Slavic names: choices and examples


Slavic names were used by our ancestors since the times of antiquity until the Christianization of Russia. Previously, the Slavic nameders consisted of a large number of names, today most of whom completely rushed into the fly.

However, against the background of the modern revival of interest in Slavs, the variants of the Old Slavic names for the kids are beginning to meet more and more.

Features of Slavic names

Meaning of human name

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By the name of the ancestors with the name of the ancestors, you get the opportunity not to return to your origins, but also improvements in total. After all, it is no secret that the name has certain vibrations, heavily affecting the identity of the carrier and all his life.

The name affects not only on the person himself, but also uses all of humanity, all of our planet. How does this happen? Let's figure out.

The name acts as an energy information program. The greater the number of residents of the Earth have positive names, the more people are being improved, and also there is a cleansing and improving the energy-informational background of the Earth. Accordingly, the situation changes exactly the opposite when it comes to negative names.

Little excursion in the history of our ancestors

The historic Motherland of Slavs is South and Eastern Europe, affecting the Far East of the Russian Federation. Nowadays, about three hundred three hundred fifty million Slavs live in the world, one hundred and thirty-seven million of which are Russians.

All from Slavic nations can be divided into three large categories:

  1. Western Slavs represented by Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Kashubami, Luzhicans.
  2. South Slavs. Consist of Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Macedonians, Slovenians, Chernogortsev.
  3. East Slavs represented by Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians.

Older Slavonic names

Now let's talk about the peculiarities that the ancient Slavic names had.

Our great-grandparents made their children not one children, but at once two names:

  • The first - public, was false;
  • The second is secret, only the man and his closest relatives could know about him.

What was it necessary for? A similar custom performed a peculiar guard, protecting the baby from evil spirits and unkind people.

At the same time, the first names, as the rules, were intact (for example, Kriv, Evil, Nekras). It was believed that when the owner of the owner of this name will be met by evil or inadequate, they will prefer to leave him alone. Yes, and not knowing the true name, it was impossible to cause serious harm.

The child was supposed to wear a not very attractive name until adolescence was taken. At that time, the main characteristics of the individual, for which the second version of the name was chosen.

The child was tired of adolescent age

There was a wide variety of Slavic names, they were even divided into groups. And, choosing the name to your chalch, repelled from such criteria:

  • Stayed on the versions belonging to the world of animals and plants (Ring, hare, eagle, nut and so on);
  • They made babies in the sequence of their birth (first, second, the final ...);
  • associated with the gods and goddesses (Yarilo, Semargl, Lada ...);
  • took into account human qualities (brave, wise ...);
  • Called two-axis names (Svyatoslav, Tikhomir, Svetosar) with their derivatives (holy, kind, yaril, etc.). It is worth noting that the last category used the greatest popularity.

Sometimes parents called their child from his birth's place - for example, a clearing, if the girl appeared in the light in the field.

Christian bans

When Christianity came to Russian lands, Slavic names gradually began to disappear. The church were superimposed on all names of names similar to the pagan gods.

As a result of such actions, part of the names are completely forgotten and in the modern world is perceived as a foreign one, exotic. It turns out that already poor Slavic culture is impoverished even more.

Although the sake of justice should be said about the restoration of the historical truth, when modern parents give their children the names of distant ancestors. If you are also interested in long-standing traditions and want to choose the beautiful Old Slavonic name to the baby, then recommendations will be given.

To date, the Slavic names are usually, that men, that women, do not hide in themselves, on the contrary, being clear to any person, even intuitively. Most of them are characterized by a favorable energy and meaning. For example, you can mention the name of Lyudmila - "Cute People" and Yaroslav - "Bright Glory".

Of course, no latter role is given by fraud. Here, as examples, the names of Milan (cute), Snezhanas (Belo Oil), Svetlana (Svetlana), Yaroslav (Glorious), Yaroslav (glorious), Lyubomir (Pealing), Lubomir (Peaceful), are better suited. Such variations are filled with good energy and delay the hearing.

