Woman Scales and Male-Sagittarius - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


With any scenario, they will become an ideal pair. Romantic scales will constantly hope for the best, forgiving his beloved small germs, and Optimist-Sagittarius - to see only good on his chosen. When these two together, all friends and relatives call their family ideal, putting them as an example with their children with the words: "That's how to love."

Woman Scales and Male-Sagittarius - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3766_1

Love and relations

Starting to meet, these two quickly understand that there is a lot of common between them. First, the scales, and the Sagittarius are able to love the person who visited the whole soul. And secondly, both adore new impressions, so we will be happy to go for adventures.

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In most cases, the routes pave a more decisive shooter. At the same time, the "soul" of their relationship will be quiet and right scales.

That is, in this indicative pair, everything "as in the textbook": he is a strong, confident in himself and even a little daring, she is stable and calm.

Sexual compatibility

Element of weights - air, so it is not surprising that this cute woman will not be on the first date to drag a loved one in bed. No, she will be tender, innocent ... and damn sexy. Of course, the fiery firing of these qualities will be given very quickly, and over time he will be able to seduce her.

In sex, he will be unusual for her constraint. Its in the paint can not be shifted at all!

But if he won't be rude and, showing an assertiveness, will be as soft as possible, it will turn out not only not to spoil the first intimacy, but also help a woman-scales discover many new sensual faces. In addition, to be honest, the rare shooter will not like the unspoilt and tenderness of his partner.

Despite the seeming difference in temperaments, the sexual compatibility of this pair is large. Moreover, it does not depend on age: Ballery from his beloved at 20, the Sagittarius will also want her to 40, and even 60. And these feelings will always be mutual.

Woman Scales and Male-Sagittarius - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3766_2

Family and marriage

In this pair, a woman wants to marry anymore. It doesn't even just want: Lady-scales dreams to quickly get away with her loved ones, although he will not speak to him directly about his desire.

A free and a little frivolous Sagittarius will slow down with a proposal. Even successfully meeting (or living together) with a beloved woman, he frankly reappeats, believing that the obligations would be whine his hands and feet. And he is sometimes thinking: "What if this relationship is a mistake, and my real love is still ahead, and I have been married?"

Call the Woman Marriage Sagittarius may or at the insistence of parents, or because of pregnancy a friend, or on a sudden impulse of the heart. Oddly enough, the family of these two will become exemplary.

By the way! Lady-scales should remember: that the favorite is guaranteed to be happy in marriage, you can not let him be bored. Let's say you should not forbid ride fishing with friends, you need to make family pickles in the quest-room or another city.

Pros and cons couple

At best, scales and shooters ...

  • Create a harmonious pair, in which one hundred percent understanding reigns.
  • The situation is constantly changing, finding enjoyment both in a secular round, and in the faint forest outside the city (or somewhere outside the ocean).
  • Could you sincerely enjoy life.
  • Do not quarrel. They are advised about all important, and they simply close their eyes into small problems.
  • A woman in such a union feels like a stone wall.
  • Also, such a couple is a housing version of the achievement of wealth, in which he works much and hard, and it or helps at work, or takes on life. At the same time, both do not refuse bright impressions, therefore weekends, and the vacation is carried out together.

Woman Scales and Male-Sagittarius - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3766_3

This couple may face such problems ...

Love and convenience - or showing and status? If the Woman Scales always choose the first, then a man-striker in most cases is the second. Let's say he can buy an expensive car for the last money, while his spouse will be forced to save on himself to gather a child to school.

Sagittarius is not such a hard work. Coming out married a bright and generous man, Lady-scales can learn with displeasure that everything that he received is not the result of painstaking labor, but just good luck. And if there will be real difficulties in front of the shooter, he will save in front of them, being quite mediocre.

How to fall in love with a man-shooter

Depending on the age, the representative of this sign may be different. Therefore, the actions on its seduction from lady-scales should be different.

  • The tireless traveler, constantly chasing new impressions. Not always, such Sagittals, the passport is made by visas of various "imported" resorts - sometimes they are simply read on with books / sites about exotic countries or dream.

"Take this" such a congenital ability to take it as it is, which is, easy to invest in his hobbies. Listen to his stories about distant dala with interest, do not call him the dreams of Blazh. Feeling that he is understood, he will not be able to not be interested in you.

  • Lifeless careerist, generous and a bit impulving, dreaming higher to climb the success stairs.

"Turn on" all your secular qualities - you dare beautifully, follow the hairstyle, lead smart conversations with his friends or colleagues. Conquer them, you will conquer the beloved Sagittarius.

This man dreams to be in the center of the crowd, but subconsciously understands that he lacks the gloss. The king makes the retinue, so he seeks to get a woman - a "business card": well-groomed, smart, well-groomed, with good manners. Show, so well your refinement balanced his noisy temper, and a good taste will send his wealth to the right direction.

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Friendship compatibility

Despite the difference in temperaments, the weights and a fitter can be a common passion, and not one. At any age, they are walking around for hours, sharing their impressions about reading books, heard songs. Can quote poetry, discuss pictures ...

If you discuss the purchase or biographies of common acquaintances to someone from them will seem boring, it is always rudging about the beautiful and exciting bands.

This friendship is inherent in the refinement and even some percentage of snobsm. Communication develops these people. Both scales, and the Sagittarius sincerely enjoy each other and highly appreciate the general gatherings, realizing that in this world there are little with whom you can talk so fascinating.

Compatibility in work

Sagittarius more "penetrating". He has enough courage to set goals and persistence to achieve them. Also, this man can find finances for investment in its business, promising workers or partners.

Scales - quiet, capable of cute to talk with people who have already come to the office. She will not scare away a promising investor, will create a pleasant atmosphere between colleagues thanks to the innate talent who knows how to balance different opinions and even pacify the starting scandals.

In general, the Sagittarius should lead in this tandem. But with the help of weights, his business will bring maximum profits.


  • Woman scales and male striker perfectly fit each other. She is gentle and slightly indecisive, he is brave and confident. These people pull each other like "Yin" and "Yan."
  • In friendship, these two will also come together, and all due to the mass of common interests.
  • As for the work environment, the Sagittarius and Libra get a good tandem, only if the first is the head of the second.

And if for some reason it does not fold with the shooter, not everyone is suitable for lady scales. The full Horoscope of the Love Compatibility of the Sign will reveal this video:

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