Woman Lion and Male-Sagittarius - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


You, my beautiful proud lioness, and I, unpredictable Sagittarius, together we are power, for we treat the same element - the elements of the fire. We are simple and good to be together, as we understand each other with a half-one, predicting each step and every action one of the other, as well as we have common interests.

Our Union promises to be long and strong, because we are created for each other. We were able to overcome the pride and save our lives from constant conflicts, and all this thanks to you, a loved one, thanks to your wisdom and tremendous patience. I am very grateful for you for just you are and that you are with me, because we are strength together.

Woman Lion and Male-Sagittarius - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3836_1

Features of the character of a man-firm

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Men-Sagittarius - windy and troubles. They live carefree as children, without thinking, that will be tomorrow. Element of fire has entered them with hot temperament, indomitable energy.

The representatives of the sign are characterized by excessive pride, so often choose such partners who are inferior to them, for example, in social status or mental abilities. Having met such, they are taken for her, so to speak, spiritual education. And as soon as they achieve what they wanted, they will immediately lose interest to their passion.

Attitude to the opposite sex

Easyness of men sign, their natural charm, activity, unpredictability and friendliness in communication make their work - there is no passion from the opposite sex. Such men throughout their lives are in the center of women's attention and often have a lot of partners, and each of them is confessed in love.

Thus, they are trying to find the only one that can be found for many years, up to advanced years. To please the shooter is very difficult. It can only be done that he will take it as it is, and will not encroach on his freedom, because freedom for Sagittarius is above all.

As be the owners and jeys, they do not tolerate this in relation to themselves, and if you are jealous, you will not be able to keep this proud and unpredictable man.

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What appreciates in women

The representative of the sign appreciates loyalty and loyalty in women. He needs a companion who will be at the same time with his mistress, and his wife, and a friend, and a companion, and the assistant in all his fantastic endeavors, for his head is full of such ideas that will seem incredible to many.

The most important thing is that the lady must respect his freedom, not to invade the personal space, not to control, not express discontent about his hobbies with female floors. Only then an alliance with a man-director is possible.

Proud lioness: character traits

Woman-lion - bright, proud, unpredictable, seductive, luxurious, sexy. The lioness exhibits itself as if she is - the queen, a gem diamond, a masterpiece created by an unsurpassed master. The girl is used to being in the spotlight.

She likes enthusiastic views and words of admiration. Fans go for such a woman crowds, only she is far from all honor their precious attention. She is interested in bright men, the same strong and unpredictable as she herself.

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Lyric love

In love, the lioness rushes with his head, but the object of their love may not be adopted, because he will always have to prove his beloved that it is the only and unique, the most.

The guy will have to forget about himself, of its own interests and desires and completely dissolve in his royal chosen, the other manifestation of feelings is not a meant.

The girls lions are in love and often change partners. It happens until they meet someone who can hook them, enter deep into the heart. If Lev-lady loved to truly, then this is forever. She will be a devotee and faithful wife that does not allow himself to even think about treason.

Life with a lioness is similar to Hurricane, Bure, storm. You will never get bored with her. Its chosen one will have to come to accept the leader in their family, and submit to his fiery beloved, to accept her such, what it is.

Love and relationship between a woman-lion and a man-director

Both signs belong to the fiery element. At the meeting, these two will immediately recognize each other native soul. Love pierces their hearts spontaneously. Lion and Sagittarius will be spontaneously. Spontaneity and unpredictability are characteristic features of these zodiac signs.

Due to the mutual understanding and similarity of the nature of the relationship, this pair will develop easily and smoothly. Both lioness and the shooter are active and sociable. They have many common interests, so they will never be bored together. And most importantly, this is what both prefer freedom.

They with a tact and respect will refer to free one of the other, never violate the personal space, will not control and present any claim to each other about this. Lioness and Sagittarius - just perfect steam.

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Compatibility in sex

The element of the fire gives a lion-lady and a shank-man with an incredible temperament and ferventness, so sex between them promises to be wonderful.

Both passionate, they will indulge with love joy in all sorts of ways, because the fantasy does not take away from the lioness, and the Sagittarius will not resist his hot and passionate lover, for himself has the same qualities.

Sagittarius-guy is an amateur of intrigues on the side, but when there is such a queen with him next to him, maybe he will be able to forget about his inclinations and become a devotee and faithful his royal beloved.

Family and marriage

The lioness and the firing will be comfortable to live with each other. Both light on the rise, they will spend a lot of time to spend on interesting travels, and the passion and dustiness of both be able to stretch their honeymoon for many years.

Although the Sagittarius and lightly refers to the financial issue and does not consider the material main in life, it is still able to provide his beloved to a relaxed and interesting existence, complete adventures, fascinating trips and extreme classes.

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Pluses and cons relations Lioness and Sagittarius

The huge disadvantage of this pair is that both are inclined to egoism and pride. Everyone considers his opinion the only right and will impose him to his partner.

There may be conflicts here, and they will continue until anyone goes on concessions. Rather, it will make a lioness, because thanks to its natural wisdom, she knows how to manipulate a man so thinly that he will never notice it.

How a lioness fall in love with a shooter's man

In order to conquer the Heart of Sagittarius, the Lioness practically does not need to do anything, as these two are so the same that at the first meeting between them a hot feeling flashes.

They recognize each other at the subconscious level, see one in another related soul, native man. And the relationship between a girl-lion and a firewood is tied spontaneously, without any effort from one or another.

Friendship compatibility

Due to the similarity of characters and the same temperament, the lioness and the Sagittarius are capable of becoming good friends, between which peace reigns and mutual understanding. These two are unconditionally trusted to each other, so without any of the feet can disclose all their innermost secrets.

Compatibility in work

Lioness and Sagittarius as business partners will be able to achieve incredible heights, as both are sources of incredible ideas and ideas, hardworking and stubborn, thanks to which any project or the case started by them will have successfully brought the brilliant finals.

Compatibility of lioness and Sagittarius is favorable for all aspects. This couple is simply doomed to a long and strong union in love and happiness.

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