Cancer and Male-Sagittarius - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


You, Cancer Girl, and I, a kid-Sagittarius - the full opposites of each other, and the opposites are trying to try, so we are with you, your loved one, so far together. Our life is full of difficulties.

There are frequent conflicts between us due to the fact that you are trying to take possession of my personal space, control every step, give me to your clasons so that I can neither breathe or exhale without your participation.

I give you a sharpness and lack of tactfulness to you in disassembly pain, from which you are very suffering and very often fall into depression. But I believe that our huge love will be able to overcome all the burrs and me with you, Favorite, we will find a compromise.

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Male Sagittarius: Sign Characteristics

The representative of the sign is an extraordinary and very bright person, which is peculiar to love for freedom, straightness, often perceived as tactlessness, as well as friendliness, sociability and energy.

Sagittarius always says what he thinks, and far from a delicate form, and it often shocks others. Sometimes it is cruel not only in relation to others, but also with himself.


The boiler-Sagittarius is a person-holiday. His presence revives, inspires, makes the event brighter. Male himself sign - good-natured, sociable and very generous. He can easily give everything that he has, just like that. And she does not need to ask him, will offer himself.

Sagittarius is a kindness itself and justice. Always trying to answer good any evil, if possible. He knows how to enjoy life and infects this joy of others. This man is so friendly and open, which attracts people as a magnet. He never is alone. Around it there is always a lot of people.

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Sagittarius in love

Sagittarius-man uses incredible popularity from the opposite sex. It is constantly surrounded by women like honey bees.

The representative of the sign is very in love and can make a proposal on the first date, and most interesting that if the girl agrees, this marriage can take place, but how much it will last - it is known to God alone, for the Sagittarius is changeable as the weather in May.

He and marry him, and divorce - to spit once. Throughout his life, he does not alone, and not twice, but much more.

Choices Requirements

A wife for him is not just a hostess in the house and the mother of his children, but the faithful and devoted companion, a mistress, a friend, like-mindedness, as well as an assistant in all his affairs and endeavors.

A woman should not be jealous - Jealousy he simply does not accept, and also should not bind him to hand and legs, control and try to subordinate. It will not allow this anyone. Freedom for him is the most expensive in the world.

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Cancer: Character

Rakina - change, like the sea. Today she is joyful and satisfied with life, and tomorrow will be depressed without any reason. This is one of the most controversial signs of the zodiac. Such a woman can simultaneously be completely different: both stubborn, and compliant, and obedient, and violent.

Along with the incredible power of Will in Cancer, you can observe timidity, excessive impactivity, as well as compliance and softness. She is very sensitive, responsive, caring and compassionate. Always ready to come to the rescue.

Distinctive features

With the first acquaintance, the girl-cancer can be adopted for practical and rational, but with a closer acquaintance in front of you there is a subtle-sensitive, romantic and easily wounded by nature. These their character traits of Rakin thoroughly hides under solid shell.

Attitude towards love

Women sign can love like no other. They are always true and devotees to their chosentes, but they also require the same.

Cancers are often trying to control their men, dictate their will to them, limit in freedom. Jealousy is one of the distinguishing features of the character of the representatives of the sign. Not every man can withstand such a pressure, especially the one who values ​​his freedom.

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Love and relationship between girlfriend and a guy-Sagittarius

Relationship between these two is something incredible, but everything is possible in this life, if you want very much. The freedom of Sagittarius, his disconneness and carelessness, as well as lovingness will cause rakin unbearable pain. She will try to subordinate the guy, will control each step every step, which will be reversed.

He is accustomed to directly express everything he thinks, and in a rather rough form, and the woman's cancer is very wounded and touching. After such statements, it will be depressed, thereby irritating the optimistic and cheerful Sagittarius, so the union between cancer and Saglot is possible only in the case of enormous love from the last side of the latter.

Family and marriage

Rakin can attract the attention of the Sagittarius with its softness and tenderness, devotion and loyalty and can even bring the case before the registry office, but to keep such a man for a long time she is unlikely to succeed, because Cancer-lady will try to enter his freedom-loving spouse into the cage, which he will never allow her .

Moreover, never forgive. The relationship between a shooter-guy and a girl's cancer is possible only if the Sagittarius is in love with madness, and the duration of these relationships depends on how much of the love of the windy Sagittarius is enough.

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Compatibility in sex

The sex life of Rakini and Scorpion also proceeds far from smoothly. Slow and demanding to a long foreplay, a woman-cancer will not arrange a hurry of a fermented, but not bothering himself by the calf gentlemen of the scorpion-man, to which she will be punched.

But the windy scorpion will soon be bored with complaints and the moaning of his partner, and he will hurry to dare to new uncharted gave for new relations.

Pros and cons couple

Woman-cancer - home, loves the coest of his home home, which prefers to noisy companies in pleasure places. The Sagittarius-man, on the contrary, seeks a noisy pastime in the company of friends, especially the opposite sex, which really does not like Rakin.

If the girl does not learn to accept his chosen one, what it is, it will become to roll the scandals and scenes of jealousy, the relationship of these two will end very quickly and sad.

How to fall in love with a man-shooter

To conquer this man, Rakin will have to come to accept his lovingness and learn to forgive. If a woman becomes to behave like a girlfriend, while not trying to deprive his beloved personal space, but, on the contrary, providing him with freedom of action, then in return, she will receive his sincere thanks, love and devotion.

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Friendship compatibility

In the friendship, the compatibility of cancer and Sagittarius is much higher than in russia, because in this case, the freedom of a man does not threaten anything. But their communication will not be frequent, since these two have different interests - she likes to sit at home for reading, and he prefers to hang out in a noisy company.

They will be able to spend time together only when the girl-cancer wants to dispel.

Compatibility in work

Professional tandem Rakin - Sagittarius can become a promising, for he is an inexhaustible ideas generator, and she is a responsible, painstaking and conscientious performer. The Sagittarius Guy will charge the girl-cancer with its energy, which she is so lacking for a full and fruitful work.

The Union of Women Cancer and Men-Sagittarius is difficult to be called favorable. These two differ from each other as the sky and the Earth, and there is nothing in common between them. They will be able to be together only if there are huge love and attachment, which the Sagittarius is tested. Only in this case they can do something.

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