Demonology: species and classification of demons


Everyone heard about the demons. In the Middle Ages, a detailed classification of these creatures was compiled, over which prominent European philosophers, occultists and monks worked. Russian demonology has absorbed popular beliefs based on nature observations and homemade.

I became interested in the issue of demonology after unsafe hobbies of the black magic of my sister, which fell on the treatment in a state of a protracted depression. She made several attempts to call the demon, after which he received strong nervous exhaustion. What is dangerous demons for people where they live, can I get in touch with them? Consider these questions in the article.


Who are such demons

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Despite the detailed description of the demons of medieval theologists, this topic is not fully disclosed. The description of the demons is also concrete, but not defined to the end. Sometimes the description of the demons with one scientist theologian contradicts the opinion and description of the other. Christian theology is repelled from the dualistic perception of the world, in which good is constantly fighting with evil. The battlefield of these dual forces - human souls.

Demons, according to Christian teaching, are fallen angels, damned God. They retained their angelic nature, but lost sinlessness. The leader of the fallen angels is Lucifer, who rocked to become equal to God and take his place. After God climbed Lucifer from heaven, he made a third of the heaven angels. They became referred to as demons and demons. From now on, their main task becomes the spread of evil and sin among people.

Since the demons and their leadership of Satan (former Lucifer) can no longer harm God and his army, then they turned the whole of his malice and hatred against his similarity - man. In his goats, Satan constantly uses a lie, covering it with plausible fiction. So, he contributed to the creation of many Lizeligiode cults, which took and lead people from the truth. The wrong worship of God is equal to the worship of the devil and demons, which is needed by Satan.

Satan is also constantly trying to prove to people their strength and power, pretending to the dominant position in their hearts. To do this, he uses a whole army of sorcerers and witches who seduce people with false wonders and illusion. For example, in the magic challenge of the deceased instead, the demon comes, and the man takes the soul of the deceased. Such false wonders who make sorcerers with the help of unclean strength, a great set.

The following names of fallen angels mention in the Old Testament:

  • The devil, he is Lucifer - from Greek translates as a slander;
  • Satan - from the Hebrew translates as an opponent, a destruction; This word is denoted by all fallen spirits;
  • Veliar - from Hebrew translates as a depravant and scoundrel;
  • Velzevul - denotes the prince of Nezovsky, meets in both covenants - old and new;
  • Demon is an evil spirit;
  • The demon is also an evil spirit.

The demonic kingdom has a clear hierarchy, they lead to them 4 Supreme Demon: Lucifer, Velzevet, Astarot, Moloch. However, in other sources, Leviafan or Velosal is mentioned instead of a mol.

One of the leading demonologists of the 16th century P. Binsfeld allocated 7 supreme demonic creatures according to seven mortal sins:

  1. Lucifer - Pride.
  2. Mammon - stiffness.
  3. Asmode size - lust.
  4. Satan - anger.
  5. Velzevul - Czechodie.
  6. Leviathan - envy.
  7. Belfegor - laziness.

In Kabbalistic demonology, 10 supreme devils are distinguished, which correspond to the Ten Dark Sphirota of the Tree of Life.

Nine demonic ranks

Some demonologies suggested that the Besh hierarchy copies the angel and contains nine ranks:

  1. pseudobogo led by Velzevul;
  2. Perfume lies led by a pyfhon;
  3. Inventors of evil affairs led by Vella;
  4. Avengers led by asmod;
  5. Deceivers led by Satan;
  6. Suppressing disasters and infection led by Merezin;
  7. Furi led by Abadona;
  8. Prosecutors led by Astarotom;
  9. Tempters and worships led by Mammon.

Pseudobogo - these are those who pretend to be a true God. These include all Greek pantheon and pagan deities.

The task of the spirits of Lie is to mislead, using fortune telling and prophecies. It is preserved and understood, the whole army of "clairvoyant" introduces people to demonic misconception and obsession. All sorts of fortune-tellers "from God", the priests and predictors will lead people from the truth, issuing a lie for the truth.

The task of the inventors of evil deeds is to evade from the fulfillment of God's commandments. For this, they created many varieties of vicious arts and classes.

The task of the avengers and punishers - to make people live thoughts about retribution instead of fulfilling the commandment of love and all-sucking. Demons convince them that it is necessary to take revenge on who deserves it.

