What itchies left hand or palm: what promises a sign


Signs and superstitions surround us from their very appearance - since the distant antiquity. Believe in them or not - the person himself should solve here. In any case, at least sometimes, it is worth listening to folk wisdom, because it coped to the centuries to convey the collected knowledge and experience to descendants.

Left hand itches to what? Let's clarify the meaning of this folk signs.

Left Hand Chesd To What

General value Signs

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Traditionally combed left limb foreshadows a significant profit or a lot of luck in life. In order to multiply positive events, you need to scratch your palm, as well as take it a wallet or a piggy bank.

If you have a feeling of itching left hand in the base of the thumb, get ready for serious financial income. And in addition to the desired addition, it is recommended to kiss the thumb.

But not in all cases the scratched left hand is associated with money. For example, if itching is felt from the back of the palm, you will make a significant discovery. The origins of this belief go to the famous Chemist Dmitry Mendeleev.

The fact is that the scientist possessed the habit of soaring the left palm. Most likely, such actions he simply reassured his nervous system, but People's Solve ascribed a deeper value.

What does the left hand draw, the palm in women and men?

As a rule, the value will accept varies for both sexes. A man is a traditional minider who provides financial well-being of the family. Accordingly, all the beliefs concerning the harm of the palms by representatives of strong sex are more connected with material issues.

Therefore, men usually promise money or solving business issues, the opportunity to rise on a career ladder. And if the left limb was worried about the man, it means that he will soon receive a n number of money, plus improves work at work.

The beautiful gender is characterized by a lot of sensitivity, because of what the emotional coloring is inherent in the women. They are mainly told about the relationship with a loved one. And all the fact that men promised finance, is interpreted especially, in female. So, itching the left brush is a female person promises separation from someone close. The person will be forced to leave before it was planned, due to unexpected reasons.

And the lonely young lady signs, on the contrary, promises new romantic relationships.

What does the left palm come about the week?

Perhaps the most important thing that should be done by having experienced a strong itch left hand is to make sure that it is not caused by an insect bite and does not indicate a disease (for example, scabies). If you have dropped all doubts and want to refer to the folk accept, please note that the event happened on what day the week. This will greatly affect the interpretation of the belief.


Monday is considered to be heavy, but not only with this admission. After all, he promises you getting light profits. Just do not invest finances in anything - do not get the desired result. Money as easy to come, so easily and must be spent.

  • The man is the detection of a pleasant find, for example, for a long time forgotten, either receiving an unexpected financial bonus at work;
  • A woman is also not excluded that you get a premium or win the lottery. It is recommended to make a loved one who got a loved one, acquiring what you have long dreamed of, or by going on a journey.


According to beliefs, the second day of the week is the most fruitful. If the left hand was combed now, it is likely that old debt will be returned to you.

  • A man promises an unexpected appearance of the old debtor with a refund of the debit. It is more correct to spend money on your relatives, demonstrating the generosity of the universe, you will start attracting and other cash flows. According to the final, the financial future to promise to become prosperous;
  • A woman's sign also promises a refund of funds, and exactly when they are very necessary. So the highest strength contributes to the implementation of your desires in life.

Itching in the left hand - to the return of debt


Not a very good day that in terms of emotions, that in the affairs of financial. Even receiving light money today, you are unlikely to be satisfied with them. Therefore, it is best to spend them on charity, which will help protect themselves from future trouble.
  • a man - a strong sex representative can take advantage of the cash presentation to equip his home or buy the right things, for example, for fishing;
  • Woman - If today life has pleased you with an additional prize or winnings, apply finance exclusively with good ideas, not seeking to spend everything on yourself.


By Thursday, usually in people who workers in the five-day, the physical and emotional fatigue accumulates, which is badly affected by vigilance. Therefore, quarrels are not excluded, clarifying relationships in an even place. And if unexpected finances are added here, the conflict will delay for a long time. It is better to take their emotions under control and not to pay a negative on others.

  • The man is likely to have to be moderated at work. The main thing is that the quarrel moves to your home;
  • A woman is also the big risks of conflicts with friends or a loved one. Properly put priorities and pay more attention to this, you really need it.


