Egyptian Cross Ankh with ring upstairs: symbol value


Ancient Egyptian civilization left behind a lot of unsolved secrets, over which scientists are still broken over. One of the riddles is the Egyptian cross Anarkh, which has a top ray forms a loop. My friends recently returned from Egypt and brought with them silver ankh as a souvenir.

I somehow noticed that I stopped feeling fatigue in the evenings. It turns out that this cross gives his owner endurance, fills the energy. Therefore, they always enjoy people practicing magic and fortune telling. In the article, I will share with you information about this mysterious Amulte, who retained its occult influence to this day.

Egyptian cross

Symbol value

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The researchers of ancient symbols agree that the Cross Ankh is a conductor in the other world. This amulet symbolizes eternity and vital energy. The cross reached our days from the depths of centuries. Archaeologists during excavations discover this symbol everywhere: at home utensils, on religious structures, in the system of ancient Egyptian writing.

This cross was depicted in the hands of the ancient Egyptian deities and pharaohs, the paintings can be seen on the walls of the pyramids and all temples.

On a note! In ancient Egypt, the Cross Ankh met everywhere. He helped find the way out of the other world and other measurements of being.

What value for the Egyptians had this symbol? It is believed that he opened the secrets of the other world, which helped improve the earthly life and empowered power. However, only chosen priests knew about the proper use of the cross, for the rest he was a battery of energy and vitality. But this was quite enough for an ordinary person.

The true value of the cross is still covered by a secret, and no researcher could learn about its proper use. Perhaps the mystery died along with the last adept of the ancient Egyptian occult. But there is hope that secret knowledge managed to keep up to this day.

On a note! The owners of the Egyptian Cross assure that it enhances intuitive abilities.

In the ancient culture of Egypt, ANKH symbolized eternal life, and was also associated with respiratory gymnastics, which contributed to an increase in life expectancy. Ancient Egyptian priests assured that the key from the paradise door reminds his shape Cross Ankh.

Modern researchers of heraldic symbols believe that ANKH appeared as a result of the joint of the cross of Osiris and the goddess Isis. Thus, the cross symbolizes the unity of the male and female start. Other opinion: the cross expresses life principle, and an oval is eternity. As a result of the merger of eternity and vital energy, we get immortality.

It is known that the occultity of the ancient Egyptians is based on the search for immortality and eternal life. This is evidenced by the chic tombs of pharaohs and mummified people's bodies. The Egyptians believed in the afterlife and resurrection, and this faith is reflected in the cult of Osiris. Archaeologists found the Cross Ankh and on the bodies of the Mummie: he opened the world of Posterstiya and ruled eternity.

Ankh Egyptian Cross value

Activation of Talisman

The Cross Anarks is the unity of two starts - male and female, since on the representation of the ancient Egyptians the Universe occurred during the merger of God Osiris with his wife's goddess Isida. Male start in magic symbolizes the sun, the female - the moon. In ancient Egypt, it was believed that the best time activation of the AMULET ANCH is a solar eclipse. However, it is possible to sanctify the amulet and at another time, if in the coming months solar eclipse is not supposed.

The ritual of sanctification of the moon and the sun

In a clear lunar night, go out to the open space and raise your hand with a cross above your head. It is necessary that the hiner of Anchkha looks into the sky. Then you should ask the goddess Isido so that she inspiring the streams of life into this product - inspired him. The request can be expressed in your own words, since the first sources of appeal to the goddess have not been preserved.

In the morning, go to the open space and stretch your hand with an amulet to meet the sun. Now you have to ask God Osiris, so that he spiritualized your amulet ankh. The request can be expressed in your own words. After that, the amulet is considered activated and can be used in practitioners. The blessing energy will save for many years.

Do I need to activate a tattoo with ankh cross if it was done in the tattoo salon? No, tattoos spiritive and revitalize meaningless. The force to change has only a metallic Cross Ankh - silver or gold. Although some possessors of the Tattoo in the form of ankha are confident that they have strengthened intuitive abilities and extrasensory abilities began to appear. This is quite possible, and the tattoo could become an incentive for the opening of a hidden gift.

Cross Anh.

Application of the Cross

Nowadays, the Cross Ankh continues to be popular and attracts the close attention of spirituality applicants and the expansion of consciousness. Of course, no one knows the main secret of the use of the Egyptian amulet, but to strengthen the internal energy and the disclosure of creative potential, this amulet is quite useful.

On a note! The Cross Anarks is used to configure during clairvoyance and divination sessions.

The Cross Anarks strengthens intuitive abilities, helps to be tied to a collective unconscious, where there are answers to all questions of interest. It is not necessary to visit the interior of fortunes, you can try to find out the future yourself and penetrate the secrets of the past with this amulet.

What should be a real amulet ANKH? In order for the artifact to benefit, and was not a bass in his hands, it should be cast from metal. Women need to choose a silver artifact (silver - metal moon), men preferred gold - metal of the sun. The amulet must be worn on the chest, it hangs on the leather strap. Use as a carrier chain is categorically impossible: only the skin.

After the acquisition, the amulet must get used to the new owner: put it in a separate box and take it in the evenings. You can mentally talk to the amulet, trying to touch the overall mental wave. Then experts recommend to wear ankh for 2-3 hours a day on his chest. It should not exceed the time of wearing, as the Arum of the Cross can enter the conflict with a man's aura.

How long should I wear ankh on the chest? After a couple of weeks, the energetics of the person will completely fit with the energy of the amulet, all the unpleasant sensations will be held, and the amulet can be used for its intended purpose. After adapting a person to the amulet, ankh can be worn for a long time.

Egyptian Cross Anarks use:

  • during meditation;
  • during the magical rituals;
  • to replenish the energy potential;
  • To increase the inner force.

This amulet is not a priority for any particular sphere of magic art. It is in its essence is neutral, can be used when performing any magical rites.

Disclosure of domestic potential

To reveal the domestic reserves of the body and expand consciousness, you need to use the Cross anark during sleep. To do this, put the amulet on the neck or hold it in your hand (you can put under the pillow) during the waste to sleep. It is during dreams that you can discover the previously unknown horizons of magical practices, the key to which is in the Cross of Ankh.

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