Golden Wedding - How many years of life and how old are other weddings


Wedding is the most important date in the life of each pair. And annually it is customary to celebrate. It is distinguished by its name, rites and traditions. If you are interested to know: "Golden wedding, how many years old and what else are anniversary?", Then read the next article.

Where does tradition come from

Residents of the eastern states (subway and the country of the Rising Sun), ancient times celebrated the anniversary of weddings, pushing out from the principles of numerology. According to the ancient doctrine of figures, there are favorable and unfavorable anniversaries.

Wedding anniversary: ​​what wedding how old

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For example, numerology says that the dates that are more than four must be loudly celebrated by convening many guests. But anniversaries are eleven, twenty-two and thirty-three years of family life, the spouses are celebrated in society exclusively friend friend.

When what kind of wedding?

Green Wedding It is referred to as the record of marriage. It is associated with mygt leaves, which are decorated with a wedding crown.

Sitseva wedding Call the first year of married. This name has a special symbolism and ambiguity. So, according to one sources, in the first 12 months of marriage, the relationship of loved similar to the thinnest fabric is a sense.

The new husband and his wife only managed to know each other better, the relationship between them is still very continuing, as if "sitsevaya". And in the simpler, the name of the "Citz Wedding" was explained to a little differently: in the first year of joint residence, newlyweds show increased activity in bed, because of which the terminal linen (and before it was from this material that the bed linen was made) quickly wear out.

On the day of the Citz Wedding, it should be presented to each other as a gift handkerchief from Citz. Also meets the name of 1 anniversary - cotton, because their life has already managed to fill the daily routine.

You still need this date to open a bottle of champagne prepared in advance. And on the celebration of convening witnesses, the best friends and parents of the couple.

Paper Master a two-year anniversary. Albums, notebooks and books on the subject of art are presented from traditional gifts.

Leather wedding The third anniversary of the marriage is called.

Linen Wedding - How many years? 4 years of married.

Wooden Call five years of collaboration in marriage. Husband with his wife must make each other gifts in the form of wooden items.

Cast iron wedding - How many years? 6 years in the marriage union.

And zinc date celebrate 6 years later and 6 months after marriage. This symbolism is traced here: the marriage union is similar to galvanized ass, which must periodically come up to shine.

date copper anniversary - seven years. It should be exchanged with copper coins that symbolize happy events in the coming.

Tin Wedding , How many years? Eight years of married life. This date makes a present in the form of household items with glossy glitter, for example, molds for baking cupcakes. In more rare cases, the joint eight year call Bed wedding . Then a new bed is purchased, symbolizing the dwelling update.

Entitled Fayansova It is known nineth anniversary of marriage. You should purchase faience dishes and crystal products.

Tin (either pink) Anniversary number 10 years of marriage. His celebration should be stormy - with guests, former witnesses. Tin - plastic, soft material, but at the same time manifesting high hardness.

Gift for tin wedding

From the presents to the 10th anniversary are tin products. Also, the husband presents 11 roses to his wife: 10 of them are red - symbolize love in a pair, and 1 white - personifies hope for the next 10 joint years.

Steel Marriage is called eleven years old. Steel products and electric tools are suitable as gifts.

Nickel wedding They ordered twelve and a half years of marriage.

Lrangessheva (lace) The date is considered to be thirteen years.

Under Agate wedding Meaning fourteen years of marriage. Spouses please one other agate products.

Glass (otherwise crystal) The anniversary is celebrated after 15 years of living together. By tradition, it is necessary to present glass things, so that the relationship in a pair has become clean like a breakdown.

Turquoise Master the eighteenth anniversary of marriage.

Porcelain The joint twentieth anniversary of the marital life is called. Cover a festive table, be sure to buy a new porcelain service - the symbol that outdated sets are no longer needed.

Opal wedding Named twenty-one year together.

Bronze anniversary - Twenty-two years.

Berylova - twenty-three years.

Satin wedding Understand as 24 years old.

Silver wedding Considered twenty-five years in the legitimate union. This is the first wedding anniversary that should be noted as follows. Spouses please each other with gifts in the form of silver rings.

