Woman Capricorn and Male Scales - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Hello, my name is Ilona, ​​and I am a little fond of astrology. Still there is something in this. By the way, I'm a horoscope of Cascorn, and my favorite - scales. And I know a little about the features of such a pair. Want to tell.

Woman Capricorn and Male Scales - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3786_1

Features of scales and caferals

Elements of weights - air, because they are most compatible with other air representatives, as well as with the Earth. Capricorn - it is the Earth. Therefore, they are nice together.

Features of female cartridges

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Typricatures are usually enough and practical. You can remember the other E its features:

  • Hardworking.
  • It has excellent patience.
  • Proposed to depression.
  • Hidden.
  • Ultired.

It is usually cappicals put real goals, keep in the shadows, but in the end, they bypass their rivals. This also applies to personal life, and career. Cancer to men is rather demanding.

Features of men-scales

Scales are able to think unusual, but at the same time endowed with excellent intelligence and intuition. With Capricorn, they look like in a general background of Neurko, but manage to become leaders. They are impermanent and impulsive. But the diligence and dedication are the qualities that weighing should be developed.

Woman Capricorn and Male Scales - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3786_2

People are creative and a little crazy, but many women are very soul. Even materialistic osculatts. A better pair for weights can be a representative of the following signs:

  • Sagittarius.
  • Twins.
  • Aquarius.

Capricorns are not included in the risk group for the complexity of relationships with weights, it means that you can build love and family.

What will their union

Cold and slightly removed osculatory will always be interested in male-scales. It is interesting to conquer and in love. And even romantic scales and landing Capricorns can perfectly complement each other.

But the difficulties will still be. So, they will have to learn to listen to each other. And Capricorn, alas, are inflexible psychologically, which will strain air scales.

They also have a little different goals. Scales - a family man, who has a house - a fortress, and Capricorn dreams only about his career. And here you need to do not pull the blanket, but to properly distribute the load and responsibilities. Then everything will turn out exactly.

Love and ... Scales

Catswall has no halftone, while the scales are dual. But love may well get. They can love each other. They can just because very unlike.

There will be no special romance here - Cashkinka is unlikely to understand the bath with champagne and other joys. But the task of the scales is to show Coszenogne that she is also a woman. And she is a very woman, only it is somewhere inside. Cancer is very appreciated by the scales for being very true. But the and Capricorn ladies themselves can go left.

Woman Capricorn and Male Scales - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3786_3

Family and Children

They can get married pretty soon. But sometimes before the wedding will have to wait for several years. Calzozha must logically understand that this is her man, and the scales must conquer her. In general, marriage is quite strong. That's just the Cocrepse should take on all the difficulties of the outside world.

No matter how paradoxically, irrational scales may be in such a family. Their creative mind warehouse is very valued at work, therefore there will be an increase in salary, and premiums, and even a business can be quite successful. But with the distribution of finance will be difficulties due to non-standard weights.

Another difficulty is children. Scales are usually dreaming about them, and the Coseries are in no hurry to start the offspring. Nevertheless, they are not the bad mothers.

They will definitely do everything to provide children more than necessary, and will bring them responsibility, while the scales will be engaged in the intellectual and spiritual development of children. So that such couples grow quite harmonious personalities.

The main thing that should be understood both. In such a family, you do not need to break partner and drag it to your side. Take such as it is, without defining, "what is good and what is bad." Otherwise, you only cultivate claims and resentment in a partner.

Compatibility in sex

And here there are no difficulties. They always attract each other. But the oscillations are too conservative and do not always understand creative scales.

In general, relationships in this area will be gentle and not particularly passionate. Busy, but often the first steps it will be Capsorgo.

Pros and cons couple

Plus couples are that both are serious about relationships.

But the minus is that the scales often do not understand how a woman may not be able to find compromises.

Woman Capricorn and Male Scales - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3786_4

How to fall in love with a man-scales

Cosorgoi has no problem with this. Woman she is a gun in itself, and her coldness will manow the scales even more. She was born in the winter, and therefore the real snow queen. The main thing, sometimes let's know the weights that you can easily melt.

In all other, Capricorn weights suits. She is perfectionism in almost everything, including in appearance, and he loves beauty. It is much more difficult to fall in love with a Capricorn woman.

Compatibility in work

There will be no difficulty here. These two are a magnificent team, both know how to complement the partner, giving him what is missing. Better if Capricorn is a boss.

Together, they are able to make discoveries, to receive the Nobel Prize, fight for peace all over the world. The only thing that Capricorn is better to restrain its negative regarding weights, even if they do not like much.

Friendship compatibility

They can be good friends. Moreover, in friendship, the leader will be precarves.

Summing up

Scales and Capricorn are very different. But it will allow them to create a good tandem and a good family.

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