Scorpio Woman and Capricorn - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Scorpio is the most passionate and sexy sign of the zodiac, and the Capricorn is distinguished by rigor and secrecy. Will they create a harmonious pair in the presence of such opposite character traits? In this article, I will tell you what you can expect from this union, what joys and difficulties lie in the relationship between women Scorpio and Capricorn Men.

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Love and relations

Love between these signs often flashes at first sight. They are attracted at a distance and can even read thoughts from each other. Their feelings acquire a special depth and strength.

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Capricorn is a partner for scorpion female, next to which it will feel complete peace. Whatever differences have their characters, these two people will always be good together. They are breeding relationships with a long life skate.

They do not like noisy companies, prefer home comfort and trust conversations with each other. They love to dream about the future in the evenings, sitting in an embrace by the fireplace. Capricorn with its constancy and thoroughness disarms jealous scorpion.

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If a black cat runs between partners, then the scorpion will not be angry with the Capricorn for a long time and easily forgive the partner any provinity.

Sexual compatibility

Despite the fact that the Capricorn man is quite conservative in sex issues, a scorpion woman will be able to wake a deeply-minded passion in it. And it is not at all surprising, because Scorpio belongs to the palm of championship for sexuality among the signs of the zodiac.

They are waiting for a bright and diverse sex life in which there will be many experiments. Long preliminary affairs, seductive outfits, role-playing games - all this will be organized by passionate scorpion. Capricorn, of course, will not refuse such joys.

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The partner in response is surrounding the lady with warmth and will do everything to feel happy. Sexy harmony over time will only strengthen this union, and no one will have even thoughts about treason.

Family and marriage

The scorpion female in family life creates an emotional situation, and the Capricorn man supports the material side and develops plans for the future. If the woman hopes more to his intuition, then everything is designed for him exactly.

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Children in this family are growing in care and caressing from both parents who make maximum efforts so that the heirs did not know anything. Mama-Scorpio is very caring, kind and attentive to children, and Pap-Capricorn is always strict but fair.

Pros and cons couple

With its stability and harmony, this pair is favorably different on a general background. They help each other to make a career and usually achieve social success and material well-being. They are a real support and support for each other.

If there are spiritually undeveloped relationships, and this happens at the very beginning of the novel, resentment can grow into long tights. If you do not find out the relationship on time, the conflict can bring a couple to a complete break.

The second danger lies in the sphere of feelings and emotions. The scorpion woman has a passionate nature, inside her all boils and raging, and the Capricorn is more relaxed, cold and discreet. A woman will feel the lack of heat and passions, and she will try to cause them with all their might. But it may not like Capricorn.

How to fall in love with Capricorn Men

  • Show long patience, do not hurry the Capricorn in making a decision, do not force relations.
  • Show your independence and willingness to listen to the opinion of Capricorn.
  • Demonstrate its business and cleanness in everyday life, the ability to prepare delicious.
  • Respectively to relate to close relatives and friends of Capricorn, interested in their affairs and health.
  • Show your full confidence in what he says and makes Capricorn, do not question any choice.
  • Do not impose once again, give Capricorn to feel free, do not encroach on his personal space.
  • Capricorn very much like women standing above the career ladder, more intelligent and status.
  • Support Capricorn in its activity and thirst activity.
  • Every time surprised him in sexual terms, thinking through every date.
  • To try to look well, because Capricorps add out their gaze only on real queens.

Friendship compatibility

Between these signs is possible strong friendship. Particularly appreciates the ratio of Capricorn, he believes that no one can understand him except Scorpio. He is pleased to share with her plans for the future, with his joys and experiences. Woman Scorpio relates more peacefully to the Capricorn and especially does not highlight him from among his friends.

Compatibility in work

A scorpion woman and a male Capricorn form a beautiful tandem in the business sphere. They can minim the mountains. In any team, they are an example for imitation. Scorpio has an amazing performance, and Capricorn has ambitiousness and determination.

Provided that the leader will be scorpion, conflicts may arise. Capricorn does not like to be subordinate. If the scorpion boss will prevent his career, it can easily "hang up."

The option will be more successful when the head is Capricorn, and the Scorpion as a subordinate. It will appreciate in it hard work and responsibility, will increase the salary and help the career promotion.


A pair of scorpion female and Capricorn man has every chance for a happy life together:

  1. At the first stage of relations, they are waiting for a long and sensual novel. Scorpion must be patient and not forced events.
  2. In marriage, they will make a rather harmonious pair, if there are no conflicts. Scorpio should be slightly seduced by its congenital emotionality.
  3. Sexual compatibility of this pair can only be envied. Passionate Scorpio will try to ignite the restrained Capricorn.
  4. Friendship between these signs is possible long and sincere, especially from Capricorn.
  5. In work, they perfectly understand and balance each other, and in joint projects there are undoubted success. The only condition - Scorpio should not command the Capricorn.

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