Eastern horoscope for years: its features, descriptions of signs


The eastern horoscope for years takes as the basis of the twelve-year-old lunar cycle, in which each year the specified animal corresponds to each year. The Chinese believe that signs by year have a strong influence on the nature and fate of their owner.

Animals in the horoscope are located as follows: the first goes the rat, it replaces her bull, followed by a tiger with a rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. In this material, consider the main features that the Eastern calendar has.

Eastern horoscope for years

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The name of the Chinese version of the Zodiac "Sheng Xiao" indicates "Remind Birth". It affects the cycle of the night shone. The date of the occurrence of the Chinese New Year converges with the beginning of the zodiac year.

Unlike Western astrology, in the Criminal New Year annually accounted for different numbers. They vary in the interval from the twenty-first January to the twentieth of February. Based on which the birthday days of the first and second winter months should be particularly attentive by setting their Chinese zodiac sign.

To help you offer to use the signs of the zodiac by year of birth to the table that you will find in the photo below:

Eastern Animal Calendar by year Table

Will the year of your animal successful?

The Chinese consider such a concept as "Benmingnian", or the year of fate. Under it implies the onset of the year of the animal to which a person belongs. For example, 2019 year Benmingnian all those who came to this world in the year of pig.

In China, it is accepted with a special trepidation to expect the onset of his year. They believe that all of his twelve months will be special, they will bring many important, often even fateful events.

But not everything seems to be the Chinese in the Raduzhny Light - it is also believed that a person in his year causes an insult to Tai-Sui - the Grand Divine of Time. And he, in turn, can send various tests. Therefore, people in Middle Kingdom are convinced that the year of fate brings unexpected changes, anxiety and excitement.

What are the symbols of the year?

Not at all randomly in drawing up the calendar, the choice fell on these twelve living beings. They or had a close connection with the Chinese, or, as the antique beliefs read, are designed to bring good luck.

Bull, horse, goat, rooster, pig and dog Chinese as usual kept as a home cattle. There is even a famous Chinese proverb, who stars: "Six of animals in a dwelling - a sign of prosperity." Therefore, it is not surprising that they were included in the eastern calendar.

The remaining six animals: rat, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake and monkey - very honored and respected in the culture of this nation.

Surely you are interested to know why all years of animals were placed in order in such a sequence? This account exists several opinions, we will get acquainted with the two most popular of them.

So, the first version states that twelve animals in the eastern zodiac are located, and not otherwise according to the rules of Yin and Yang. This teaching belongs to the animal to the elements of Yin or Yang, depending on the number of its claws (paws, hoofs):

  • Yin - characterized by the presence of readings;
  • Yang - odd.

And if we study the horoscope itself, it will become clear that in it there is a uniform alternation of animals Yin with animals Yang.

As a rule, the beasts have an equal number of fingers on the front and rear limbs. The exception of the rule is the rat: its front paws have four fingers, and the rear - five. The Chinese know a very good saying on this matter: "Each thing is estimated by its rarity."

Therefore, the rat and got the first place in the list. After all, it is amazingly possesses and the odd characteristics of Yang, and who knows Yin.

Rats got the first place in the horoscope

The ancient Chinese figured each of the zodiac animals a specific symbolic meaning or a sign. Twelve beasts were divided into six pairs so that the characteristics of one member of the pair are opposed to the second indicators. Due to this, it became possible to achieve harmony between Yin and Yang.

Also, in the subject of animal sequences it is worth adding that in China, the most important thing is always put forward in China, and then they already put other characteristics in a decreasing sequence. And the first violin is given to a strong, dominant start by Yang, followed by the harmonious principle of Yin.

Legend telling about chinese zodiac

The second version is closely related to the old legend. The latter states that earlier in China did not have its own zodiac circle. Jade Emperor, the Lord of the Sky (in another version - the Great Buddha), wanted to choose twelve living beings so that those guarded his calm.

Therefore, the ruler sent an immortal envoy to Earth, punishing him to find all animals and invite them to the Imperial Palace. The same twelve, that the first threshold will be overwhelmed, will be awarded special grace and honorable.

The next morning, all the animals go to the possessions of the emperor. The rat was the first of them. She approached the river, but the flow was too strong for her, so she decided to wait. A little later, a bull approached the river. The tricky Kryfa approached him and climbed into his ear shell.

