Female Fish and Male Aries - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Fish is a very romantic and wounded sign, Aries - assertive and decisive. Can these two completely different in the temperament of the representative of the stars create a pair? We will talk about the relationship of a couple of female fish and man-Aries. We learn whether representatives of stars in love, sex and marriage are compatible.

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Women-Fish Character

Star sign representatives are romantic and sensual nature. Fishes need to be loved and daily argued. In response, the woman is able to give her loving chosen one to her loved chosen care and loyal love.

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Thickening and some tendency to depression are a distinctive feature of fish. Often, women themselves come up with problems for themselves, and then worry. Next to the woman-fish should be a brave and decisive chosen one who can help her at any moment and in moral, and in material plan.

Fishes are important to be in the spotlight. In the nature of women there is sentimentality, dreaminess, sensuality. It is easiest to offend fish, but they will never take revenge offenders, but simply fall into depression and will worry for a long time.

Fish woman is usually a lot of fans. Men attracts defenseless ladies, which always want to defend. But the fish carefully approach the choice of a partner, they will never "throw in the outer head." Female female prefers to see the responsible and decisive man next to him, but her dreams do not always come true.

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Character of man-Aries

Representatives of Aries moving and active people. Men-Aries love to achieve their goals, while doing it with all sorts of ways. It is impossible to stop or convincing the Aries, this zodiac representative is very stubborn and even a little selfish.

A man-Aries does not like to miss. If a passive mood is visited, he will definitely come up with something unusual that he will cheer. Such men always have a lot of ideas, they are interested in communicating with them, but a relationship with a fan is difficult.

In a quarrel and dispute of Aries are terrible. If something does not happen by his plan or someone tries to convince him, he can be reduced to an opponent or even apply physical strength.

For the sake of its chosen, Aries is ready to go on a lot. It can make heroic actions, but the purpose of this action is to show the surrounding what it is bold and strong.

For a man-Aries very important feelings. He is able to sincerely love, and then for his lady he will do everything impossible. If the feelings of the Aries are dried, it will immediately affect the relationship.

Love and relations

The relationship between a fish woman and a man-Aries promise to become interesting, passionate and saturated. Partners are completely different characters, but it is precisely them and attracts them to each other. Aries is important to rule and dominate, and the fish are not averse to subtractive to their strong and bold chosen one.

There are also quarrels between lovers, and their reason is too different characters. In solving cases, Aries will always act as soon as quickly. It is important to fish first to think carefully, and then act. Scandals can be avoided if you entrust the decision of the pressing problems to one of their partners.

Despite the fact that conflicts between partners will occur constantly, fish and Aries are able to build enough strong and prolonged relationships. It is periodic quarrels and will bring together lovers, they will serve as a kind of entertainment.

Love relations between a fish woman and a man-Aries are an example of a harmonious union, where the role of women perform dreamy and calm fish, and the role of men is confident and active Aries.

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Sexual compatibility

Intimate relationships between a fish woman and a man-Aries will be bright and rich. Partners associate passion and unusual attraction to each other. Aries in sex will act as the initiator, and the fish will take the role of a subordinate. All that wishes Aries, fish will be happy to perform.

Romantic woman's nature is very attracted by Aries. She is able to relax their partner so much that he will receive perfect satisfaction and relaxation from sex.

Family and marriage

Family relations among representatives of the zodiac can be perfect, but for this someone from partners will have to constantly make concessions.

Fish female can often forget about the farm, preferring all day to spend in dreams of pressing. Aries, who will return home from work, do not really like that the dining table is not covered, and in the house is not caught. On the background of such displeasure, ambitious scandals are possible.

Marriage between authentic and fish will be long. A man-Aries is not ready to let go from himself a woman he chose to his wife, and fishes really like it when they value.

In general, marriage between representatives of stars polliness. To complete mutual understanding, they will go for several years. But then, when the spouses already appear grandchildren, they will understand that they are ideal for each other in all positions.

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Pros and cons couple

Different temperaments from representatives of stars can be both a plus and minus. If partners know how to find a compromise in difficult situations, then the marriage, where the husband is Aries, and the wife - fish will become perfect.


  • mutual understanding of partners;
  • The skill of fish to obey the active nature of the Aries;
  • Romantic fish.


  • frequent scandals;
  • Different opinions on some things and life situations.

How to fall in love with a man-Aries?

For a man-Aries is very important exterior beauty in a woman. It is attracted by spectacular and stylish ladies who have no complexes. Activity in a woman is also important for Aries, but for marriage he can choose a modest.

Never attract the Aries women who turned their lives in the routine. If he sees that the woman is all laid out on the shelves, it will be trying more from her to hide.

Aries is important to be in their eyes and in the eyes of the surrounding brave, self-confident and strong. If a woman undermines his authority to his behavior, then any relations with it cannot be speech.

Prefers Aries to see the fonding nature next to him, which can support him in any situation. If a woman will sometimes still flatter the Aries, then it will be a huge advantage for the relationship.

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Friendship compatibility

Friendly relationship between fish and authentic will become strong if Aries will take the position of the leader, and the fish will be in the shade of their friend. Aries will always perform the initiator of ideas, and the fish are not averse to occupy the position of the subordinate. For both representatives of the stars, such a kind of friendship is ideal.

If the problem occurs, the fish, as a rule, fall into depression and begin to panic. But the Aries in such situations is always determined, he is able to "destroy" the essence of the problem in a couple of minutes. It is a similar difference in characters and will bring friends.

At the same time, female fish are able to soften the energetic and aggressiveness of the Aries. This is very relevant in solving material problems. Collect the representatives of stars and common interests, fish and hairdies are very fun to spend time together and easily communicate absolutely on any topics.

Compatibility in work

Business relations between representatives of stars will be very productive. Aries can quickly solve affairs, fish know how to build a "way" to come to the right solution. Tandem colleagues promises significant financial arrivals that will pay employers for high-quality work.


  • Relationships of female fish and men-Aries can become perfect and easy if partners try to take into account each other's desires.
  • In marriage, a leading position occupies Aries, and fish become subordinates.

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