Woman Lion and Male Scales - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


The union between a woman-lion and man-scales astrologists are considered the most harmonious in the zodiac world. Partners are ready to support each other at any time. Also, they never arise a feeling of boredom if they are together.

Love and relations

Beloved enters a strong energy connection. A man shows love and tenderness to his partner, which she gladly meets reciprocity.

Attraction to each other, partners will never disappear. Their feelings are always full of passion and violent love, so their relationship does not stand still and continue to move the whole joint life. For a woman lion, this is the perfect option, because boring partners will quickly bother her. She needs to support fire in his personal life.

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Woman Lion and Male Scales - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3832_1

Sympathy appears in partners from the first minutes of communication, however, to build strong and love relationships, both will have to try.

The Woman Lev is able to attract many men, but from a thousand she will like only one. The male scales choose the lady, paying for its external data and social status. That is why their union is considered ideal.

Sexual compatibility

Representatives of these zodiac signs are preferably and carefully apply to the choice of sexual partner. They are important tenderness, understanding and heat in sex life. It is with the scales of a lioness can feel the desired and open in bed on the first night that it does not work with other signs of the zodiac.

Being with a man-scales, a lion woman becomes a real sexual lioness who can surprise the partner in the first minutes of sex. He, in turn, does not remain indifferent and in various ways shows its admiration. As a result, the beloved loses control and may not climb out of bed at night and days.

It is worth noting that the Woman Lion draws attention to the external indicators of the partner, while the scales enjoy the spiritual and emotional intimacy.

Family and marriage

There is no doubt that the couple will switch to the official stage of relationships. It depends only on time and on the capabilities of partners. Each of them prepares for the wedding after the first date. They do not want to spend an extra time on thinking and various and doubts. They immediately feel a love connection with each other, so seriously looking at the relationship.

At the beginning of living together, spouses may arise misunderstanding. This is explained by the constant knowledge of each other. They get used to and converge into a single pace of life, after which their love relationships are moving to a new level. Soon they will begin to understand the desires and thoughts of each other without words.

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In consumer life, the couple converges at a harmonious level. Woman lion is a beautiful mistress and can make the house cozy and comfortable. Male scales have many talents that can apply in the home setting.

Most likely, the spouses will pay duties equally, depending on their own interests and skills. A man can make cleaning, washing or cooking, not counting it with something shameful. It is important for him to observe the harmony in the family.

Pros and cons couple

Partners are attractive outwardly and can find a common language with all people. In the Union of Leo and Weighs, a soft character of a man balancing the character of a lioness, and in return it gives him peace of faithfulness. With such a partner, she will never even think about treason.

The similarity of interests, characters, preferences and purposes allows spouses to build long and strong relationships.

For lioness, scales becomes an ideal partner. He is not a meager for compliments and gifts. In return, he receives support and motivation by a woman, resulting in success.

Relationships allocate the following advantages:

  • similarity of interests, characters and temperaments;
  • serious intentions for relations;
  • mutual support;
  • ideal compatibility in household life;
  • The ability to soberly relate to problems and quarrels;
  • qualities of characters complement each other;
  • Partners are never boring alone.

Each pair is present as pros and cons.

Both partners consider themselves attractive and interesting personalities. As a result, partners can start a light flirt with representatives of the opposite field in public places. The result of this is mutual jealousy. It is worth noting that the male-scales are more located to the tying of the lungs of novels, rather than a lioness. Of course, such novels do not lead to anything, but the unpleasant precipitate remains in relationships.

Problems can begin and because of characters. The lion female has the qualities of a impulsive and emotional personality, so the softness and restraint of the scales can surprise it. In quarrels and conflicts, the spouses may perplex from the behavior of each other, as a result of which thoughts on divorce may arise.

The following disadvantages are distinguished in relations:

  • constant desire to change something;
  • novels on the side;
  • Emotionality of a woman;
  • Different views on life problems;
  • love for secular life, which as a result causes a decrease in the time spent together;
  • A man does not like to enter into conflicts, so the accumulation of negatives arises;
  • Jealousy from a woman;
  • Scales depend on the mood of the lion.

How to fall in love with a man-scales

Scales are amazing personalities. They are able to charm any female representative, making her happy and desirable. Scales know how to make compliments, give gifts, make contact and use a wonderful sense of humor for seduction.

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For the entry into the relationship of a lioness, it is enough to enter the arms of weights as a love relationship will appear by itself.

Lionic need to take a man-scales as it is. He loves to communicate with the opposite sex, even if he has a wife. He does not see anything wrong with it and considers his behavior ordinary. He also applies to his companion, holidaying her for events and parties. From her he is waiting for similar thinking.

Friendship compatibility

Representatives of these zodiac signs are beautiful friends. They have common interests and goals, so they often spend time together. They can go on a journey to various events and parties. Each of them respects each other's personal space, so there are no problems in such friendship. They are ready to provide mutual support, but will not interfere in each other's personal life.

Lions and scales often spend time together, so a love passion emerges between them.

Friends complement each other, developing new and useful traits of character. As a result, they are formed by the perfect balance, which allows them to support friendship throughout life.

Compatibility in work

Woman Lion got used to be the leader since birth. Often it becomes the boss, while the scales occupies the place of the artist. It does not affect this at all, so this union is able to achieve great success together. If work requires communication with people or creative abilities, partners become equal business owners.

Lioness and scales can become beautiful colleagues. Often, scales use their abilities of manipulation, as a result of which a woman makes all the work for them. If both partners are both interested in the case, they will complement and help each other by forming a harmonious union.

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