Woman Cancer and Male Taurus - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Horoscopes took an important place in the life of women, many of them are checked with them. Almost all people without exception know their zodiac sign on the eastern and western horoscope.

It is believed that these knowledge helps better know themselves and others, especially if we are talking about marriage, relationships. The male body and female cancer are considered a fairly harmonious couple, often justify the shortcomings of each other. To strengthen the Union, these two should work more, it is possible to learn more about this from the article.

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Love and relations

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Women raks are often characterized by purposefulness, they do not try to seek easy ways, which is also reflected in love issues.

The representatives of this sign are used to everything they are accustomed to themselves, often they are the first to demonstrate interest in acquaintance. These women combine two sides - power, assertion, at the same time tenderness and softness.

A man refers to the elements of the Earth, so he is more landed, concerned about the well-being, financial security. A woman must learn to share power in this union, do not take everything on himself. It should be guided in this pair, first of all, the mind should be relying solely on emotions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tales and crayfish are very similar, for this reason they are equally thinking, they predict the thoughts and actions.

Advantages of the Union:

  • the ability to find a common language;
  • striving for joint development, the ability to respect opinions and recommendations;
  • the desire to assist;
  • desire to balance temperatures;
  • the creation of harmony, which lacks cancer;
  • simplicity of finding contact, ease of reconciliation after a quarrel;
  • sincerity and openness, the lack of the need to manipulate the feelings of others in their favor;
  • the possibility of finding a compromise solution, achieving concessions;
  • The ability to appreciate the comfort, shut down the house.

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Despite the presence of many common features, conflicts may arise between representatives of this sign. Most often they are associated with reluctance to make concessions. No one brings himself to sacrifice, does not like to lose.

Disadvantages of the pair:

  • Possible conflicts in matters of leading leadership, inability to recognize defeat;
  • Psychological differences - a woman likes to be alone, a man prefers to spend time in society;
  • Taurus is needed to experience new sensations, some of his actions can be crazy with a woman;
  • the need to achieve compromises between the two leaders;
  • Different priorities - more landed calves pay more attention to the material and other, minor in terms of women, issues;
  • different goals;
  • Mindness in tastes and preferences, calves are more inconstant, raks are distinguished by greater calm.

Compatibility in sex

In the spiritual plan, the tales and cancers fit perfectly perfectly, in close relationships there may be certain nuances. The need for men in new experiences can deliver intersforphous relationship with cancer. This does not at all indicate the custody and the absence of fantasy from the female side. It is very important to listen to the desires of the partner, this will help solve many problems in an intimate life.

If necessary, you should contact the eastern practices that will help you learn more about the partner. It is important to learn to listen and understand a loved one, take it with all the advantages and disadvantages. Cancer may not be enough romance, emotions in this relationship, it is important to avoid common luck.

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Family and marriage

Taurus by nature is considered the owner, it does not endure the wrongness and any of her signs. Representatives of this sign are characterized by increasing judgments, quick-tempered, but they also quickly forget about troubles. A man presents certain requirements for a partner, in return he let her in his world, opens her soul.

Men often show signs of attention to other women, but in most cases the case does not enter further conversations. A woman is distinguished by a balance, she loves to embody his frequently grand ideas. Cancers do not differ quickly, but enough jealous. She does everything around the house, often asks for help from the second half, does it with pleasure.

Friendship compatibility

Friendship between representatives of these signs arises quite rarely. Their appearance attracts each other immediately after the first minutes of dating. After a close acquaintance, they often become pairs. In the absence of successful love relationships, it is already more difficult to be friends, conflicts may arise.

Representatives of these signs can become excellent friends or swiss enemies. Strong friendship can often be transformed enough for something more serious. The further fate of this union depends only on people. Astrologers do not recommend starting relationships from proximity, to first learn more about each other, to reconcile with flaws, try to discuss them.

In friendly relations, personal life is most often discussed. Representatives of Zapov Taurus and Cancer are distinguished by a versatile development, often find common entertainment. From the side of the man often comes jealousy towards other men.

Compatibility in work

These signs of the zodiac understand each other with a semi-invalid, listen to the opinion of the other, seek to joint permission to problems. Relationships in format The subordinate head may not work in this case. Both are striving to demonstrate their greatness to the detriment of the second.

The best option is equal in this case. Experts recommend to negotiate, engage in joint business. Two people will perfectly complement each other, their commercial activities are often successful. It is very important to maintain an equal relationship, do not try to deceive each other or drag the blanket for yourself.

How to fall in love with a man-taurus

A woman should take into account the hot tempering of a man who can conflict on trifles. It should not find out the relationship with foreign people. The clarification of relations alone can bring more benefits than making troubles for everyone.

A woman should provide a man with a calm atmosphere, it is important to avoid injury. The calves are virtuously vigorous, they can adopt the events that have occurred after a large number of years.

Representatives of this sign are characterized by purposefulness, ability to work. All calves after choosing the second half try to keep the relationship, a woman in such an alliance will not establish the rules. A man is considered the leader in a pair, he fully manifests his qualities.

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  1. Cancer and Taurus are considered quite strong pair, both of the sign of the sign can show leadership qualities.
  2. A woman should take into account the jealousness of a man, quick-tempered, the couple should find out the relationship in alone.
  3. A man and a woman get along perfectly, can successfully conduct a joint business, at work they should behave on equal.

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