The merciful bull did not protest, and they continued together. When bull overcame the river, it began to quickly flee to the palace. Here, the rat suddenly jumped out of the ear and fell to the legs of the emperor. So it turned out that she got the first place, and the bull second.

The third and fourth - it was a tiger with a rabbit. Both was distinguished by agility and determination, but the tiger clearly won in speed (the rabbit had to get along the river with the help of stones and bric, and the tiger just jumped over it).

The fifth flew the dragon. He told the ruler that the cause of the delay was the rain, which Dragon created over the burning city. The emperor had to do strength and generosity of the dragon. Therefore, he gave him the fifth place in the Chinese zodiac, allowing him to take his son to take the sixth place.

However, the Son of the Dragon never appeared in the palace. But to the legs of the ruler crawled the snake, called the admission of the Dragon's daughter. So she got sixth place.

The horse with the goat came together. These benevolent and polite animals tried to miss his friend ahead. The emperor saw their nobility and gave the seventh and eighth stakes of the zodiac, respectively.

The monkey almost late for the admission of the emperor. But she began to quickly jump over the trees and stones and still got to the palace, taking the ninth step. From the last animals that came, there were a rooster with a dog and a pig.

By logic, the dog was supposed to take up before, because she quickly runs and swims perfectly. But she, tired of the long road, decided to cool in the water and lost much time. All of the listed animals deserved the title of guardians of the Heavenly Gate.

You may ask why there is no cat in this list? The cat lived next door to the rat, but constantly mocked her. The rat was very offended, but was afraid to fight. However, he having heard about the imperial decree, she conceived insidious revenge.

As you know, cats love to sleep sweetly. Therefore, in the evening, a cat from the legend asked the rat to wake it up in the morning. The rat pretended that he agreed. At dawn, she woke up very early, did not wake anyone and hurried to go on the road. When the cat woke up from sleep, there was a lot of time, so he failed to be in a circle of favorites.

They say it is since then a well-known fellow of cats and rats is being conducted, and the latter seek to quickly hide as soon as they see a cat.

True, there is another version. According to her, the cat woke up with the rat, got together with her to the river and climbed onto the bull. But when the animal went into the water, the rat dropped the cat into the river, and it was charged the current. Therefore, cats tolerate can not swim.

The question arises, why then the year of the rabbit is often called the Year of the Cat? Most likely, it's all about incorrect borrowing of authentic Chinese traditions.

For example, Vietnamese zodiac really instead of a rabbit contains a cat symbol. It is believed that the reason is the similarity of the Chinese word "rabbit" ("Mǎo Tù") and the Vietnamese "MEO" - that is, "Cat".

Eastern horoscope

What symbolically means each sign?

Each of the living beings of the Eastern calendar is endowed with a certain sign inherent in him to the greatest extent, namely:

  • Rat is associated with wisdom;
  • Bull is distinguished by high hard work;
  • Tiger is incredibly leaning;
  • Rabbit is careful;
  • The dragon is endowed with a great power;
  • Snake - flexibility;
  • The horse constantly strives forward;
  • Goat is striving for unity;
  • The monkey is variable;
  • Rooster is very constant;
  • The dog is faithful;
  • Pig - Friendly.

In addition, 12 animals are divided into four "triads".

  1. The first triad includes a rat with a dragon and a monkey. They all differ in vigorous and activity, but often suffer from emergency manifestations, without a golden middle.
  2. The second triad is represented by a bull, snake and a rooster. They manage to achieve great success, but due to the difficult work, the permanent application of the enormous effort. You can admire the hardworking of such personalities, and their ability to draw up future plans.
  3. The third triad consists of a tiger sign, horses and dogs. The listed signs are excellent interlocutors who own the gift of persuasion and the ability to easily establish contacts. Everyone has plenty of acquaintances, but for the soul they need one or a maximum of two loved ones.
  4. The fourth triad is represented by a rabbit (cat), goat and pig. Signs dream of a beautiful life, endowed with a well-developed feeling of beautiful and creative talents. They present artistry, have good intuition and manners.

I also want to add that Chinese astrology ranks each of the signs of the horoscope to one of five natural elements:

  • metal / gold;
  • tree;
  • water;
  • fire;
  • Earth.

And, accordingly, each year refers to a specific element. For example, 2019 patronize earthy pig. It turns out that just every animal is found in 5 types with a repetition of sixty years.

To establish your animal on the Chinese zodiac, it is enough to know, in which year a man was born.

