Uranus in Capricorn in woman and men


Uranus in Capricorn is found in Natal maps of people born from 1988 to 1996. What features does he give up his owners?

Uranus in Capricorn

Uranus in the sign of Capricorn: Characteristics

Such personalities, on the one hand, are conservatives, readily continuing what was started long before their birth, I am ensuring the influence of Capricorn's constellation. On the other hand, it has its own impact of the planet uranium, pushing its owners to constructive changes in the established procedure.

In the presence of harmonious aspects of the Uranium Planet relative to other planets, it can be said that native seeks to convert old to a new one. But at the same time, he does not put a goal to completely eradicate the past, but simply enters the picture of the new future.

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In the case of stressed aspects of uranium in relation to other celestial bodies, a person is difficult to respect the conservatism, since he loves changes too much. In this connection, it often suffers from strong anxiety, anxiety, sharpness, sometimes fights with himself.

Uranium owners in the Capricorn sign are perfectly understood that it is necessary to engage in the creation of a new life. They do not disturb the old rules, but they are looking forward with confidence and work on public innovations.

In their character, the spirit of reformers is clearly traced. They feel the pleasure of changing the traditions created before them. At the same time with agility pick up innovations, embedding them into the system.

By the way, the fact that in modern society is actively developing the sphere of computer activity, is the merit of the young generation of uranium in the sign of Capricorn 1988-1996.

By no means in all cases, the aspect owner becomes financially prosperous, but they always seek fame and respect. In this, the congenital perfectionism is largely helped: they are fulfilled every task with full responsibility and seriousness.

Such people perfectionists

In addition, they are inherent creative abilities and high ingenuity. Due to all listed qualities, they can occupy creative positions, will be successful in work.

From suitable professions, you can call the following: architect, builder, farmer, scientist, researcher, politician, public servant. It often happens that a person has to change the occupation in a fairly mature age.

People with uranium in Capricorn are distinguished by incredible insight.

In woman

Girl with this astrological aspect - what is she? This is a fairly interesting, but sophisticated personality. It often has good ideas that, when implementing in practice, give fruitful results.

It can also become a political adventurer, an ill-conceived, but very eccentric manager who often faded "between two lights". She challenges well-established authorities, makes public changes, always foreseeing what its efforts will lead to future.

A lady with uranium in Capricorn has an interesting worldview and contributes to a new world order of the future.

As soon as it comes into an adulthood, it can begin to actively conflict with their parents, defending his own point of view. In general, this person is not easy to understand others, because it often behaves unpredictably, unexpectedly. There is a long-term influence of the planet in the natal map.

In a man

In some cases, such an aspect shall forms the extraction of the will at the MS, gives it a contradictory character, thirst for adventure. Another typical trait is the incessant search for a better life.

With favorable aspects, a man has a pronounced entrepreneurial veil, shows courage, determination, above all in life appreciates personal freedom.

Such MCH need a personal space

As a rule, Planet Uranus in the constellation Capricorn makes its owner dependent on erotic, sensual hobbies. At the same time, in all other spheres of life, he, on the contrary, is exploring greater independence, actively fights with the blessing living conditions.

Provides bright freedomiff, to take part in various adventures. Alas, but such representatives of strong gender are usually not too much to a happy family life. They prefer not to associate themselves for a long time for a long time, and some all their lives are proud of the rank of bachelor.

However, the last item can be corrected if they meet the ideal of women. And the main thing is that they have a certain saving place, where from time to time be able to be alone with themselves.

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