Deceivers seduce humanity with false wonders. Their task is to lead from the truth. They can take an image of just a person with the gift of God, but sometimes seem to be the messenger of God himself.

The spirits of infection are dominated by the air medium through which they transmit different epidemics and mor.

The task of Fury is to disperse the moat, to face people, introduce into the state of war and hatred. They work both with individuals and with integer nations and states.

Prosecutors manage slander, false denunciations, references and gossip. They introduce a person in bewilderment, and the entire compromising is sent to their leadership of Astarot.

The task of tempter - imagine people to sins. A special good luck is the transformation of a god-fearing person in the sinewoman.


Three levels of a dark hierarchy

Some theologians and theologies of the Middle Ages are confident that the order of the Angelic Hierarchy has been preserved in the world.

First level

As in the angels world, this level contains 3 steps:

  1. seraphim;
  2. Cherubim;
  3. Throne.

Seraphim Velzeveul copies the Archangel of the Metatron, who lives in God's pags. However, Velzevul is engaged in the seduction and seduces people to be built. Seraphim Leviathan is doing everything possible to lean people to the heresy and unscrew from church creed. Seraphim Asmtell seduces material abundance.

Cherubs Balbecitis encourages a person to suicide, teach the eloquence and sows hostility between friends.

The throne of Astarot encourages people to idleness, infects with lance and depression. The throne is faithful sowing and enmity to each other. Gressin's throne inclines to slope and teaches to love physical dirt. The throne Sonnellon inclines to revenge and hatred.

Second level

This level contains the following 3 steps:
  1. domination;
  2. forces;
  3. authorities.

The domination of Elle seduces wealth, the domination of Rye seduces on the fornication and debauchery.

Prince Verier's strength encourages violating obedience.

The power of Carro gives cruelty and destroys mercy. The Power of Carnivan makes you shameless, do not feel guilty for the perfect predictions and do not feel the need for repentance.

Third level

At this level, too, 3 steps:

  1. start;
  2. Archangels;
  3. Angels.

The beginning of Velibal inclines the human souls to exceeding and arrogance. It was them that they created a fashion and evaluation of appearance. He also inclines people to frightly, chatty and inattention; Especially loves to distract attention in worship.

Archangel Olivia teaches to despise poverty, to show cruelty to homeless and not to serve alms.

Habitat demons

This is another classification proposed by Monk Mikhail Pwell. This theologian believed that the demons can dwell in different places and are not tied to the hellish monastery. The works of Pwell were not preserved in the original, but they were often quoted by other authors and theologians.

According to the theory of Pwell, Demons of fire dwells under the moon or in the highest layers of the heavenly sphere. They have no case to the world of people with whom they do not contact. Fiery demons will take part as prosecutors on the day.

Air demons Inhabit people in the world, therefore they represent a certain danger. These demons should be watched. They periodically visit hell on various matters, then returned to the world of people. These creatures directly affect people's lives, can cause natural disruption cataclysms and to be given apparently.

Demons of the Earth Also live among people, like air. They bring troubles and misfortunes, but can just live in the appearance of an ordinary person in the society of people. Among them are neutral in their attitude to people of spirits.

Water demons They live in any sources, engaged in hydration among navigators and representatives of the underwater kingdom. These demons can be shown to people in the appearance of a woman, behave aggressively and like to dirty.

Underground demons Are in caves and crevices. They harm everyone who is underground, including miners and miners. It is the underground demons that cause destructive earthquakes and the similarity of the village streams, and they also deal with the porch of the foundation of the Human Resource.

Demons Lucifugi are light-natal, they never come out of hell and are not shown to people. They cannot be overcome by magic, as well as protect themselves with the help of magic seal or overag.

Pwell believed that it is possible to cause the rite only the demons of the elements, the rest do not respond to the call words. To cause a demon of the elements, it was necessary to come to the place of habitat. For example, the aqueous evil is caused by the reservoir.


The genus of demons

The evil is classified and by the family of classes that she owns. This classification was suggested in the 15th century Alfons de Spin. The classification is rather controversial and not recognized by many theologists due to the inaccuracies of the descriptions.

Alphonse classification de spin:

  • parks;
  • Clean demons;
  • assistants of witches and sorcerers;
  • Incubs and sukkuba;
  • poltergeist;
  • Machining ghosts.

Parks are the three goddes of the fate of Roman mythology. De Spina considered their evil spirits, which has a direct impact on human destinies.

