Cancer and Man-Woman - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


The union between a woman-cancer and a man-lion is not easy and intriguing. They both want to be together, although their goals and characters are completely different. They want to live for themselves, but still do everything to be together. This behavior proves the strong physical attraction of partners and mental communication.

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Love and relations

The leading position in love relationships often occupies the lion. Under his patronage, female cancer becomes a tender, caring and loyal wife, ready to support the spouse at any time. Also, they also have similar views on family life and raising children, which only strengthens their marriage.

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After some time, lovers will learn to listen to each other and make decisions together. As a result, they will become real partners, each of which depends on each other.

To form harmony in relations, partners should go towards each other. The female cancer often changes, and the character of the lion is so stubborn that it can cause quarrels.

Sexual compatibility

At the very beginning of relations, representatives of these zodiac signs feel strong attraction to each other. After some time, the intimate life of partners may be subject to unpleasant circumstances. The lion is quite demanding and impulsive, so it can nominate claims to their partner.

The woman is more sensitive, gentle and a little passive. She sharply responds to comments, so he can keep offense for a man for a long time.

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Partners need to listen to each other. Lev - be more affectionate and learn to choose the right words, and cancer - try to make a variety of sex life.

A man should adequately treat the periodic decline of the forces from a woman without taking it as a lack of love and desire. Also, she should think about his behavior in bed.

If she does not agree on a variety of sex, a man will start looking for mistresses on the side. The problems in bed are recommended to think in advance so that there are no misunderstandings in the future.

Family and marriage

Woman cancer has every chance of becoming an ideal wife. She does not want to take a leading position in a relationship and helps her husband cope with an emotional state.

Also, she will not climb him in the soul, if he does not want to frank. It is important for her that her man felt comfort and comfort, coming home. Cancer can ask or not ask questions at the right moments. All this bribes the lion, and he begins to love his spouse even stronger.

Of course, it is difficult to meet marriages, where there are no quarrels and conflicts between partners. They are present in the Union between Lv and Cancer. However, it is worth noting that they both want to achieve comfort and harmony in relationships, so often compromises are immediately found. If a woman creates a home comfort for her husband, he will thank it as material benefits, and with his love towards her.

One of the main mistakes of Lviv is to convert a woman to himself. In most cases, the defeat that makes the husband think about the intentions of her husband. The lion must understand that behind the fragile woman-cancer is hidden a strong and strong person, which will not succumb to any pressure.

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Pros and cons couple

From the side of the marriage of a male lion and a female cancer looks happy and harmonious, which makes others envy them. Partners may have different views on life, but their mutual understanding makes it possible to create warm and delicate relationships.

Man-lion - a confident and caring man. Nothing destroys his desire to achieve high goals, if he wants to make his family happy. He always thanks his wife for her active support and understanding.

The following benefits are allocated in their relationship:

  • passion in relationships;
  • endless sense of love;
  • understanding;
  • mutual support;
  • disclosure of good qualities of each other;
  • sincerity;
  • similar principles;
  • confidence;
  • The ability to find compromises.

The man-lion loves to attend public places, so it can often be found at parties. Cancer jealous woman, therefore, such behavior from a man cannot respond calmly.

To preserve love relationships, partners should take each other as they are. If the lion begins to spend time to relax at home, after a while it will become a homely tyrant or grumble. If a woman starts attending public events, over time it will become hot-tempered and nervous.

The following disadvantages are distinguished in their relationship:

  • Presence of stubbornness in both;
  • desire to remake each other;
  • Different interests and goals;
  • egoism;
  • unexpected actions;
  • different tempers;
  • Pressure towards cancer;
  • Cracks are vengeful and jealous.

How to fall in love with a male lion

Men lions - strong and bright people. They love to participate in competitions, both in sports, so in the workers. They only count on victory, no matter how much strength they needed to invest in it. The lion is looking for a wife who knows how to support at the right moment or just be near. For him, mutual understanding and tenderness from the side of the spouse is important.

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Cancer and Man-Woman - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3840_5

The man-lion loves communication with a lot of people, so he rarely spends at home. He likes to be at various events, parties and other public events. He sees many different women on them, so his spouse needs to make interest and be better than everyone.

Friendship compatibility

Friendship between these representatives of the signs of the zodiac is strange and unsure. They can communicate in the common company and become good friendships, but alone they are unlikely to find a common topic for conversation.

These people may make friends if they are united by a common cause or project. When they finish it, they will not see together alone and are unlikely to be convened just like that.

Compatibility in work

These representatives of the signs of the zodiac are perfectly combined in collaboration or general business. Their benefits are in the absence of rivalry with each other. The lion will achieve great goals and be on a leading position. Woman cancer will be glad to help him and move behind him as a performer of his ideas.

If they have a common business, they quickly distribute duties and start moving forward. The lion will take on communication with customers, and cancer will work with paper. This is perfectly complemented by each other. The man-lion will never take off employee employee. On the contrary, it will regularly indulge in its prizes and enhancements.

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