Title on the window: signs for good or loud


Sometimes poultry in search of food sit on the balcony or windowsill, especially in winter. However, popular beliefs are associated with the tit, because they are considered to be vazis: bring good or bad news.

To us the tit window was told by the beak before moving to another city, and our neighbors brought a warning about the death of her grandmother. But most people simply leave on the windowsill in birds for birds, so they are often visiting them. What does the cinema mean on the window: sign to thin or good? I want to share this information with you in the article.

Tiny on the window

Meaning Signs

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Birds every day are forced to look for food, so they are attracted by the houses of people. However, not everything is so simple with the tit, therefore human observation tied a person's visit to some signs. But for the correct interpretation, the signs must be taken into account the details:

  • flew to the balcony;
  • flew into the room;
  • knocks the beak in the window;
  • Sits on the windowsill.

Many people are afraid of a tit visit or other birds if they fly into the house through the window. And this superstition is an explanation. Our ancestors believed that in the bird body there is a soul of the deceased, and the windows always symbolized the transition to another world (the world of the dead). Therefore, if the cinema flew through the window, it was considered an omens to the death of the roof: the custom of opening the doors of the manifestation until the day of the funeral remained to the present day.

But the behavior of the siny has a different explanation, quite pragmatic:

  • Food search;
  • Search heat;
  • Salvation from the predatory enemy.

In winter, the cinema is looking for food, and from the windows so tasty smells of food. Therefore, they fly on the smell, especially since the windows still proceeds with a warm wave - heat. Salvation from a dangerous predator also leads a cinema to human housing. Therefore, it is worth considering the visit of the Winter Guest and in this sense too. In any case, the interpretation of the Pernata's visit will depend on your inner sensation.

Snacking the cinema looks into the window

A knock in the window

However, if the tit is sat down on the window and knocks in glass with a key, then on many people such behavior has a shocking effect. It is unlikely that the bird simply decided to play and causes you to ring with a beak knock. The folk tradition interprets similar behavior by the feathers as follows:
  • Soon there will be a meeting with those who have not seen anyone;
  • A young girl will meet her future spouse and meet him;
  • Someone died in your relative: living far relative.

However, there is a simpler explanation of such a bird behavior: if it knocks on the window in cloudy weather, then the message will be bad. Respectively, If the pan is knocking on a clear ride day, she brought good and pleasant to behave.

People with an atheistic worldview are confident that the cinema knocks on the window for one reason - asks people with bread crumbs or a piece of Sala.

Tit on the balcony

If the pennate guest flew to the balcony, it will soon be changed in life. Optimistically configured people believe that these changes will bring benefit. With pessimists, the opposite is true: they are confident that the pennate guest brought the news of a serious disease in the family. Who to believe?

If you listen to the advice of psychologists and neurobiologists, then a person with brain vibrations creates certain situations in their lives. Therefore, it is worth thinking in a positive way to attract pleasant changes in your life. And if you like to hurt, then think about illnesses: it all depends on the choice of a particular person.

And the tit is concerned about the search for bread crumbs or grains, so it will fly to a balcony to a person. If you do not want to see feathered guests on your balcony, make a feeder and constantly replenish it with reserves of crumbs and grains. Then the cinemas would not be disturbed for sure.

Titched on the window

Tit on the windowsill

Tit on the window: This came to us from the depths of centuries. Most Russian people immediately begin to worry and worry, as if the Herald of death came to the house. The idea that the bird sat on the windowsill would simply warm up, does not suit: certainly you need to find the sacred meaning of this action.

On a note! If the cinema is noticed to the windowsill and looks towards the street, then she just decided to warm up the streams of warm air. Do not give this value.

Sacred meaning appears only when the bird begins to look into the window. Some interpreters believe that soon the family will incur a serious material loss. However, if the pan jumps fun on the windowsill and sometimes turns his head towards the window, you are waiting for pleasant changes.

Take a look at the actions of the Pernaya Guest: if it is very actively jumping on the windowsill, then brought to lead about the arrival of guests. You can begin preparations for a meeting of relatives or close familiar.

A good omen is considered to be a sign: the cinema looks into the window and publishes a whistle sounds. She brought a happy change to your life, or rather, warns about it.

Esoterics believe that the sinitsa more often bring positive news than sad news. Therefore, you should not fall into panic at the sight of a small bird that comes to your window. Just analyze the situation calmly and thoughtfully, trying to find a very earthly explanation of bird actions.

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