It is also necessary to remember that in the bulk of the second part of the Slavic names use the following foundations:

  • "Slav" - Yaroslav - that is, strong and glorious;
  • "Peace" - Ostromir - acute and glorious;
  • "Volod" - Vsevolod - all who owns;
  • "Lyubo" - love - the one who likes to think.

More about recently, the Christian church did not give permission to eat many other names: For example, Bogdan (which was changed to Fedot), Bolevlav, Borimir, Borislav, Bronislav, Vaclav, Velimira, Gorislav, Lubomir, Milan, Milan, Milena, Miloslav, Radima , Radomir, Ratmir, Svetlana, Svetlana, Stanislav, Cheslava, Yana, Boleslav, Gorislav, Stanislav and other Vine Slavic names, male and female.

Fortunately, today all prohibitions are removed, and parents can take advantage of the proposed extensive choice. My older sister decided to call his last child Radomir - an interesting name of the name with a wonderful meaning - the one who rejoices the world. And she is not alone in his choice. Nowadays, when Western names began to gradually delighted people, the options of those who were ancestors were used.

Therefore, if you have the same desire, do it search to find the most suitable option for yourself. Then I propose to find out what Old Slavonic names for boys are, as well as what our great-grandparents paid attention to the choice of name.

Choosing a child name - an important task

How did Slavic names for boys choose?

In the Slavs, male names were given, pushing away from the following considerations:
  1. Could be temporary. While the child did not become the tag (that is, did not reach the age of twelve-fourteen years), he was often magnified simply "Chado", while carefully studying his habits and skills. Or gave an unrivally temporary name.
  2. Conducted a ritual name . The name was chosen based on the demonstrated character traits, abilities and qualities, so that it is fully associated with the identity of the child.
  3. The ancestors were honored. It was quite respectful to the lethara, the baby was often magazed by the name of the ancestor left to the world - near or distant.
  4. Called native gods. Often children were called in their honor.

At the same time, it was necessary to fulfill the name of the name of the name in that year, which corresponded to the category of the population of the baby (the victims, weights, knights, the disadvantage).

The distribution was as follows:

  • Emirates Chado made aged nine years;
  • Baby of Vityaz - at the age of twelve;
  • Weigh either the sadness - at sixteen years.

According to the preserved written information, it is confirmed that if the name for some reason did not suit the child, the ritual of the name of the name was repeated or had already given a different name.

I would like to notice that in the northern regions of the Russian Federation still remains the traditions described. Parents are repelled from ancient knowledge, and not guided only by personal preferences.

After all, indeed - even modern Slavs are often called the kids with the names that like them themselves. But it does not take into account the importance of the name in the fate of the kid. After all, it is his man hears most often for his life, and it is its best characterizes him.

The ancient Slavs existed faith in the vibration of words. They believed that vibrations form a specific energy field creating human life.

Perhaps you heard the famous Slavic saying "How you can call the boat, so she sails." It remarkably illustrates the importance of the right choice of the baby name.

Slavic names for men

  • Belogor is coming out of white mountains.
  • Boleslav is the one who famute God.
  • Boguil - cute for God.
  • Bogdan is the one who was given gods.
  • Beloyar - characterized by rage.
  • Vedatar - the world victim.
  • Vladislav is the one that owns glory.
  • Daromir - giving peace.
  • Dobrolyub - the one that good loves.
  • Even - Clear Heavens.
  • Zlatoslav - endowed with gold glory.
  • Igor - an analogue of the ancient Scandinavian name ingvar - that is, militant, landpastez.
  • Ivan is an option of the original Russian name, symbolizing the birth, as well as the connection with otherworldly reality.
  • Lucheslav - in the rays of glory.
  • Young man.
  • Oleg - Light, fast.
  • Ruslav - Russian.
  • Svetosar - the one who illuminates the light.
  • Khvalimir - glorifying peace.
  • Yaromir - fierce in the world.

In conclusion

Let's summarize the topic:

  • The name is the most important energy information component of each person.
  • Slavs chose names, watching their children, studying their personal characteristics, abilities.
  • Today, if you wish to infer the kid by the Slavic name, also consider the above points.

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