Woman Virgo and Male Scales - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Zodiac compatibility in the life of people plays a far from the last role. I am a Virgin, my first husband is a scales, and that's what I can say - everything that the astrologers write about this union is true. Want to learn more, gravity please.

Woman Virgo and Male Scales - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3816_1

She is gentle and soft, although at times prone to the bore, he is a serious, practical. How long will two be negotiated with such input data?

Love and relations

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The male Virgin and Women Weighs the relationship will be classic, some patriarchals, because both of them are sentimental and conservative, appreciate traditions. There is a dream about achieving the perfect painting - like black and white movies. The virgin like this approach is like, the male scales feels gratitude and also rejoices. This is what only little in it is a pressure. Virgo loves to respond to the initiative, and if nothing happens, then respond to her, it turns out that nothing. Not capable of a fellow man in the eyes of the Virgin is no longer such a macho as I would like.

Woman Virgo and Male Scales - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3816_2

So aggression, but only positive form, be. A couple of good perspectives have a good outcome, although no one will guarantee you.

Sexual compatibility

In sex there are risks not to get the desired due to the expectant position of both participants in the pair. Virgo can hardly desire something, but the first will not show and will not begin. Scales may not want to strain the lover and do nothing. This signs together are comfortable, cozy, they take care of each other, which is very valued. If you spend more time on the Mud, it will turn out to relax her, and intimate life will play with new colors.

Family and marriage

Marriage promises to be quiet, calm, almost perfect. A man is an excellent husband, providing a family, faithful, caring and gentle. Scales are trying to keep their best to keep the world in the house, and usually it turns out. Virgo is a good mistress, the house literally holds on it. Possible attacks of irritation due to impracticity of weights in domestic issues, but they are to avoid unnecessary scandals, it will be better to pacify. The coldness between spouses can slide, so they need to look for ways to maintain the degree of passion on the correct mark.

Pros and cons couple

Tediousness clearly can not be called a strong point of the Virgin. Where Libra smile, silent and try to lighten the mood, Virgo makes comments climbs tips and sometimes dramatize the situation. It would be nothing but Libra can not stand such communication, aggressively respond to the comments, and may ignite serious scandal. Virgo will sincerely wonder what happened, because she wanted the best. Libra in the best case will be grateful later when they cease to be offended, and at worst will be not at all.

Libra loves to be lazy, shifting household responsibilities on the shoulders of his wife. If you let things drift, handsome prince quickly forget which include the washing machine and the tap to wash the dishes. Here it is recommended immediately share responsibilities and can not afford to sit on the neck. Clearly, strictly and preferably without tediousness.

Woman Virgo and Male Scales - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3816_3

Spouses can make separate budget. Since Virgo is easy to store reserves for a rainy day, and the balance - spend money, not listening to the endless comments. Often, this approach leaves most rational. Even spouses may conflict due spending time habits. Virgo homebody, she is good in a blanket and the fire, but the Libra Give holiday and social activity. A possible solution to the problem - the rest together, separately, each according to his interests.

How to fall in love with a man-scales

Balanced calm man with good manners will be happy the same partner. He will not be pushed around, but nowhere so do not usually suffer. Conquer the scales you can twist, the unusual idea, smiles, but not a hurricane of passion. They are scared and he is likely to run away.

Remember that man Libra persuade, push does not make sense and is not possible. He decides sensible, balanced. It may seem lazy and mysterious, but it is comfortable to wear a mask. Duties and responsibilities of Libra loves to shift, so Conquer inaccessibility, not furious pressure.

Friendship compatibility

Libra - the guys in friendships quiet, are partners with patience and respect. Virgo Libra will listen, provide support in difficult times. It is not those friends who climb high mountains and jumping with parachutes, and on weekends become stars criminal or just a hooligan chronicles, but they will communicate closely. And for that, nothing special do not need - will be enough to be themselves.

Compatibility in work

Business associations have Dev and Libra too good. With Virgos can be difficult to get along, but they know how to delegate responsibility, manage your time so that partners are clear. Libra - more air and windy, they tend to misjudge the complexity and scope of the upcoming cases. Will the two characters together and negotiate - learn to do better and more.


  • Virgin and scales can create good unions of different sense - for friendship, love, business partnership.
  • Scales are practical and reliable, but there are winds, do not always evaluate efforts, work is real. Virgas are prone to the bore, which is also difficult to withstand. It is desirable to work on the nuances.
  • Scales love to be lazy to lean away from everyday duties, so they can not be descended. A maiden is constantly waiting for an initiative in sex, not always waiting.
  • There are still different attitude towards money - while Deva saves, the scales are desperate and spent with pleasure.

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