Nabi Slavs: Ancient magic in modern life, scheme


Slavic Nazi is an ancient method for changing his life for the better. He was very popular with our ancestors of Slavs. Weaving of novius - art is not complicated, but still you need to know the main rules, so that the nodules are filled with magical strength and began to work.

Nature magic of NAI

What are the NABIs?

Nabis are the Verses of the Slavic champs in the form of a thread, rope, leather lace or a chain with nodules suspended on it or a bags with content.

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In appearance, Naoup is very similar to bracelets with various suspensions varying by mood. But the content of the bag and the nodule is changing, not under the influence of mental impulses, but on the basis of life circumstances.

Magic nodules have the following functions:

  • protective;
  • supporting;
  • Help to embody desire in life.

Filling the bag can be selected by the person himself. As a rule, as a "filling" use:

  • ritual figures, animals;
  • seeds;
  • dried roots or flowers;
  • precious or semi-precious minerals;
  • different metals;
  • Tree plates on which sacred symbols are applied;
  • pieces of paper;
  • Particles of living beings (wings of volatile mice, claws of a dog, snake skull and others).

You can use other objects, everything depends on your imagination. After all, our ancestors believed that any thing can be turned into an overwhelming thing. In this case, the components of the bags and nodules change on the basis of your situation:

  1. For example, in case of illness, the bags are filled with symbols of health and longevity, healing herbs, crystals that are designed to pick up diseases.
  2. When a woman could not conceive a toddler for a long time, she needed to create a traditional option: fill the bag with dry riding flowers, wheat spikelets, including the symbolism of the Divine Lada. Created by Nappa helped soon know the joy of motherhood.

Previously, the nazi was enjoying great popularity - they were made to wear all categories of the population. With Christianization of Russia, this tradition went into oblivion.

Proper creation of novice

Unfortunately, not so many weaving methods have come to this day due to christian persecution. But some of the knowledge still, fortunately, preserved. Therefore, if you want to practice a novel magic personally, read first with general recommendations.

NAI - Ancient Alers in the form of a node.

  • Do not combine at the same time more than three types of plants or other components.
  • Also, do not care all of the novel talismans at once - use the one that you need the most in this situation.
  • It is advisable to stop your choice on natural materials. The fact is that they are filled with the energy of nature, in contrast to synthetic. It is also allowed to create a novie, where ribbons, rings, threads, dried plants and hair are taken as the basis.
  • Periodically, the talismans should receive "charging" - under sunny or lunar rays (depending on their specificity). For example, for money trees, the energy of the daylight will suit, and the nappiest themes or to increase its attractiveness is charged with the energy of the moon.
  • Just the perfect option, if you can choose a place of force to create a novius or simply be at this time in nature. Use your capabilities to the maximum - if there is only a cottage plot, then go beyond the city, it is better than creating a mascot in the apartment.
  • It is important that in the process you did not bother you.
  • The text of the conspiracy is either the words from themselves should be pronounced without a mark, as soon as you started to create a node and until the completion of the work.

Thanks to the successfully mastered technique for creating a novius, it is realistic to improve health, protect against the evil eye, negative, attract happiness, finance and love in your life.

Varieties of noviov

Now you will get acquainted with the views of the magic nodules and their description.

Money NAUs

Perhaps even daily execution. For example, when you say on the neck of the handkerchief or tie, say the text of positive affirmations, like this:

"I am rich in my home always profit, I have enough money for all my needs."

It would seem that the action is elementary, but this is the option of the simplest launch for money. The main thing is that you are in a raised mood. Get rid of bad thoughts about poverty, lack of money and, of course, defend unconditionally to the result!

If you wish, you can use a complicated option that will help attract money will increase profits from business. This navigation is called "Financial Tree". In fact, it acts as a node formed by three more nodules of equal size, similar to the tree.

Material for "Money Tree" - Green Thread. Performance time is a growing moon. The finished talisman can be placed next to the workplace or in another corner of the house. If you want it to attract abundance threads in the dwelling, hang it on the front door.

When the "tree" is created, they say these words of writings:

"Grow money. Make money. Adjust money. Me (name) robe, come to me. May it be so!"

The action of the symbol is enhanced by figures. For example, if the profit is associated with a good harvest, make a sickle figurine. Is lucky to income? The image of the horseshoe! And in order to further increase strength, apply Bergamot essential oil, which lubricate Naia.

Perhaps someone's weaving complex nodes are given with great difficulty. Then you should stop the choice on the simplified version. But do not forget, of course, that, wishing to have something, you need to do something.

When the moon enter the phase of growth, the candle is acquired by a green color, it is impossible to bargain. The house is lit, the motok of natural threads of the same shade is taken, nine equal parts are cut off. All of them are connected, of which the rope is created. In this case, words are screwed

"Nine roads, nine ways will come to me what I wish, copper pines, silver rubles, gold worms, bonds on paper significant, signatures and prints indicated."

On the rope, make nine nodules of any size. During each tying, read the text:

"I faste this node everything in one, my will, my passion, my monetary power."

The place of storage of cash talismans is a house, although you can place them at work. And if they turned out miniature, put them in our purse.

Nappa money tree

Love Naudes

Slavic girls since ancient times turned their hair in pigtails. They enjoy popular today. But not everyone knows that braids also perform versions of simple noviov.

When a girl turns a braid, she should think about his innermost desire, be it love or an increase in external attractiveness.

And if the relationship is already there, but they lack the "heat", Nava "Passion Knot" will come to the rescue. With it, the emotional and physical components of the couples are enhanced.

And thanks to the naulus "Lubbits", love is like a hot flame. Another good option is the knot of "flaming hearts". For its manufacture, the following conspiracy is suitable:

"Knot, strengthen the Union. Mount there are no love bonds! "

The mascot is drawn up and as a key chain, and like any other decoration. The weaving of love nodes is carried out exclusively on the growing phase of the moon.

Magic knots for each day

In life, there are often many annoying incidents, which cause anger, irritation and other negative emotion palette. To cope with them will help NAZA for every day. Usually they rub in red threads.

The popular option is a thread of desires when one desire is made to each nodule. Then, unleash the nodules one by one when the desired became real. It is also permissible to tie an odd number of bulbs, implying one, but an important goal.

Conscription for such nodes will think of yourself. Something like:

"Let the nodule won't allow stress to master me."

In conclusion

  • NAI is the magic nodules that help to fulfill different desires (health, money, love, etc.)
  • For each talisman, they count.
  • Observe the basic recommendations for the creation of novice.

Finally, the video of the Slavic magic of the nodules with their own hands schemes:

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