Female Fish and Cancer - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Beautiful and loyal female fish and persistent and reliable male crayfish are created for each other. They have a lot in common in characters and the same vitality, it is not at all surprising, because both signs belong to the water element. In this article, I will tell you how the relationship between this pair will develop in various spheres of life.

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Love and relations

Such a couple love occurs at first glance, they do not need a period of addiction. They with half a favor understand each other. Both dreamers and romance, they have similar temperaments and many joint plans and ideas.

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They have perfect spiritual compatibility and mutual understanding, it helps to overcome any difficulties in life. They are never bored together, and if all the topics for conversations are exhausted, then even silent them together comfortably.

The key to the durability of this family union is the ability to support each other and console in a difficult moment. If there are disagreements on any question, it is recommended to discuss them, do not close it in yourself and not to silence offenses.

Sexual compatibility

Sexual relations of this pair are always distinguished by variety and unusual fantasies. Both partners from the very beginning understand and feel each other. In intimate relations, a male cancer occupies a major role, he reacts instantly to the slightest wishes of the beloved woman. Sex from this pair turns into a solid ocean of pleasure.

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Family and marriage

During the first meeting, these signs appear the feeling that they know each other for a long time. Between them there is an insurmountable force of attraction. They have similar views on life and even the same habits, it greatly facilitates mutual understanding.

Both signs dream of creating a family in which you see a reliable stronghold and pier. Often these people conclude a marriage union at an early age, and then they understand that they need a stronger and adult partner. If such a couple marries in a mature age, then the chances of strong and durable relationships increase.

These spouses are wonderful parents. Children in such a family grow in psychological and material comfort. Parents in every way contribute to the versatile development of children, are a reliable support and protection for them.

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Pros and cons couple

In the relationship of this couple reigns tenderness and love. They are equally romantic and sentimental, love home and even a guest hold together. Next to such an ideal woman, loving cancer and thoughts do not admire about the campaigns.

In this pair, leadership belongs to cancer. Female fish with flexibility subordinate to the spouse, consults with him in everything. Next to her, he turns into an exemplary family man. He has a complex, but hard character, and he is able to save family values.

Of the disadvantages of the Union, it is possible to note the symptoms inherent in both signs. With a bad arrangement of the Spirit, they can offend each other, and then for a long time not to forget the insults.

The man-cancer has another bad feature - he is very jealous of his spouse not only to other men, but also to work, to hobbies and even to dreams. He wants his beloved woman to fit only him.

There is another danger of this marriage - when the family atmosphere becomes more complicated, there is a possibility of both spouses to add to alcohol.

How to fall in love with a cancer

  • Men of this sign love economic and reasonable women with a calm temper and exquisite manners.
  • Cancers appreciate beauty in everything, so your appearance should be flawless. They appreciate the sophistication and refinement of the image.
  • Men water elements attract lean and skillful women who are capable of cooking and beautifully towed to the table.
  • Cancers simply adore when they admire them, and do not tolerate when they are enthusiastic in their presence.
  • Cancers can not tolerate noisy women who have a habit of talking loudly and laugh in the presence of other people.

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Tips for growing marriage

  • From the very beginning of the relationship, it is necessary to determine the boundaries of the permitted and expand the priorities, to determine the common goals and try to make steps daily to promote.
  • Male cancer should hold their sharp tongue so as not to offend an easily expanding female fish. She will soon forget the resentment, but the expensive heart of people should be preserved.
  • The problems that arose problems must be immediately discussed, not to hump.
  • Sexy life is desirable to constantly diversify. Fish female will only be glad, and bright sexual impressions are very strengthened by marriage.
  • Cancer should control their constantly changing emotions, they can bother partner.
  • It is not worth notifying a woman fish with his jealousy to everything in a row. One day, she can get bored with her hard control.
  • Unjust comments and the lack of respectful relationship will lead to the fact that the female fish can leave the family.
  • Fish female is superimensive and can fall into a stupor from resentment. We must try to return it to reality with a delicate conversation.

Friendship compatibility

Theoretically, this pair is possible strong and durable friendship. But cancer never leads friendship with women, he perceives them exclusively as a sexy object. This is especially true of such an attractive woman, what kind of female female is for him. He can be friends with her if it acts as a relative.

Female female also does not perceive a male cancer as a friend. In such an attractive man, she will certainly fall in love. Attraction to each other among representatives of these signs is so great that spouses need to be attentive if someone from among the seductors arose in the field of view of their halves.

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Compatibility in work

Fish woman and male cancer can have a good union in the work. In this pair there will be no desire for risk and azart, they will interfere with excessive emotionality, but with competent leadership these nuances will not be noticeable.

Difficulties may begin if the female fish occupies an entry position, and the man-cancer is in her submission. If a woman is incomprehensible to him, he may not perceive her leadership, weave intrigue in order to enjoy the boss. If she is nice to him, then their relationship is normal.

When a man-cancer is a leader, and female fish is in his subordination, the relationship is more successful, especially in the case of personal compatibility.


A couple of female fish and man-cancer simply created for a happy life together:

  1. At the beginning of the relationship between them, love and passion immediately flashes. They both dream of creating a family and are seriously suitable for relationships.
  2. In marriage, they always create a harmonious pair. According to statistics, the pair with such a combination of the signs of the zodiac is very rarely diverged.
  3. Sexual compatibility of this pair is at the highest level. They do not even need unnecessary words.
  4. Friendship between these signs is usually quite strong and durable, but provided that this couple is relatives.
  5. At work, such a couple can achieve joint success, but the result will be better when they are in an equal position.

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