Woman Lion and Aquarius - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


The people say: "opposites are attracted." Does this really happen? A striking example of the fact that the ideal family can consist of two absolutely opposite personalities is a pair of a woman-lion and aquarius.

It would seem that the strong and purposeful character of the lioness is completely not comparable to the fun altruist water. But it is not. And in the article, we will look at how a couple can harmonize in family, professional and friendly relations.

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Women's character

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Any woman born under the zodiac constellation lion has a bright appearance and a huge internal potential. Such a lady knows how to impress everyone around. She is good, positive, but in any situation can stand up for itself.

In some situations it may seem that the lioness is very impulsive. But this opinion is erroneous. On the contrary, the woman-lion loves when "everything is placed on the shelves", when everything is clear and do not have to invent something to find a way out of a difficult situation.

A woman born under the sign of a lion can be safely called the judge and wise. She perfectly knows all its strengths and weaknesses of character and knows how to manage them, so that others see, she is ideal.

Woman lion prefers to rule a man. She likes when a beloved person obeys her and fulfills all the desires. But she will never live with those who do everything for her, but externally is unpleasant.

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Aquarius Men Character

Representatives of the strong half of humanity born under the sign of Aquarius are noble, soft and good-natured personalities. They know how to be grateful and appreciate those who help them in difficult situations. Not always, the Aquarius loves fun, more often he prefers his free time to spend together with his family than with a noisy company.

The apparent softness of character often becomes deceptive. In certain situations, the Aquarius is capable of managing courage and even aggression. They will never be offended by a loved one. You can rely on it.

Aquarius does not seek material benefits. Much more important to him spiritual principles and moral foundations of the surrounding people. Most of Men-Aquaries prefer to stay free, but if they met the perfect person for themselves, they are ready to stay by him devotees for life.

Love relationship

The relationship between the Lion woman and the Aquarius men promise to become the most tender and romantic. Two absolutely different personalities are so strongly attracted to each other that the established union cannot be destroyed by almost nothing.

Aquarius from nature is faithful. It is this quality that the woman-lion will appreciate first of all. She will never be offended by a loving person, in all difficult situations will be near him. Loving a lioness is ready to make a man's whole possible and impossible, and the Aquarius will be absolutely sure that she sincerely loves him.

A pair of a lion female and aquarius is unique and the fact that each of the partners here is to those who are. Neither a woman nor a man is building someone who they are not. Loving is simple and easy to communicate. Aquarius like that his woman shines, and Lioness loves that the man perfectly complements her brightness.

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Sexual compatibility

Sexual relationships in the pair will always be bright and original. A man and a woman cannot bother with each other. Responsible for the brightness and saturation of sex here is becoming a lioness. But the Aquarius will be responsible for the quality of sex and romance.

Family and marriage

Both lioness and Aquarius love freedom more, and not legal relationships. Therefore, it is not to be surprised if after acquaintance they will not go to the registry office for a long time. To make a register relationship can only be the birth of a child. And that is not always.

If the Aquarius and Woman Lion wish to bore their relationship with the Uzami marriage, then this union can be very and very long. The couple has so harmonious relationship that no quarrels and treason are terrible.

Jealousy between spouses will not. Woman Lion prefers communication and fun, but this nuance Aquarus refers to positively. He prefers sometimes to be alone, and the lioness is to have fun. It is the fact that the spouses do not have the day every day sitting next to each other, and will associate the Union.

Pros and cons couple

Positive moments in the relationship of a couple of woman-lion and man-Aquarius a huge amount. It is confidently said that such relationships are ideal.

What are the advantages of relationship between lioness and aquiet?

  • Young people will not be familiar to such concept as life. Aquarius is not demanding. He will never force his woman to cook or wash, he is not averse and do it himself. Lioness, in turn, also loves to tinker in the kitchen. A woman loves purity and tries to always support her herself in his home.
  • Sexual relationships in the pair are very harmonious. Aquarius is romantic, the lioness is in the character there is a passion. Sex in the pair is perfect, he is always unusual and never will be bored.
  • A man and woman will not bother each other. The lioness can safely go to walk with girlfriends, and Aquarius will watch TV at this time. Everyone is good, everyone is happy.

The only minus in the relationship of lioness and Aquarius is a different approach to raising children. A woman will try to grow from a child of self-sufficient and purposeful man. And Aquarius will unusually pamper the baby. Parents' relationships can be built into the system "good and evil policeman."

How to fall in love with a male aquarius?

It is very difficult to fall in love with a male aquarius, but a woman-lion will succeed. Aquarius is interested in all mysterious, unusual, precisely such a lioness is. A woman does not have to make efforts to enchant Aquarius, he himself will be interested in her personality. After a lioness will need only create a good impression about himself.

The lioness's mistake in the conquest of Aquarius can be the fact that it will start flirting with him. But serious aquarius does not tolerate vulgarity and debauchery, and the flirting of an unfamiliar woman for him is precisely such.

After the Aquarius is conquered, it should not be hoped that he will immediately offer to legalize relations. In civil marriage, Aquarius can live a lifetime, so it will be much more comfortable for him.

Friendship compatibility

It is believed that friendship between a Men-Aquarius and a woman-lion is quite successful. Both sign are active, funny, love with benefit to spend time. A big plus is that friends will always come to each other to help support in any situation.

Friendship between the lioness and the aquarity will be lightweight, positive. But the outcome of such relations may be as follows:

  • Man and woman fall in love with each other;
  • The duration of a strong friendship is small, as a man and woman will get involved in new relationships and friends.

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Compatibility in work

Professional relations in Women Lion and Aquarius Men are also possible. Both people have a sense of humor, they are creative, know how to find a way out of difficult situations.

Lion and Aquarius will perfectly complement each other. If one idea arises, another will definitely "bring it to mind."

Woman lion and aquarius man is a wonderful professional tandem. Together they are able to "minimize the mountains" and earn a huge capital.


  • The relations of the Aquarius men and the Woman Lion are very harmonious. It applies to marriage, and work, and friendship.
  • The temperaments of the lion and the Aquarius are very different, but it is precisely that attracts a man and a woman like a magnet, each other. Aquarius is not capable of lingering. And the lioness can always surprise the Aquarius.

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