How to call Satan at home to perform the desired


For more than 2000 years, people have been trying to establish contact with Satan to get the desired. It is believed that it was he who can fulfill anyone's desire without restrictions. Adventurers are treated to Satan and just desperate people who have nowhere to go. How to call Satan without sacrifice and what will be the consequences of such contact?

The son of my girlfriend was addressed to the ritual of calling the devil, and smoothly in their family in their family there was a terrible tragedy. However, hazard warnings are not enough people, and they continue to experience fate by calling for help to Satan. Today I want to share one challenge ritual, which is the least dangerous for the calling.

How to call Satan

Call Satan without sacrifice

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At all times, when referring to the forces of Darkness, bloody sacrifices brought. This custom is associated with precaution: the victims were substantive, that is, instead of who committed a call. And why in our days you can make a ritual call to Satan without sacrifice? Because a sacrifice is sacrificed to the soul of one who appeals to the devil for help. We still wrote about it in his drama "Faust".

What can Satan help:

  • love;
  • money;
  • wealth;
  • fame and glory;
  • Destruction of enemies.

For Satan there is no barriers, because it is considered to be the prince of this world. This entity can all that only in the power to imagine a person. However, the fee for such a service will be the life of a person, his soul. Moreover, a person who applied for help to Satan will not be long. He will leave the world as a result of an accident, illness or natural disaster. This will be a victim in paying the magic ritual.

Therefore, I strongly advise not to make a challenge of Satan for the sake of interest, so that then boast of friends: too expensive the price will have to pay for a banal boasting. Also, I do not advise you to contact the devil for the sake of the guise of a young man or a girl: Passia can instantly bundle, but pay for the spell will have their own health, and even life.

If you are told that in the payment of the ritual Satan you can bring expensive wine and food, then you should not believe in such words. Such sacrifices are practiced when contacting gods or spirits, but not to the prince of this world.

How to cause devil

Conducting ritual

It is necessary to prepare for the challenge of the Satanic essence, it is necessary, it is impossible to spend the ritual spontaneously and hoping on maybe.

Preparation for the ritual:

  • white chalks;
  • 13 black candles;
  • Mirror of medium size;
  • black fabric near meter;
  • high-quality paper sheet;
  • New handle, preferably feathers, with black ink;
  • Red satin tape or braid;
  • New blade or sharp knife.

It is necessary to spend the ritual after sunset, tightly closing the door to the key. No one should interfere with you, and from the room you should remove all pets. Also in the room there should be no church attributes, since the prince of Darkness simply will not be able to respond to the call. Calculating preparation for the call is impossible and without cleansing thoughts from household problems and conversion: you need to focus on the call object.

On a note! When preparing to call the devil, do not forget to curtain the curtains and turn off the electrical lighting.

Draw on the floor an inverted pentagram using purchased specifically for the ritual chalk. Around the pentagram outline the circle and put on its perimeter 13 black candles in the candlesticks. Put the mirror behind the circle so that you have seen your reflection in it. Ignoring one after another candle (moving counterclockwise), read the words of the call:

About the great prince of this world, I urge you. Appear to me, Prince Darkness, and fulfill my request.

This appeal should be repeated three times, looking into the mirror. Stand up opposite the mirror without entering the circle, and carefully watch what is happening in the center of the circle. After a while, there will be some kind of cycle of energy, sometimes it has a completely tangible form. However, the shape of the Satan's phenomenon does not always coincide, he can submit a sign of its presence:

  • odor;
  • shadow;
  • sounds;
  • silhouette.

As soon as you saw or felt the sign of arrival of Satan, you can start a dialogue.

Important! Whatever happens, do not cross the borders of the Pentagram circle. This is dangerous.

Now you can start signing the contract. Take a sheet of paper and handle. Write your desire on the sheet, the terms and name of the contract and your name. The text of the contract may look like this:

I, (FULL NAME), I wish to become rich and known in the near future (specify the time). In return, I give my immortal soul to the full ownership of the devil after 10 (15, 20, etc.).

Text content can be any. The main thing is to specify three items:

  1. Actually desire;
  2. the condition of completion of desire;
  3. Life life.

In order for the deal to be realized, you need to finish the contract with its blood. Cut palm or finger blade to get some blood. Roll the sheet into the tube and tie the red ribbon. Your contract with Satan is concluded, now it needs to be reliably hidden.

Completion of ritual

How to understand that the devil approved your contract and is ready to execute the desired one? Satan must sign a sign:

  • sharp smell of sulfur;
  • Breaking breeze;
  • Changing the shape of a flame of candles;
  • Strange glow in a circle.

Candles can either bother with a bright flame, or completely fierce. It is impossible to predict a sign from Satan in advance, just rely on your intuition and carefully notify any changes in the environment.

If you have not noticed anything, it means that Satan did not accept your offer and the deal did not take place. Nevertheless, you should complete the ritual and release the essence of the ravis - to the hell abbess. For this, in your own words, thank the devil for the visit and tell me: "I'm brought to hell." It is impossible to say the word "thank you", as it means "save God." For thanks, the devil can punish you strongly.

After that, hover the candles clockwise and erase the circle (also moving along the clockwise arrow). Cut the mirror with black cloth and hide. Liquid all the traces of the ritual, do a good room.

Poor well-being after calling naturally. This suggests that you really in contact with the devil himself. How long will the alert and a sense of breakdown? Everyone occurs in different ways, there is no single standard.

Call on Latin

Satan perfectly understands any language in which people communicate. But the most effective is the appeal to Latin, which sounds like this:

Call Satan

Repeat the words of the call until you feel the otherworldly activity and explicit signs of presence. The call must be carried out while in the pentagram (draw in chalk on the floor or make a pentacle of black tissue). If you become terribly or very scary, just tell us three times: "I'm brought to hell!".

How to call on Satan


As already known, the soul of man becomes paid for the execution of the desire. And what she is pretty, the more likely to get the desired. On sinners, the devil does not pay little attention and may not respond at all. If Satan responded and concluded a deal with you, then the service life will expire at the time that will be listed in the contract.

But that is not all. Having fulfilled the assistant, the devil will spoil you life. He will destroy step by step a health, take a good luck and so on. Suppose we giving you wealth, he will take away the happiness in his personal life: you will be alone and unloved.

The consequences of appeal to Satan:

  • family destruction;
  • death of dear people;
  • severe painful disease;
  • thrust for alcohol, drugs;
  • persecution of failures;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • soul emptiness;
  • death.

The cost of execution of one desire will be the total destruction of life. It is worth it or not - to solve you.

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