Scorpio and Scorpio Woman - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


As in any union of two strong personalities, in a pair of a scorpion woman - a male scorpion, no matter how passionately and pronounced relationships, the period of confrontation will come with the period of confrontation of equally strong characters. Such couples due to their explosive temperament often quarrel, but they are in vigorously pulling each other. Sometimes they can diverge and converge all their life without giving peace to each other, but also did not imagine a friend without a friend.

Love and relations

At the very beginning of relations, the novel between two scorpions is developing very violently and rapidly. Mutual attraction is too large to resist boiling passions. But over time, frequent conflicts and quarrels are possible in this passionate tandem. The reason is simple: each of the partners will try to drag the blanket for yourself. Both have an unbridled character, both will want to dominate and monitor the situation, and this is fraught with frequent conflicts, since no one wants to give up.

The way out of this situation is very simple, but it is the only tool to preserve the relationship. It is necessary to learn how to compromise and, no matter how trivially sounded, to make concessions to each other. So, if two scorpions want to get along with one roof, they will have to work hard. But this work will be rewarded: harmonious and spiritual couples who will be able to cope with the slope of emotions and develop joint behavior tactics in order to avoid conflict situations, they will find each other support and understanding - after all, they are from one test, and who will better understand the mysterious Scorpion soul, if not scorpion.

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Scorpio and Scorpio Woman - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3825_1

Unfortunately, such high relationships are far from being built. Many in a pair of scorpion-scorpion are trying to take the leader's position, inevitably causing a partner's fierce resistance. The consequence of such pressure will be the scenes of jealousy, distrust, frequent scandals. As a result, the situation is quite common when the pair of scorpion-scorpion torments each other all his life, then converging, then breaking up.

Sexual compatibility

Both a man and a scorpion woman are the sexiest partners. They both know that in this sense and will not let each other bored. Especially since both are on the same wave: they understand what a partner is expecting from them, and with pleasure, all the fantasies of each other are happy.

The sex life of scorpions, however, like all life is a volcano of passions and emotions. Scorpio is able to deliver and enjoy. Sensual component of sexual relationships both for a woman and for a male scorpion is very important. Therefore, in bed, this pair will not be bored. And if conflicts are incurred in a pair of scorpion-scorpion, then this is clearly not because of the problems or incompatibility in sexual terms - the blame will only be the desire for each of them to subjugate the partner and openly dominate him.

Family and marriage

Scorpions are faithful partners. If they see the partner from the partner, the desire to build honest and open relationships, they will always support this initiative. Both scorpion will value their family, care about the whole second half and happy at any time to come to the rescue. Family for Scorpio is his fortress, and to the question of marriage and man, and the woman belongs very seriously. Men-scorpions will very much in a sense of reliable rear, comfort and comfort in the house, and the scorpion woman knows how to create them and maintain them.

That is why pairs that will be able to curb their explosive nature and a squall of emotions, it is possible to build a very strong and friendly family.

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But it is not worth changing Scorpio: he who has excellent intuition, sooner or later it will feel and be sure to repay your coin. In anger, scorpions are scary: they do not pick up either words nor emotions. The most important thing for Scorpio in this situation is to deliver the partner the same pain that they experienced. Scorpio will not be shy in choosing funds to force their incorrect half.

Pros and cons couple

Both a man and a scorpion woman is very ambitious and demanding. And demanding both towards others. Often they put for themselves for themselves, and for those around the high bar and all their lives are trying to grow spiritually and morally, the same demanding from others.

Often this is the desire to make the world perfectly poured into conflict situations, the reason for which are attempts to frankly impose their own partner's opinion and subjugate him. But his partner in such behavior scorpions often refuse, perfectly realizing that he wants the same.

The durability of the relationship Scorpio-Scorpio depends only on their ability to negotiate and impress, avoiding conflict situations, since the clarification of relations in such a pair is always very violent.

How to fall in love with a male scorpion

Even if the male scorpion dreams of a quiet and submissive woman, he will not be able to not pay attention to the passionate scorpion woman. Its like a magnet attracts its hidden depth, passionality and power. In addition, they are ideally suited to each other in bed, and for scorpion it is very important.

For scorpion, an important role is played by the appearance of the partner: beautiful underwear, spectacular makeup will help to take possession of the male scorpion.

But what is categorically impossible to do with a scorpion man, especially at the beginning of the relationship, so it is to try to put it frankly on him and openly impose your opinion. He will simply unfold and leave you. Also, you should not arrange the scenes of jealousy and demonstrate our insult on this or that reason - a scorpion man often perceives it as an attempt to manipulate and acts accordingly.

And never entertain Scorpio. It differs from other signs of excellent intuition and the analytical warehouse of the mind and sooner or later will withdraw you on clean water. Therefore, long and strong relationships with scorpion on the lies do not build.

Friendship compatibility

Scorpions can be perfectly laugh with each other, and friendship between them is peculiar - they forgive each other small sins that would not forgive any other "someone's" sign. Such a couple is capable of long friendly open relationships, despite the fact that between them is often, and in some cases friendly sex happens.

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Compatibility in work

Scorpions are excellent workers, both workaholics, so how colleagues are perfectly able to add each other. Danger represents the Union of Woman Scorpio in the role of the head and male Scorpio as a subordinate, especially if it is clearly demonstrated to his superiority and prevent his career growth.

Main conclusions

  1. There are legends about the heavy and outstanding character of scorpions, and if this temperament is multiplied by two, then the spectacle is not for the faint of heart.
  2. A scorpion woman and a scorpion man invariably pulls each other, but if they are boiling passion at the very beginning and emotions prevail, then over time, each of them will invariably try to take the position of the leader, with which the partner will, to put it mildly, do not agree. As a result, conflicts, jelly scenes, suspicion arise very often.
  3. The sexual relations of two scorpions are very passionate and emotional. Both perfectly understand what a partner wants from them, and they will not be able to bring him pleasure. In bed, they never bother each other, and passionate attraction over the years is only enhanced.
  4. Marriage between two scorpions is or painful relationships, where each partner will try to take the position of the leader, or, if the couple can cope with the rapid manifestation of emotions, harmonious and open relationships in which the couple will learn to give up each other and go to meet.
  5. To attract the attention of scorpion men, a scorpion woman a lot of effort will be needed - its sensuality and passionality hung it.

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