Woman Cancer and Aquarius - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


The union between a water-aquietary and woman-cancer is quite complex. Partners are so different that they are hard to find points of contact.

Each of the data of the data signs of the zodiac sets opposite goals, is interested in opposite things and dreams of different. Aquarius depends on frequent changes and various adventures, and female cancer prefers to relate to things seriously, thinking over all several times. In order for the union between them to become durable and strong, good reasons are needed. They may be physical proximity, the financial dependence of one of the partners, the common cause or responsibility for each other.

Woman cancer can be an ideal mistress and mom, and Aquarius will take responsibility for material goods. However, if a man bother monomiality, he will begin to look for another woman on the side.

Love and relations

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Aquarius used to tie their lives with adventures and unexpected actions. They are proud and unpredictable. They do not like to sit in one place and engage in only a household life. The cancer needs stability and reliability from the partner that they will not receive from Aquarius.

One of the main reasons for frequent quarrels is confident in the rightness of each partner. In quarrels, each of them is considered right, as a result of which they cannot find compromises.

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An example of conflicts can be household problems. Woman cancer wants to create a cozy and warm atmosphere of the house, achieve financial independence. Aquarius believes that such trifles may wait, so adventures put in the first place. He is not so important family relationships, as a fun time.

Woman cancer starts a relationship with a man to build a strong marriage. Aquarius refers to these goals with a mockery, therefore does not perceive such desires as their own. Rather, he will throw a loved one and starts to live in his pleasure than he will redirect his strength on what he does not like or do not need.

Sexual compatibility

The shyness and conservatism of a woman bed can be one of the main problems in sexual life. Aquarius is accustomed to passion and stormy emotions, so the woman cancer may seem to him boring and uninteresting. Of course, a man can take responsibility for the quality of intima, but if a woman reacts wrong and offended, quarrels may arise and misunderstanding.

Male Aquarius are rather strange after sex. They can calmly sit at the computer and start absorbing information or phoned with a friend. Such behavior can upset and offend a woman. It will begin to feel unnecessary and used after sex. The coldness of the Aquarius becomes the cause of scandals and quarrels.

Family and marriage

In family relations, partners begin to experience discomfort and experience problems. The fact is that the Aquarius men are not accustomed to spending time at home, so they seek to relax at events or parties. Women-racks like more cleaning, cooking and raising children. Such disagreements become reasons of quarrels.

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It is worth noting that men-aquatic are skeptical about the birth of children. For water, the birth of a child is not in the first place, so they prefer to live in their pleasure. A woman will also want a child after concluding a marriage relationship.

Pros and cons couple

Name the explicit advantages of this union is hard enough. If they arise, then only after the long-life partners. Before that, they need to know and learn to understand each other.

Male Aquarius can raise the mood of his woman at any time. It does not matter what happens around. For him, the life companion is in the first place, so he is ready to spend time with her.

The pair allocate the following advantages:

  • Partners may learn from each other;
  • If a common cause is united, the union becomes strong;
  • Partners put great goals and go to them together;
  • A woman can teach a man to appreciate love and family.

The shortcomings in this union are much more than advantages. If the male Aquarius decided to come together with a cancer woman, this does not prove that he wants to start children. For a woman, children are in the first place.

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In consumer life between partners there is a lot of quarrels and conflicts. They can not understand each other. Aquarius prefers to spend time with friends or at parties, while a woman wants to stay in the home atmosphere.

The pair allocate the following shortcomings:

  • A man loves freedom, so marriage does not want;
  • A woman is experiencing if the spouse is not at home;
  • The woman worries about the relationship, because the man loves to communicate with other ladies;
  • A man does not like to delve into everyday life;
  • Partners have different views on life;
  • Raki will rather rupt the relationship than harmony with Aquarius will wait.

How to fall in love with a Male-Aquarius

Male-aquatic prefer freedom and constant movement. Any guardianship seems for them with something that does something, so they are trying to immediately get rid of it. It is these women can take as the lack of feelings from a partner.

Men love to be in constant communication with different people. Aquarius has many acquaintances, among which the ladies occupy most of them. It is impossible to say for sure whether a man has a connection with them. Rather, he will prefer the light flirt or novel.

A woman in a relationship with aquatic is recommended to try to join the rhythm of the life of Aquarius. He will definitely appreciate it. Also, a man can reconsider his eyes for the birth of a child if the partner tells about all the benefits of children and family life.

Friendship compatibility

Friendly relationship between the data representative of the zodiac signs is hardly possible. Each of them has different interests and preference, so they, rather, will become business partners who quickly disperse, having received their own.

Friendship may begin after working together on a common matter. During the period of work, partners begin to know each other and tied.

Compatibility in work

Working on one project, partners can perfectly complement each other. Cheerful and energetic Aquarius is able to find a good place to rest for cancer. A woman will perform the role of a mentor, if a man starts relaxing at work.

Signs have a different job interest and different methods for its implementation. There will always be quarrels and misunderstandings between it, which will negatively affect the project.

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