Capricorn woman and man-cancer - compatibility in love, relationship, marriage, sex, friendship


We are with you so different! This is exactly what it seems to others, but in fact you, a Capricorn girl, and I am a guy-cancer, complement each other, make each other stronger and wiser. Having met, we immediately attracted one to another. If this did not happen, then we would not have happened to you, there would be no love and such exciting and exciting relationships.

We learn a lot from each other. I help you to learn to see the beautiful, and you learn me practicality and restraint. And at least we are complete opposites, our union promises to be long and strong, despite my mood differences and your excessive landing.

Capricorn woman and man-cancer - compatibility in love, relationship, marriage, sex, friendship 3783_1

What is a man-cancer

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Cancer include those people who were born from June 21 to July 21. Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign. Elementing sign - water, controlling planet - moon.

Men sign is difficult to understand. And it is quite difficult to give a characteristic sign, for each individual is distinguished by its character qualities, although the total in them can be seen, for example, varying and sensitivity, as well as well-developed intuition, thanks to which cancers are guessing the thoughts and desires of others.


  1. Male crayfish - extremely emotional. So they make the moon.
  2. Their mood is changing like an ocean subject to tied and low.
  3. The element of the water endowed the signs of the sign of the refinement of perception, sensitivity and ability to penetrate even the most secret shouts of the human soul.
  4. Cracks are compository, friendly and very compassionate. They always go for support and advice. In this men sign do not refuse to anyone.

Attitude towards love

The most important thing in the life of such men is love. Without her, they do not imagine their lives. The love of their chista and disinterested, noble and elevated.

When the guys-cancer love, then become angels that have come down from heaven, and turn into demons when their heart is broken and empty. In relations, male cancers are very sensitive. They know how to tune in to the wave of loved ones, thanks to which they give them the best.

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What requires chosen

If the girl can sincerely love such a man, and to love without the conditions, not requiring anything in return, will take it as it is, then the Mount Cancer will rush for his beloved, gives it all the treasures of the world, it will be to climb him in What did not need.

Characteristic Features of Capricorn Women

The zodiac sign Capricorn refers to the earthly element. It is managed by Planet Saturn, which makes representatives of the sign targeted, persistent and demanding to itself and others. Capricorn girls are ambitious and characterized by high business qualities.

Their goal is to achieve material prosperity to provide themselves and close to a comfortable reliable future. A distinctive feature of these women is the thirst for power. They strive to be the first always and in everything.

Capricorn Women's Character

Capricious ladies can be characterized as:
  • practical;
  • independent;
  • ambitious;
  • hardworking;
  • hardy;
  • And also very patient.

They are always calm and confident. Very rarely, such a lady can be caught in tears or hysterics. Girl-Capricorn seeks to achieve recognition, and not only in work, but also the family should cause respect for others.

All dreams of it are specific and executable. And she dreams of material well-being, positive, respected by all husbands and exemplary children.

Capricorn woman in love

Sign girls usually grow married early, falling in love without looking back. As they say, the mistake of youth. Fishing, then they begin to choose chosen by more methodically, you can even say mercantile. They will no longer lose their heads, but will approach this issue from a material point of view.

Capricorn-woman is not peculiar to romantic feelings, so it will prefer not sensory romance, but a respectable secured man having a durable position in society.

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Love and relationship between man-cancer and Capricorn woman

Usually cancer and Capricorn consider the complete opposites, but the relationship of this pair can become happy and long, for these two are an addition to one of the other.

Very often their views on life coincide, and their love will develop their work to improve the qualities of each other. And if the ideas of cancer are associated with improved material well-being, then the Capricorn girl will gladly support all the ideas of her beloved and help embody them into life. The Capricorn Woman will act as a leader in these relationships, and cancer will not mind.

Sexual compatibility

In sexual relationships, these two will also be complemented by each other. Capricorn girl is often not aware of his sexuality, and the man-cancer will help her.

Sensual and romantic, he will express fire and passion for his more landing partner. Sex compatibility This pair is more than good. It is thanks to sex that they will be able to smooth all their sharp corners.

Family and marriage

Despite the fact that these two are opposites, their marriage promises to be happy, because both are striving for a family hearth in harmony and material well-being. Male-cancer requires maternal love that Capricorn Lada will be able to provide it. He also prefers to be led in the family, what is wrong. The Capricorn woman will do everything to make her spouse to take a high position in society, became successful and prosperous, and he will send the family atmosphere to mutual understanding and harmony.

Pros and cons relationships

A cancer man is subject to harsh mood drops, which Capricorn will not be able to understand his spouse. Because of these drops, he suddenly be offended without a visible reason or refuses the planned in advance of the event.

The wife will try to extract cancer or will be herself to solve his problems, the more stronger it will introduce into the despondency of his finely sensitive and vane spouse. You can avoid this if the Capricorn-girl will not bother, but simply will take the situation as it is.

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How to fall in love with a cancer

Man-cancer - very sensitive and wound. It stretches to strong women who are able to give him maternal love and care.

But it is worth remembering that such a guy does not tolerate dryness and rigor, so to conquer the heart of this man, the Capricorn woman not only have to make the impression of a kind and separate, but also to become so for her beloved. She will have to become a attentive listener, and a shirt, in which cancer will be able to cry at any time.

Friendship compatibility

Friendship of these two promises to be fruitful, for in Capricorn-woman, a man-cancer will find ideal support in difficult moments of his life.

When he will be bad and the insecurity of this guy, he can always count on participating with his stronger spirit and confident girlfriend. Thanks to her, he will again find the forces to live and return to the system updated.

Compatibility in business and work

Male-cancer - in his nature, a dreamer and often refers to his work, but a woman cancer will be able to make him work, especially the head of cancer is full of good ideas that his partner on work will be able to implement.

These two possess everything that is needed in order to succeed and prosperity, and if they really want to achieve some heights, they should be more respect for them to each other.


The Union of Man-Crack and Capricorn Woman can be long and happy if the Dama-Capricorn will pay his dust and become more restrained and patient in relation to vain and sensitive cancer, and he will not strictly judge his strong and powerful partner, and will take Her with all the advantages and minuses.

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