Silver rings for silver wedding

Pearl wedding - How old is it? The thirtieth anniversary of the marriage. This anniversary is similar to a pearl necklace, in which each of the years lived with each other.

Coral Wedding - How many years? 35 years together. Her symbol is a fire-red ruby.

Aluminum date Replaced 37.5 years. This is a very long and durable love alliance.

Mercury wedding Named 38 years.

Rubinova - 40 years.

Sapphire Wedding - How many years? 45 years, as spouses made marriage. For the 45th anniversary of the tradition, you need to give each other jewelry (rings) with sapphire inserts.

Golden Wedding - How many years of living life? Half a century, or fifty years. Gold - acts as an personification of what was achieved with difficult labor. If people managed to live together half a century, then they managed to prove that they love, respect and appreciate each other.

And in order to once again confirm such warm feelings, the anniversary of the golden marriage is given decorations from a similar material. And the old hesitated grandchildren as family relics.

Many guests are convened on the Golden Anniversary - mostly relatives. And those must pretend to spouses golden products or things having gilt.

Emerald Master fifty five years in marriage.

Diamond Call an anniversary of sixty years. It is believed that no one will be able to terminate such an alliance except death.

Iron Wedding implies sixty five years together.

Stone Master sixty-five and a half years spent in the marriage union.

A Gracious Wedding - It is seventy years from the date of marriage.

Holy Wedding Queen Elizabeth II and Philip

Crown Call an anniversary of 75 years together.

Oak wedding Find like 80 years of marriage.

Granite It is customary to call 90 years spent in marriage.

Platinum (otherwise red) call the most honored anniversary of the joint marriage - century. Unfortunately, not everyone can do to such an honorable age. Although, of course, there are exceptions to the rules.

For example, spouses Agayev, who spent their entire lives in a village, located high in the mountains in the Lerik district (Azerbaijan), are the record holders for long-term marital relations.

The platinum wedding overtook them when Niftula Agayev's husband noted 126 years old, and the spouse - the Babeim Agayev - 116 years old.

How to celebrate the dates of weddings in different states?

Having understood what anniversary when notes, we will turn to the review of the traditions of the celebration in different countries of the world.


Great-age spouses who marked the 50-year-old joint experience will not be congratulated by someone, and the monarch of the country itself! And to get the congratulations they will be every five years and later.

This tradition was introduced since 1917, when the monarch began to sign postcards with congratulations to the anniversaries. And those are sent in festive envelopes by mail.

Of course, you will first work to work relatives - they should write a letter about their relatives and send it to the Buckingham Palace.


In the United States, a similar custom was introduced since 1950. He is known under the list of anniversary. But unlike the Slavic countries, here every year of the joint marriage implies not certain wedding symbols, but is called preferred gifts that "newlyweds" would like to get.

Russian Federation

The custom of the rapid celebration of the anniversary anniversary of weddings is becoming popular since the end of the 19th century. In the future, tradition extends largely in the late 80s. At the time of the Soviet Union, those who noted the 25th, 50s and 65th anniversary of the marriage was made to congratulate the registry offices.

Today, if the spouses or their relatives express a desire, realistically hold the same ceremony in almost any of the wedding palaces. In addition, there are vintage rituals that have come down to this day, such as the "Recycling of the shawl" for the Sitz wedding or the landing of a "family seedling" to the wooden anniversary.

At the same time, every anniversary is celebrated as a mini-wedding: the guests also convene, give gifts, arrange a celebration with congratulations, rites and competitions.

Where to specifically celebrate a memorable date? It greatly affects how many years have passed from the conclusion of marriage:

  • For example, 5 years - a wooden wedding is celebrated on the lap of nature or go to the restaurant;
  • Pearl anniversary - noted in water bodies;
  • But the golden wedding must be carried out in the same way as the real wedding ceremony took place.

Festive presents

The spouses are made to delight products from the material called the anniversary. For example, decorations, household subjects, interior, and so on.

Sometimes the presents are selected, pushing away from the associations with the symbolism of marriage anniversary. For example, the "cast-iron" wedding is associated not just with the metal itself, but also with home comfort. Therefore, a wonderful gift appliances for home.

Now you know when you celebrate what of the wedding anniversary and what gifts to the spouses need to please each other. Finally, I propose a thematic video:

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