Woman Capricorn and Man-Lion - Compatible in Love, Relations, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Rarely turn out to be two of these signs: a man-lion (royal person with ambitions and a tendency to audit) and a Capricorn woman (wise, but too pedantic person). Let's discuss what can happen, these signs are nearby, what kind of relationships are waiting for them.

Woman Capricorn and Man-Lion - Compatible in Love, Relations, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3784_1

Love and relations

Love is possible between these signs, but it will flicker against the background of a permanent competition. Capricorn woman ambitious, man-lion bright, together they fight each other for the palm of championship in these relationships. In fact, it is not characteristic of the oscillage, but the lion forces it with his behavior to prove that he is not the best.

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The constant race exhausts, pumps moral resources, affection from these relationships. But if both stopped trying to surpass each other in all fronts, they would have been able to notice that both were ordinary people with the usual needs that love was not alien. They need each other, but these competitions do not have time to just love.

Sexual compatibility

The bed is another Arena for the competition in who is better. Each act will look like a theater representation, where everyone seeks to show themselves from the best side. With the usual circumstances, the woman would not try to impress partner as much as possible, but the lion provokes it to it. She will not be able to endure this for a long time and will soon go to another.

Family and marriage

This marriage will be characterized by emotionality and quarrels. Capricorn is not used to showing her emotions and love, so it will try to hide them as deep as possible. She is uncomfortable to brightly show his feelings. But the lion acts on the contrary: he tries to show everything in him inside, as best as possible and fuller, which will require from the spouse.

Woman Capricorn and Man-Lion - Compatible in Love, Relations, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3784_2

This attitude and behavior will annoy the woman more and more. Because of this, in marriage, it will suffer from the transition of personal borders, which will lead to its grumble and constant tension. He will also rush from the fact that he does not pay due attention that he does not like him and do not appreciate.

The lion is not the best father, but he tries to upbringing. He loves his children very much, cares, but can overdo it with care. Trying to give children all the best, whether it is a higher education in a prestigious university or some kind of troubled gadget.

Cashkinka is trying to achieve equality in the family, which is the right desire. But she does not quite rightly: can start discrediting lions in the eyes of their children. She is better to relax more.

Pros and cons couple

These relations have positive parties that strengthen them.
  • They are both authoritative, smart and stubborn. Their dialogs are bright and are saturated with witness.
  • Their passion does not fade for a long time, they are always interested in each other.
  • They are both serious in business.

However, the following factors may interfere with a pair.

  • Cancer is afraid of the unattainable goals of Lion, his kindness and generosity, which leads to large spending.
  • They do not cease to compete, which leads to moral exhaustion.
  • The lion presses its theatricality on a woman that can scare it.

How to fall in love with a male lion

The lion wants such relations characteristic of the beauty that is not degrading him and giving reason to be proud of. A man wants to stand out profitable. Cancer may well arrange a man with his calm, restraint and inconsistency. She does not suit the scenes due to the upbringing, which is important.

So that this sign fell in love with you, you need to make it achieve. Show what you are looking only for men, something representing. The lion will take advantage of this as a reason once again boast of his track record.

Woman Capricorn and Man-Lion - Compatible in Love, Relations, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3784_3

This man is characterized by self-confidence and demonstration of its brightness. Please accept this, in no case do not try to fight it, you will only rely on such actions of a person. He is important to him and experiences and actions, and not what caused them, he says a lot about himself. Do not try to convince him that the lion is not the center of the world. Just get used to.

Do not climb a person in the soul, do not follow him, the more not to dig in your personal things and correspondence. It can bring it out of itself and scare away forever. And of course, do not let such a relationship, we all have the right to privacy and personal boundaries, remember this.

Let a man dominate us, the Lion needs the power and feeling of the head of the family. But do not let him violate your basic rights.

Friendship compatibility

Friendship is perhaps the only possible type of relationship between these people, in which they both are sincerely and do not compete. They are not seen too often.

Most often, their meetings occur on the initiative of a woman in need of each other and support. If a man is not busy, he will definitely come to her friend to revenue. They do not bang in front of each other, just show sincerity, affection and friendliness.

They do not need to try to surpass each other. Signs will be able to support each other without masks, in such conditions they will come out to see the real nature of the other. In such a union, they can draw strength and the necessary support in each other.

Compatibility in work

These signs are not characteristic of a frivolous attitude to work.

  • Prolonged joint work when both signs in the subordinate position leads to the spirit of rivalry between them. Signs can try to make terrible actions and substitute each other to look more profitable against the background of colleagues and get an increase. It happens if there is nothing new in the project for a long time. This is the worst position for them.
  • The situation when Cashkinka is the boss, in general, not so bad. Lev is hard and unpleasant to obey, but bother, because this woman respects. She is soft with the subordinate, gives him freedom and does not put in the framework, so in general the situation is tolerant.
  • The best situation at which the Lion is the boss. He feels comfortable in this role, performs it without complaints. Woman-Capricorn vain, but will not go against this hierarchy. In order not to conflict, a man can not interfere with it to move up the career ladder.

Woman Capricorn and Man-Lion - Compatible in Love, Relations, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3784_4


  • Love relationships between a Capricorn woman and a lion man - a solid competition. Eternal clarification, who is better. For this struggle, love and their true feelings are completely lost.
  • Each time, turning out in bed, signs will try to surpass each other in the art of satisfaction.
  • The family of these two will be released not the best. Capricorn, trying to strengthen the feelings of deeper and not to show them, and the lion, splashing them out and trying to pull them out of the partner.
  • The lion tries to be a good father, to give children everything that can. However, it can overdo it with a hyperopica over them.
  • Calvanozka tries to fight for an equal position in the family of both parents, but can choose the wrong methods for this.
  • Lero needs "beautiful" relationships, beneficially sharing it.
  • Do not persuade the lion in the fact that he is the center of the Universe. Attempting from heaven to Earth, a man can turn into only the quarrel and his removal from a woman.
  • Do not climb the partner in the soul and in a personal life.
  • The lion needs to dominate in relationships. Let him do it.
  • Friendship between these signs is the only option sincere and warm relations, where both without masks and attempts to surpass each other.
  • The best configuration at work, in any business relationship for these two is the leader-lion and the slave-cafe. He will be able to put it correctly, but for comfortable work, he needs to give her to move up the career ladder.

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