Another difficult day. Be very careful not to miss a gift over in the form of a rather big sum of money, which promises in the literal sense to "fall from the sky." If you do not want to turn away from yourself Fortune, sacrifice some of the money for charity needs.
  • a man - you can invest unexpectedly nigged finances so that they increase in the future;
  • A woman is to spend the gift of fate at its own discretion.


Saturday is light and good afternoon. If you feel itching in the left hand, it means that you will soon be raised by the service, which will be favorable at the income level.

  • The man is to or raise, or the conclusion of a successful deal, which will also be wrapped with a considerable material profit. Be sure to plunge the happening;
  • Woman - did you manage to cope with our working responsibilities? Now enjoy the long-awaited bonus.


Represents another favorable day. And the feeling of itching in the left brush is foreshadowed by obtaining an unexpected, but very pleasant present. The universe wants to demonstrate all their generosity now.
  • A man - a present promises to be quite valuable, thanks to him you can execute the goals without an application of considerable effort;
  • A woman - a luxurious gift will definitely fill with positive emotions, and may even have a fateful meaning.

Itching in the palm of time

Not only the day of the week affects the result of the belief, but also the time of day and night, when there was an unpleasant feeling:

  • Morning clock is foreshadowed by receiving favorable news. And the stronger the smashes were, the better news you get;
  • During the day - get ready for the arrival of guests, or you yourself will be invited to visit;
  • Evening hours - it is worth perceiving such a sign with all seriousness. He tells about the approaching quarrels with relatives, bosses, buddies, and not necessarily on the basis of money. You need to stop accuse other people in your bad luck, do not criticize anyone and spread with old insults. Then the situation is gradually normalized.

Left hand combed

Strengthening action

There is a couple of special rituals designed to further enhance the positive impact of the belief.
  1. The most basic thing is to imagine that your left hand you hold a big pack with large banknotes. Firmly squeeze the imaginary money in the fist, then lower them in your pocket and hold there a little, imaging that they are there and remained lying. Then you can get your hand.
  2. As you should scold the left palm, after which you kiss and put in your pocket. Mentally or loud, say the phrase "to finance in my life! May it be so!"
  3. But what to do if the left hand was combed, and you have no pocket on clothes? Take advantage of it with a handbag or wallet.
  4. Another recommendation - as soon as it felt itching, immediately grab the bill or coin. They should be held for a couple of seconds, after which put back.
  5. It is allowed to smoke the palm of the edge of the table or any red object. After all, the red color is a symbol of wealth. Speak such a conspiracy: "Czech the hand of red, so that it was not in vain."
  6. Hand combed in a public place and you are inconvenient to fully fulfill the specified actions? Then just put the thumbs in your pockets - such a position is called monetary.

How to scratch the left palm?

To accurately ensure good results, you need to quickly scratch your hand. Otherwise, the rapid loss of money, unforeseen expenses, is not excluded.

  1. Cheshite palm is always towards yourself.
  2. You can do it with hand, but more efficiently - bills or wallet. If you hurt your hand on the furniture, soon buy a new wardrobe or wardrobe, about clothes - a lot of new things will appear and so on by analogy.
  3. It is forbidden to hide with a hand of a blank purse. True, according to the second opinion, an empty wallet, on the contrary, "hints" to the highest forces that you need extra money energy. In general, act in your feelings, what option will appear more attractive.
  4. When going to play a lottery and buying a ticket, scratch your palm with a coin.

What else will still tell the itch brush

It happens that the sign changes its value, testifying at all about the profit, but, on the contrary, - about financial spending. For example, the occurrence of unplanned circumstances, which will require the need to spend money. Or you decide to purchase some expensive thing.

There is one important rule of maintaining the balance between financial income and spending - always give money with your left hand, and leaving the right. In advance, practice at home so that there are no difficulty in the store.

There is also an opinion that people often wrapping the left brush from the rear, possess a deductive warehouse of thinking. The appearance of itching in the edge of the edge of the brush advises to show caution, since the raised acts risk hard to embroil you with someone from loved ones.

So interpreted the sign about the items of the left limb. Rely on it either no - they decide here yourself. But do not forget that you yourself create your life with your thoughts, words and actions. Therefore, what to be tiered - then get as a result.

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