Scorpio Woman and Aquarius - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


A scorpion female and aquarius is a very extraordinary and mysterious pair. She is a purposeful and deeply wounded, he is a fearless and real romantic. Will they keep their feelings? After all, despite the fact that they have a lot of common, their characters are too different.

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Love and relations

There is no doubt that Scorpio and Aquarius will immediately attract each other's attention.

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Both are distinguished by courage, often bordering the boldness, and a non-standard look at the world around. But at the same time, a scorpion woman is a person action, she is accustomed to a clear order and organization, it does not make anything like that, without meaning. And the Aquarius man - a romantic ripped away from life.

Sexual compatibility

The sexual life of scorpion and aquar boring does not happen. And the point here is not only in the hypersexuality of scorpion, but also in the fact that the aquaries simply do not tolerate boredom, so they will try to diversify and their sex life, including in which there will always be an endless experiment.

Family and marriage

Marriage between scorpion and aquiet, if the Aquarius is still able to give up to the registry office, not easy. The fact is that they have different concepts about him. Scorpio needs stability and reliability in relationships. And Aquarius is distinguished by its diversity and a tendency to fantasies that it is sometimes difficult to understand practical scorpion.

In addition, the Aquarius does not see the meaning in marriage at all - he prefers his free relationship, and the manifestations of the proposed scorpion spikes for him are absolutely incomprehensible. So long-term such union under the big question.

Pros and cons couple

The scorpion female and male man perfectly complement each other and help each other to improve. Aquarius next to the scorpion becomes more disciplined, but at the same time it is very important for him that his half believes in him, in his strength, in his projects.

Scorpio often helps an aquerial not to spray their strength, be more purposeful. In fact, Scorpio external control of the dreamy aquatic.

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For Aquarius, it is typical to close in itself and hide their true emotions. But scorpion, prone to analyzing and logical conclusions, will not be much difficulty to solve all the secrets of its halves.

Often, it is why the aquaries feel comfortable in the Society of Scorpions - they understand them here. At the same time, Aquarius wants the same important role to play in the life of Scorpio, it is important for them to know that they need them that they appreciate them. And the insurgent scorpions often simply play this role, preferring to cope with the problems independently, but in no way wanting to offend the partner.

The main problem of the scorpion-aquarius pair is that it is very difficult for them to find a compromise, since each of the signs is rather stubborn and will be convinced of the other in their right.

Starting relationship with aquiet, it is important not to forget that he is pathologically jealous, so it is not worth giving him a reason for jealousy - he is not going to share with anyone. And even for water, frequent and unfounded mood changes are characteristic.

But the woman's scorpion is another problem in communication with the aquarity: it is too jealously refers to his second half and is waiting for a retaliatory adoration. And there is often stormy on emotions of Aquarius, it does not understand what they want from him.

How to fall in love with a Male-Aquarius

The Male Aquarius attracts everything new, non-standard and unusual. He will definitely pay attention to how the scorpio woman is able to reason, which differs from most women a tendency to deep analysis and observation. Therefore, Aquarius will be simply fascinated by the ability of Scorpion to see the essence of things that many people do not guess.

Another right way to win the location of the Male Aquarius is friendship with him. Aquarius above all appreciate friendship, for friends are ready for any sacrifices. Therefore, if you make friends with an aquer, it will have more opportunities to find out that there is a lot of common between you, and gradually penetrate you with more gentle feelings.

But please, in no case encroach immediately to the freedom of the Aquarius, which he is very valuable, do not try on the first date to tell about your plans for a joint life and an indispensable trip to the registry office - he simply fits away from you.

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Friendship compatibility

A pair of scorpion-aquaries is capable of long and strong friendship. Aquarius is very valued friendship, and they invariably attract friendly and sociable scorpions. At the same time, the scorpion and aquarius pairs should not fear that their friendship will turn into something more: for Aquarius, the concept of "friendship" is sacred, and for the Scorpio Aquarius is not the sign that it is impossible to resist.

Compatibility in work

Unfortunately, Scorpio and Aquarius, very rarely constitute a successful tandem. It's all about completely different style styles. It is difficult for them to understand each other in this place and adjust each other - no one is going to do this.

Exceptions are those rare cases when a scorpion woman will have enough tact and inspirement to realize the innovative ideas of Aquarius.

In a situation where the Scorpio woman is the head, and the Aquarius - subordinate, waiting for productive labor and the stunning results most often do not have to: Aquarius is too freedom and independent, so that they manage, but the scorpion is always used to them and all control, and so More subordinate.

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Main conclusions

  1. A scorpion female and man-male are a bright and original pair, which has a lot in common in the perception of life, but they are in many ways different from each other goals and ways to achieve them.
  2. A long marriage between scorpion and aquarity is possible quite rarely: the landing scorpion requires from the Aquarius of what it can simply be given by nature. In addition, Aquarius does not particularly complain to marriage as a factor suffering from his freedom. He prefers free relationships and free love and very much values ​​with his freedom, so to drag him into the registry office is a big luck.
  3. Scorpio and Aquarius can be perfectly friendly: Aquarius really appreciates friendship and their friends, and Scorpio Communication in nature. But in the working environment, such idylls is difficult to expect: Aquarius and Scorpion have too different temperaments and work style. And even more so when a scorpion woman is the boss, and the Aquarius is a subordinate: he does not make it, when they begin to command, and she tries to control everything and everyone.
  4. Relationships in a pair of scorpion-aquaries will not be simple - it is definitely. Both sign are too stubborn and peculiar. But if each of them attaches a little effort, they perfectly complement each other and can make a strong and happy couple.

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