Female Fish and Male Virgo - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Female Fish - Dreamy, Sentimental and Romantic Nature. Male Virgo is a pedantic, calculating and practical representative of a strong sex that has a clear life plan. What unites representatives of these zodiac constellations? Opposites are attracted, or a pair of fish-maiden is an exception?

What actions are a female female actions, to fall in love with the most painted representative of a strong floor? What do they expect: mutual all-consuming feeling, happiness or bitterness of disappointment? And female fish, and male maid know how to love. But are they ready to put up with the shortcomings of a partner and marry?

Female Fish and Male Virgo - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3797_1

Love and relations

Female fish and male, having become acquainted, understand that there is nothing in common between them. They have different vitality priorities, values ​​and plans. There are no love at first glance between representatives of these zodiacal constellations. Female female and male devices are originally good and loyal friends.

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However, the more representatives of these signs of the zodiac recognize each other, the more clearly notice that they are drawn to partner as a magnet. A weightless, light, air-fisherwoman enchants a male-virgin with its refinement, sensitivity, defensiveness. She lives with feelings, emotions needed to her like air. The girl is the exact opposite of the Men-Virgin.

A strong sex representative is confident, a calculating and consistent person who drives an exceptionally cold reason. He does not attach great importance to emotions, he knows how to manage them. Male Virgo begins to interest the woman's female with its incredible ability always and everywhere rely on his strength. He is determined in his actions and is involved.

There should be a certain time that the female fish and man-male realize that they are simply created for each other. Their love relationships do not begin for a long time. However, after time, representatives of these zodiac constellations do not understand how they lived without each other.

Their love relationships will be full of tenderness, care and attention. Fish female and male are complemented by each other. They can open and trust a partner, not afraid to be deceived and devotees. Perfect love couple.

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Sexual compatibility

The Sexual Life of the representatives of the zodiacal constellations with high quality and rich. Male Virgo completely controls the process, he likes to give pleasure to his beloved. Female Pisces brings to life a variety of intimate and original ideas.

Due to the fairer sex fantasies and self-technicality and a male Virgin of love joy harmonious and full of bright unforgettable emotions.

Because of this, the partners often can not wait for the moment when they can be alone and enjoy the company of its second half. Woman Pisces and Virgo man found the approach to each other, they are the ideal lover, compatible to 100%.

Family and marriage

Family life women and men Pisces-Virgo will be very successful and happy. The house of representatives of the zodiacal constellations clear distribution of roles, which allows them to avoid the protracted conflicts and quarrels. In the family atmosphere of coziness, comfort, freshness and cleanliness.

Male Virgo - a responsible family man, a good earner, loyal and reliable husband, on whom you can always rely on. The fairer sex is its gentle and sensitive muse.

The main role of female Pisces - the creation of emotional calm atmosphere, rendering vminaniya and care. Despite the apparent fragility and subtlety, the wife always supports her man.

Representatives of these zodiacal constellations by his example teach children to care, mutual respect and understanding. Between the female and male fish-virgin no jealousy, scandals ware with the smashing and demonstration of separation.

The couple appreciate each other and not allow themselves to tantrums and clarify the relationship. All the energy of the representatives of the constellations of the zodiac is directed to the education of children, identifying their talents and help in difficult situations.

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Pros and cons couple

The main advantages of a pair of female and Pisces male Virgin:
  • The desire to hear and understand the partner.
  • Common methods of family values ​​and child-rearing.
  • Mutual respect and mutual support.
  • The absence of scandals, quarrels and endless recriminations.
  • Willingness to compromise in any complex and difficult situation.
  • The desire to spend time together.
  • Inability to betrayal, treachery and vile deeds.
  • Compatibility in sexual life.
  • A clear division of roles and responsibilities.

The main disadvantages of a pair of female and Pisces male Virgin:

  • Lack of understanding of each other in some domestic issues.
  • Neither the woman nor the man in no hurry to admit their feelings, so they love relationships sometimes did not start.
  • Excessive touchiness and vulnerable girls.

How to fall in love with a male male

Fish female - dreamy and sentimental nature. Male Virgo - Pedantic and Insudious Personality. But as a representative of a beautiful sex to force the calculating and confident cavalier to pay attention to himself? Everything is just like never.

Female fish should make new emotions like the cavalier, bright paints and unforgettable impressions. She unobtrusively should surround a strong sex representative with romantic and create incredible magic. Female fish should show the male-virgin your fabulous inner world, teach him to dream and believe in a miracle.

A representative of a strong floor, once plunging into an imaginary fairy tale, never wants to leave the wizard. Being near Fish Woman, Male Virgo will be emotionally resting from the world around him, forget about the urgent problems and difficulties.

Friendship compatibility

Ideally compatible in love relations female fish and male Virgo practically never become close friends. Familiar, friends, colleagues, but not sincere and reliable friends. They are too different to open up each other.

Representatives of these zodiac constellations can prosecute together, but entrust the hidden secret or tell about the planned plans - never. After all, both female fish, and male Virgo understand that everyone does not mind to discuss the other for his back with others. Often, each of them is a source of gossip and rumors.

Compatibility in work

The rational and consistent thinking of the Men-Virgin and intuitive and very emotional female fish. What is waiting for them in the professional sphere? Whether their cooperation will be fruitful depends on their posts:

  • Female Fish and Male Virgo - Colleagues. A mediocre union that does not bring significant results. Representatives of these zodiacal constellations pursue permanent conflicts, misunderstanding, personal dislike, which negatively affect their performance.
  • Female fish - chief, male Virgo - subordinate. Good cooperation. Male Virgo does not have leadership qualities, he is comfortable in the role of subordinate. He is a responsible performer, which is very pleased with the soft fish head.
  • Female fish - subordinate, male Virgo - boss. Good placement forces. Male-maiden is clearly putting goals, female fish accurately performs them. Well coherent productive team.

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Ideal compatibility in love and sex life and full failure in friendship. Female Fish and Male Virgo: Two absolutely different characters and temperament. They are ready to learn from each other by those personality qualities that they do not get it so to create a happy and durable family hearth.

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