Thanks to the eastern calendar, you can better understand your personality, as well as in the nature of your loved ones and acquaintances. Another advantage - it becomes possible to define love compatibility and compatibility in business life. You will learn how many attention should be paid.

The Chinese are very scrupulous to the question of compatibility of signs, believing that it is predetermined initially. In antiquity, it was the Chinese horoscope showed whether it is possible to go in love with marriage or not. Such beliefs are preserved at our day: many still check themselves on the zodiac before deciding for marriage or romantic relationships.

Chinese before conclusion of marriage study horoscope

Animal characteristic

Having learned the years of animals in order, as well as having studied the horoscope by year of birth to the table, I propose to get acquainted with the description of the properties of each of the beasts.


It is in the first place of the cycle, therefore it is believed that it is the wise of all animals. It is evenly distinguished by high activity, but at the same time fussiness and anxiety. The rat is a secretive animal preferring to hide from the light, but she will be happy to take risks to embody in the life of the conceived.


An incredibly hardworking and patient animal, calm, if he was not angry. Loves to be alone, it does not too much change. Bull - nonsense, but prefers not to delve deep into the details. But retains loyalty and dedication to the selected lesson or man.


Tiger is a very smart animal. He is a big beast, in connection with which it is not at all interested in the small challenge. Itself does not deceive anyone and for the deception of his own person will require an expensive fee. Tigers willingly demonstrate the entire palette of their emotional experiences, in particular, bad. Do not even try to put a tiger in a cage - it will be to the victorious fight for freedom.


Bunny, as is known, does not differ in great strength, which, however, does not prevent him from manifesting disobedience. For him there are only their own rules, so the upbringing is very difficult. At the same time, it tries to avoid open confrontations due to their cowardice. In life, in dire need of safety, comfort.

The Dragon

Is it possible to find someone who would be stronger than the dragon? The latter enchants his mythical power, amazing abilities. For him, an ordinary human existence is clearly not an option. She strives for everything in the bright, translated. His weak place is perfectionism.


It is distinguished by grace, thin and elusive nature. Stores many secrets, often changing their skin. Snake can not be called an evil creature, but everyone knows her deadly poison. At the same time, it has developed intuition, wisdom, remarkably adapts to new living conditions. And if something did not like something, quickly and imperceptibly disappear from sight.


The horse is graceful, noble and proud animals. He loves to spend time in nature, differing courage and determination. However, I need love, affection and care. She adores communication, new acquaintances, can not be alone for a long time.

Without much difficulties, copes with various obstacles, however, it does not always clearly sees the end destination. In general, the horse is a cheerful optimist.


The goat is distinguished by unpretentiousness and natural charm. She has not so much power, like a tiger or dragon, so she is more like home comfort than adrenaline. Also easily succumb to the manipulation of others. From positive moments, you can note the rapid forget of the offense, it is not able to be angry for a long time.

A monkey

Marty is a peculiar miracle of nature. She can always surprise, laugh, fills life with positive emotions. Its actions do not always have a logical structure. Monkey - a character and not angry, but not good, is in the "Golden Main".

At the same time, it has developed intelligence, easily comprehends knowledge. True, there is a high probability that all this is done exclusively to hold the attention of the public on their person. After all, it is not known to anyone how such a person behaves, remaining alone with him.


Roosters are able to present themselves in a favorable light. They can be calm, arrogant, and can take an image of active leaders. In any case, the rooster always distinguishes some of the rigor: if something serious happens, it is he will wake up everyone and pushes to action.

In this regard, it is impossible to say that the roosters are strongly disturbed by another opinion or that they are inherent in great tacty. And, of course, it is impossible to be silent about their originality, non-standard thinking.


It is the most helpful sign of the Eastern Horoscope. The dog does not wait for a reward for his actions, making them from the best spiritual motives.

But the pussy often behaves very fussy, aggressively and annoyingly. However, if the "wind blew in the other direction,", on the contrary, can begin to behave passively.


Creates the impression of nonsense, although in reality it just suffers from naivety and gullibility. The pig is a cheerful, good-natured creature, which is not completely disturbed by its own image.

She is much more comfortable to communicate with people for the soul than to create demonstration presentations. Her minus lies in the inability to withstand the obvious evil. Also, the pig is hard on the rise, but shows stability in the selected version.

Now you know the main features of the Chinese horoscope, you probably studied the eastern calendar of animals by the tables on the years and can determine which year the next or subsequent year will be. Finally, browse the video on the topic:

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