - male.

U-chromosome - "Male" and is transmitted exclusively by the Father. Therefore, it turns out that the floor of the child depends on his father - or, if more accurate, from that set by chromosomes, which had a spermatozoa, which caused fertilization.

Scientists suggest that it is possible to calculate the floor of the future kid. They rely on the fact that the mass of "male" spermatozoa is less than "female", respectively, the first moves faster and faster getting to the egg.

But if the conception occurred before ovulation, then the "men's" spermatozoa will not have time to do so, as they will die. But "female", distinguished by greater stability, will remain and, when it will be needed, will be near the egg.

Based on what scientists have made such conclusions:

  1. If the conception happened on the day of ovulation or after a couple of days, the boy will most likely be born.
  2. And if this process has occurred before, big chances for the birth of the girl.

However, it should be noted that this method does not differ in absolute accuracy, as it often gives failures. Therefore, people and began to look for alternative options, one of which is a Chinese pregnancy calendar.

Chinese calendar conception - what is it?

The calendar of the Child's Paul's Chinese is represented by a special table. She was discovered in one of the burial sites about 700 years ago (next to the city of Beijing).

According to an old legend, BAU and Wu Hing helped in creating a Chinese floor table during the Board of the OOG Dynasty. Nowadays, everyone can familiarize themselves with the ancient artifact at the Science Institute (Beijing).

The Chinese floor definition calendar takes two parameters:

  1. The age of the future mother.
  2. The number when conception happened.

At the same time, the age of mothers are not passporting, but the other is calculated on the basis of the lunar calendar. We will talk about it in more detail.

Interesting! The floor of the Child on the Chinese calendar can be calculated girls and women in the age category from 18 to 45 years - it is precisely for these numeric values.

What is the floor more like the Chinese?

The boy in nature is stronger than the girl, so since ancient times, the people of Middle Kingdom hoped for the birth of a male child, and not feminine. After all, the boy could become a good assistant for farm work, which was extremely important for an agricultural state.

But the girl born was perceived mainly as a source of extra expenses. She was supposed to live in the parent family as long as seventeen years will come. After that, she was trying to get married as soon as she entered into the seven of the spouse.

Even the imperial families were more interested in the birth of a son than daughters, because the power was passed through the male line. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the Chinese calendar of the conception of the child was found at the burial site of the Elite of the Company.

Proper use of the table

Then the version of the calendar of the floor definition is proposed. As you can see, it consists of age columns from eighteen to forty-five, located on the left side of the sign. In addition, there is a separate line for months, it begins with January and ends with decaber (located on top).

Chinese calendar pregnancy

The application itself is not something very complicated. The main thing is not to forget to immediately add the number 9 to the age of the woman. This will help determine its age according to the calendar.

Then proceed to the following instructions:

  • Install the age of mom on the Chinese calendar, and then make it in the left column.
  • Lay a month of conception of the baby in a string from above.
  • After that, the straight horizontal line is drawn in the plate, which begins with the age of a woman.
  • The second line is drawn vertically and begins the number of conception.
  • Two lines will cross at one point where the letter M or D. will stand

It is easy to guess that M is the boy equals, and D - girl.

Consider on a specific example.

Suppose the girl was born on August 24, 1986. Then the nine must be added to its passport age, it turns out:

33 + 9 = 42 (for 2019).

According to the assumption, the baby was conceived in September, two lines in the table intersect in the letter D - means a girl will be born.

If you seem difficult to such a scheme, just try once, and you will be convinced of its real simplicity.

How much is the Chinese Calendar Definition of the Future Baby Boy Accurate?

The basis for this method represents the lunar calendar. According to the reviews of people who tried the way, it is reliable by 90%. Although there are negative reviews.

Moreover, there are no scientific evidence of prediction accuracy (although they cannot be in one of the similar methods). Mostly people converge in the opinion that the main function of the table is peculiar entertainment. But she will make and think, reflecting on the calculations.

Some people use the calendar to intentionally conceive the child of the sex that they dream about. For this, it is also necessary, first of all, to establish the age of a future mother in the present month. Then the horizontal line is performed on all months until you get to the desired floor. A month will be determined when a girl or a boy is conceived according to your wishes.

Moon calendar

Finally, I want to consider another popular way to install the floor of the future kid. It is based on astrology data and is considered reliable by 95-97 percent. Of course, rely on this data or not - your business. Just familiarize yourself with the essence of the method.

Moon calendar

In astrology, each lunar month is formed by 29 days. This time, for which the satellite of the Earth turns around it around it.

Adherents of the method believe that the gender of the baby can be determined by learning, in which of the signs of the zodiac was a lunar disc at the moment of conception. Meaning that all constellations are divided into "men's" and "female" as follows:

  • to "male" - signs of twins, lion, scales, aquarius, agun and aries;
  • And to "female" - Cancer, Virgin, Scorpio, Capricorn, Fish, Taurus and Virgin.

Accordingly, by installing, in which sign was the moon at conception, install and the floor of one who is born.

Perhaps you used these or some other techniques for the definition of the floor of the future kid? Then share their results in the comments.

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