Woman Scales and Male Taurus - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Having met once each other, a woman-scales and a man-male caught a bird of happiness. Their pair is harmonious and durable. But how to carry sincerity, tender and trepidate feelings, bright emotions in relation to each other throughout life? Can partners be able to preserve loyalty and dedication or fall at momentary desires?

Can representatives of these zodiac constellations know how to be friends? What is the priority for women-scales and men-Taurus: family or work? How do business partners relate to service novels and what cooperation is waiting for them?

Woman Scales and Male Taurus - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3835_1

Love and relations

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And women scales, and a male Taurus are confident that the world rules love. For representatives of these zodiac constellations a priority life task is to search for a single and reliable life satellite. Material values, everyday problems, public opinion - all this is secondary for them.

Male-Taurus and Woman Scales, having met once, fall in love once and forever. The representative of the power of the power is wenchant. She is for him - the ideal of beauty, femininity and sincerity. A man does not notice anything around anyone. He seeks to hold all his free time with his beloved.

The girl really appreciates such attention from the cavalier. She takes care and soon no longer represents his further life without a gentle and trembling man-taurus.

Partners know how to hear and understand each other. Representatives of these zodiac constellations fill their relationship with kindness, bright joyful moments, all-consuming love. About this union can be confident not to say that it is compatible with 100%.

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Sexual compatibility

The soft, romantic and feminine representative of the beautiful sex seduces his chosen one of his views. Woman scales skillfully and deftly creates a charming intimate setting, able to disperse the most fantastic desires from his partner. A man is very neat and reverently refers to the feelings and priorities of his beloved.

Thanks to the interconnection in a pair, the sex life of representatives of these signs of the zodiac is filled with incredible bright emotions. Intimate relationships of men-Taurus and women-scales consist not only from physical attraction. They have a place for romance and trepacy.

Partners have a rich imagination and a stormy fantasy that paint their sexual meetings with incredible paints. At the beginning of his relationship, representatives of the scales and calf are ready to indulge in love joy constantly, they attract them to each other with a huge force.

After a while, their passion is somewhat fading, but sexual relations are also interesting and harmonious.

Family and marriage

Perfect married couple. Quiet and balanced spouse is just fascinated with their chosen. She is all for him: Muse, a mistress, friend, the keeper of a homely hearth. Male Taurus happy with a woman-scale. The representative of the beautiful floor is suitable for the role of an ideal wife.

And the Woman Scales, and the Male Taurus will strive to spend evenings in a calm and cozy home setting. They will enjoy each other's society. In such a favorable atmosphere, they raise their children, feeding them a good and correct example of a full-fledged family.

By marrying, a male body and woman scales promise to keep loyalty to each other. None of them is capable of treason, deception and betrayal. Family values ​​for representatives of these zodiac constellations in the first place. No one raises the voice to family members, there are no scandals and conflicts. Woman scales and male Tauris are compatible in marriage 100%, this is one of the most prosperous and happy family unions.

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Pros and cons couple

The main advantages of a pair of women-scales and men-taurus:

  • Cutout, care and attention.
  • Lack of conflicts and scandals.
  • Similar family values, interests and goals in life.
  • The desire to be together, despite the possible difficulties and problems.
  • Full sexual compatibility.

The main disadvantages of women-scales and Male Taurus:

  • An indecisive man who is sometimes afraid to take the first step or take an important decision.
  • Women unwillingness to engage in everyday domestic affairs. Her motto: "Mom in a house for beauty."
  • Flares of jealousy from a man. Often without reason.

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How to fall in love with a man-taurus

The male Taurus is looking for himself primarily a moise, not a housewife. A woman should fascinate a representative of a strong sex so that he even wants to look at others. In order for the girl-scales to become for the Male-Taurus number one in the universe, she does not need to make great efforts. It is enough for the partners to feel the kinship of souls.

Representative of the strong floor is not interested in expensive perfume or ultramodern clothing. It is indifferent to him. For a man-taurus in priority, the inner beauty of the girl. Femininity, refinement, sensitivity. Do not give out yourself for another. Playing a role, a wonderful floor representative will not last long, and their union is doomed to parting.

The Male Taurus will pay attention to the sincere and vaporic nature with a rich inner world. It is not worth the woman-scales to shine knowledge of the exact sciences or in politics.

Men-carts also do not like self-confident and assertive personalities. Women's cunning and intuition will be prompted by a weak floor representative, the correct sequence of actions so that the cavalier liked to show sympathy for it.

Friendship compatibility

Similar temperaments and characters will help a woman-scale and a man to gain a reliable and faithful partner in the face of each other. Common interests and hobbies will strengthen their relationship even more. Friendship of representatives of these zodiac constellations will be built on understanding and desire to help.

Women's scales and men have no feeling of envy, material benefit from cooperation. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac will be easily and easy to communicate on the topics of art, music, movies.

They will gladly visit the performances and exhibitions. However, their friendship rarely passes into a serious relationship, so there are no reasons for the second halves of weights and Taurus.

Compatibility in work

Joint business women-scales and men-Taurus will not bring the desired results. Because of the indecision and unwillingness to be responsible for their actions, their cooperation will be unprofitable. Moreover, clear consecutive projects are not for them.

Woman scales and male-tauris are perfectly disassembled in art, painting, creativity. In other areas of activity, they are disappointed and failure. If representatives of these zodiac constellations will work in a team in equal positions, their creative tandem will be very successful.

They will with brilliance will cope with non-standard and original projects. However, for accounting, decisions of legal issues or the conclusion of important contracts, leadership should be appointed more responsible and initiative employees.

Representatives of these zodiacal constellations will never be arranged to work if she doesn't like them. Woman scales and male tauries should enjoy work. Otherwise, with the first opportunity, they will find a more suitable place.


General values, interests, huge vitality and faith in their satellite are able to make a couple of weight-tauries harmonious and compatible 100%.

Love, love and love once again reign in their union. But not only gentle and loose feelings drive a woman-scale and a man-taurus. Their sexual attraction is irresistible. Thanks to strong emotions, they create a reliable and happy family.

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