Female-Sagittarius and Cancer - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Compatibility in women-Sagittarius and male cancer is quite high, they have every chance to achieve success in the field of love. However, as with any other union, they have some disagreements regarding the individual characteristics of each partner.

Female-Sagittarius and Cancer - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3773_1

What prevents cancer and firing to be truly happy, how to achieve mutual understanding and save your union on the debt years?

Love and relations

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Difficulties, contradictions, mutual misunderstanding - all this is between a woman-director and a man-cancer. But despite this, a couple have the opportunity to create a strong union.

The Sagittarius female is an inexhaustible source of energy, vitality, it is they who attract a quiet man-caressing in their own world.

The attraction is manifested both in physical and in the spiritual sense. Often there is inconsistency between partners in the views, beliefs and worldviews, but it does not prevent them from being perfect friends and partners.

The feelings between these signs of the zodiac arise not often, if it happened, they will be sophisticated and ambiguous. There will be many tears, manifestations of jealousy, offended and passionate moments.

  • Cancer-man loves homemade comfort, he leads a measured and unhurried lifestyle, jealously protecting his world, in which he feels confident and safely.
  • A fiction-woman requires another: she loves wandering, hiking, trips. She craves new impressions, emotions, dating.
  • Cancer will limit her freedom and jealous than cause a storm of emotions, tears and reproes.

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Sexual compatibility

In order to preserve harmonious relationships, partners need to connect their sense of humor. The ability of the women-Sagittarius to good nature and wit can smooth out a quarrel, turning them into a joke. Cancer does not like scandals and screams, so he will be happy and willing to make such rules of the game.

The main thing for the Sagittar woman is not to start to step up the cancer itself, otherwise you can only aggravate the unpleasant situation. Cancers are very wounded and sensitive, they will be closed if they hurt them "for living."

Their intimate life is also not without difficulty. Passionate Agriculture requires glow of passions, an emotional storm. Cancer loves tenderness, sensuality and behaves more calmly. However, this couple may well be happy in bed, if the humor and the ingenuity of the partner comes to the rescue.

It is impossible to make fun of cancer in the intimate sphere. This means for a long period to cause him a sense of own inferiority. He will go to his shell, and get it from there it will not be easy.

Family and marriage

Against the background of a spelling and emotional spouse, a cancer looks silent. But this couple loves to take guests in his home. They always have something to boast: they have a cozy and beautiful house, which is their property, he is always furnished with a sense of style, the soul lives in their joint housing, and this is the main advantage and pride.

  • Woman-Sagittarius always makes a lot and worried, and a weathered spouse-cancer smoothes "sharp corners", the awkwardness of guests and quite frequently tactlessness of his wife.
  • The basis of their joint residence are children. And the Sagittarius, and the cancer loves the children very much, their offspring live in full love and prosperity, attention and care. The pair approaches the educational process is extremely serious and responsible. They read a lot of literature on raising children, watch videos, visit master classes and seminars.
  • The main in the family will always be a female striker, and not because she herself will take it right, just a cancer is so more convenient. He manifests his male qualities in another: ensures the material well-being of his family, landscape his house, he is glad to engage in a car, farming, spends a lot of time with children.
  • They love to spend their holidays in the whole family and, despite the launching of cancer, often go to rest on the sea. The health and well-being of households is the most important thing for the father and husband of cancer.

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Pros and cons couple

There may be an ideal union between the Sagittarius woman and man-cancer in mutual respect and related feelings. In such circumstances, they will feel quite happy. Such couples either fold and live happily ever already, or disintegrate very quickly.
  • With mutual concessions and compromises, these two are completely rolled under one roof. Difficulties arise in the event that the Sagittarine hits the most sensitive sides of the cancer, his male dignity.
  • If you truly pour out cancer, it turns into a real aggressor that is eclipsed in anger eclipse even a fiery Aries. In this case, even a representative of the fire element - Sagittarius. If she does not know how to control the dialogue and restrain himself in a conversation, so it may well bring the aggressiveness of cancer.

Scandals and Rugan are given them, and even the bed can not blame the impression of a recent scandal. For a long time in her memory will be held distorted by anger's face of the spouse. Therefore, a small advice to all zodiac signs: Do not force cancer on anger, do not output it from balance, it is difficult to compare it with something.

How to fall in love with a cancer

The main thing that is necessary in the conquest of a woman-shooting man-a cancer is to cause positive emotions from his mother. For cancer, his mother will always be an ideal, he will always listen to her opinion and cherish them more than others.

For many Sagittari women, such a situation seems incomprehensible, because they pretty early to leave the parents' home and rushed to independence and independence. It is not wonderful that for them houses and positive male crayfish are very attractive. It can be a reliable foundation for building her perfect home.

Statistics confirms that many successful women of Sagittari have tied their lives with a man with cancer, it was he, silent and strive, provided it with a large proportion of success.

She is ready to close his eyes to many of its shortcomings, including the few trips to "left", trying to defeat his soul as much as possible. She pleases his mother and many things do against their own will, knowing that it will be rewarded with the possibility of implementing their huge potential.

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Friendship compatibility

  • This is a very rare case when a friendly relationship is tied between a seller and man-cancer. Cancer is not able to be friends with women at all, if they do not enter his family circle.
  • Friendship between these signs is possible only in those exceptional cases when the Sagittarius woman looks like his mother. Then the buddy relationships are quite possible, reminded to friendship.
  • Most likely, it will be a semi-business - a semi-friendly union to receive additional information from a friend, help in a particular matter.

Compatibility in work

There are also no special points of contact. Perhaps the pedagogical or scientific team may arise a good tandem from the Sagittarius and a cancer man. In this area of ​​human activity, they may have a point of contact, in the rest is unlikely.

Partners have different interests, so in the business sphere this combination does not even have the slightest perspective. You can assume different combinations when it is the boss, and it is subordinate, and on the contrary, in all cases, this union is doomed to failure. Their temperatures are too different, they will look at different directions and pull the blanket every one.

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  • For thinking women-Sagittarius man-cancer as a spouse is very attractive, he will open her the prospect of implementing himself as spouses, mother, a successful woman.
  • A man's cancer should immediately specify with a woman-director some moments of their joint residence, in particular, the spheres relating to his sensory sides of the nature.

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