Woman Scales and Male Virgo - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Woman scales and male Virgo, possessing different characters, perfectly complement each other. A fine sex is an air, dreamest and romantic nature. Male Virgo is a rational, predictable and consistent person. What feelings keep their union?

Woman Scales and Male Virgo - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3819_1

What is in priority for a pair of sca-making: physical attraction or elevated and tender love? Will the representatives of these zodiac constellations be able to find a common language and make friends? How not to disappoint a partner and preserve trust in professional activities?

Love and relations

And women-scales, and male Virgo, oddly enough, dream of magical and romantic love. They converge that the representative of the strong sex should seek his chosen. Period courting from the man is beautiful and long. He gives the beloved by incredible compliments, elegant gifts and flowers. The girl bathes in attention and care.

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Their love relationship is harmonious and tremble. However, the scales will soon bother the candy-bought period. A fair sex, despite the conservative approach inherent in her, is counting on the transition of their relationship to a more serious level. But Male Virgo is sentimental and misintermetail with a subtle spiritual organization. He is not able to go across and be energetic.

The ideal, at first glance, the relationship of women-scales and male-mars is practically deprived of passion, bright unforgettable impressions, spontaneous adventures and drive. Romance, calm, peacekeeping. So that the beloved did not bother from such quiet on emotions of relations, a strong sex representative should be more confident and decisive.

Sexual compatibility

The sex life of women-scales and male-male will be monotonous and a bit boring. Loves negatively belong to experiments in bed. The main role in sex belongs to a fine sex representative. It is she who cares about creating a cozy and intriguing atmosphere. Woman's scales tries to relax her man, he often bore and clamped.

In terms of sex, representatives of these zodiac constellations are conservative. The absence of fantasy and courage is compensated by tenderness and romance. But the problems of partners are solvable. And the woman-scales, and the male-virgin need to learn to trust their second half and try to fully open it with all the advantages and disadvantages.

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Although they will not be able to achieve unrestrained passion in sex, some barriers and frames Representatives of these zodiac constellations are able to overcome. Without bright emotions, sexual relationships will quickly get bored with a woman scale, and she will begin to look after a different companion.

Family and marriage

Calm, quiet and peaceful family union. Woman scales, not distinguished by great economic activity, can contain homemade focus clean and order. Her spouse is actively helped by her. Male Virgo does not refuse everyday domestic affairs. A strong sex representative is a good husband and an excellent family man. From the part it seems that this is an ideal, compatible 100% Union.

However, due to the lack of passion and bright emotions, their marriage can give a crack. Mutual claims, missing and constant conflicts gradually form the abyss between the spouses. They become cold and incredulous in relation to each other. Representatives of these zodiac constellations are still at home. Woman scales are not averse to go to a noisy party, man-maiden prefers to spend the evening alone, reading the book you like.

But the spouses have a chance to warm up interest in each other and return the former gentle and trembling feelings. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac without offensive and reproaches should be expressed mutual claims and together find further ways to solve the accumulated problems. Weighing woman and male-mars need to diversify their daily life with interesting joyful events, unusual adventures, joint campaigns and travel.

Pros and cons couple

The main advantages of a couple of women-scales and male male:

  • Romance and mutual love.
  • Current and gentle attitude to the partner.
  • Desire to hear and understand the chosen one.
  • Cutout in a pair, desire to compromise.

The main consumers of female scales and male male:

  • Lack of passion, sparks, mad energy in relationships. Coldness between partners.
  • Incompatibility in sex life.
  • Not the business of both partners. A large number of household problems.
  • Lack of joint hobbies and hobbies.

Woman Scales and Male Virgo - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3819_3

How to fall in love with a male male

Male Virgo is a consistent, calculating and pedantic strong sex. He knows exactly what girl wants to see next to him. He pays special attention to charming, responsible and economic women. However, not every girl scales boast of these qualities.

To make a man-Virgin showing a sympathy for a beautiful sex representative, she must first take the first step towards him to meet and unequivocally hint on his feelings. Woman scales should be decisive and assertive. She should not be shy and silent about his thoughts about the cavalier.

Male Virgo is distinguished by fussiness, amorphy and dimming. Therefore, the scales should take the initiative to their hands. After a strong sex representative learns about the sympathy from the girl, his response will be more convincing.

Friendship compatibility

There is often easy and unobtrusive friendship between a scaway woman and a male-Virgin. Representatives of these zodiac constellations are interested in spending time together, they have a lot of general topics for conversations. The surrounding may seem that there is more close communication between friends, perhaps even love. However, it is not.

Friendly relationships of women-scales and male-mars rarely go into love. Light flirt and small coquetry - yes. But no more. Therefore, the second halves of representatives of these zodiac constellations are not worth worrying. Neither a woman nor a man is capable of treason and betrayal. They really appreciate their partner and family.

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Compatibility in work

Male Virgo and Woman Scales prefer different areas of professional activity, so they rarely intersect at work. However, there are exceptions. How productive will their business union, depends on the position of each of them:

  • Woman scales and male virgins - colleagues. Dual Union. If partners decide to open a joint business and properly fit on the separation of roles, this cooperation will be very successful. If representatives of these zodiac constellations work on equal posts in one company, then come to a compromise and find a common language in this union will not work.
  • Woman scales - chief, male-maiden - subordinate. Extremely unsuccessful cooperation. Representatives of these zodiac constellations will not work. A man knows how to perform clear tasks, but the woman does not know how to put them at all.
  • Woman scales - subordinate, male-maid - boss. The worst business alliance from all possible. The pedantic and calculating boss will be sown to each little things subordinate-scale, it will constantly make it with its reproach. The male male in the employee annoys everything. He will not calm down until she serves a dismissal statement.

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Woman scales and male maiden capable of saving bright romantic relationships. But that their love does not go out, partners are important to make bright and positive emotions in their lives, unforgettable impressions.

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