Clean demons, according to De Spin, attack exclusively on the holy people. Of particular importance for these unclean spirits is lucky in the seduction of the righteous and the entry of his soul in the bunch of sin and passion. There are also dreams of dreams that are satisfied with nightmares and feed on the energy of fear of sleeping person.

According to De Spin, assistants come from hell to each witch to each sorcerer. Usually they have the appearance of homemade or wild animal small sizes. It can be Filin, a cat, a dog. A separate type of evil forces the witches to remember Shabashi, which was not. That is, these are false memories introducing in full delusion.

Sukkuby and Incuba are demonic entities that seduce men and women, enter into intimate contacts and feed on the energy of solvents. In addition to these entities, de Spin lasted the demon who feeds the male seed. According to other sources, unclean spirits were born out of the avergned seed.

Also Alphonse de Spin highlighted marching ghosts, which are in the form of a crowd of people. Poltergeist was counted to the unclean - noisy homemade spirit.

Planetary conformity by Cornelia Agrippe

In the ancient occult sources there is information about the spirits that patronize the planets. For example, the demons of the planets was indicated in the ancient treatise "Solomon key". Cornelius Agrippa compiled a detailed table of the correspondences of demons by planets, which can be found in the "occult philosophy", T. 4. The author described the appearance of creatures, behavioral features and a number of issues with which you can contact them when calling.

If you need to make a spell or sexual binding, we turned to the spirits of the planet Venus. If it was necessary to defeat the enemy, turned to the spirit of the planet Mars. That is, each of the seven planets of the solar system had its own demone patron. When calling entities, it should be accurately observed all the correspondences indicated in the treatise. These include the hour of the rite, day of the week, gem and other attributes.

Modern classification

Nowadays, another attempt was made to classify demons by classes. This was done by a demonist Stephanie Konolly. It was a classification convenient for a magical challenge of one or another demon and demon.

For the love spells and inciting passions, they turn to Lilith, Astarot or Asmode. They are also treated to attract the second half and search for a sexual partner.

To guide damage and revenge, enemies turn to Abaddon, Andrasha or Agaliarept. With the help of these demons try to overcome the enemy, superior to force and skill. Also in black business helps their servants.

To kill the enemy physically, turn to demons, head of necromanceria. This is Babael, Walberit and Evrin. Also addressed to them to avoid premature death.

Black magic is used not only for love spells and damage, but also for healing. To get rid of severe ailments, they turn to demons Velila and Verier, as well as to Verrin.

To strengthen the results of magical rituals and contact with elements, turn to Dagon, Leviafan, Lucifer. These demons manage natural elements and will be able to help in establishing contact with them.

Purchase wealth or ruin the enemy - with these requests to turn to Mammon, Velzevulu or Belfeget. These demons wish the material component of the life of people, they can also be asked to ask for a solution to solve any question.

Enlarge your informational luggage and comprehend secret magic knowledge helps the dales of the ponyphone, Delilitors and Rongle. However, these demons open secret knowledge of only black magicians working with bright forces to this information the path is closed.

Russian demonology

Slavs believed in the unclean long before the baptism of Russia. The influence of Christian creed somewhat changed the representation of people about demonic beings, but not fundamentally. Rather, Christian theology added new creatures to the already existing.

The bright representatives of the Doharistian and post-Christian demonology are styled dead, in other words - the walking dead. They were also called ghouls.

Slavs believed in the evil bodzuli, who could turn into a tramp and drunking of any person. This spirit appeared on the streets of villages in the fall and had the appearance of a woman dressed in the ribbon. To defend himself from this spirit, from the late autumn, the peasants were suspicious of the travelers.

Slavs spiritualized the whole nature and inhabited rivers, forests, fields and swamps with different spirits. With the arrival of Christianity, these spirits were automatically ranked unclean. To protect yourself and their home from the negative impact of unclean strength, the Slavs did special overlap and read protective conspiracies. Also, the peasants believed that the diseases also sat down evil spirits, so when making them began to drive them specially ritual actions.

In the Slavic folklore there are also evil spirits, previously former people. These are Maw and Mermaids. To draw the evil creatures, the Slavs made it an offer. In addition to evil, good spirits lived next to a person. For example, houses. The home spirit is revered and today, it still believes many people, like children believe in Santa Claus.

As you can see, Russian and Slavic demonologies differ from European. Roots from Russian and European demonology are different, therefore, there are practically no corresponderances.

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