How men fall in love: the features of this process


Men and women are different in their nature in many things, in particular, in the process of inlerts. How do men fall in love, what happens to them? I propose answers to the questions set in this material.

How men fall in love: psychology

Family psychologists say that most of the lonely girls does not have the slightest concept about the peculiarities of the development of in love with a strong sex. This is their main problem in creating a happy relationship.

How men fall in love

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Knowing the same stages there are love in men, you will feel more confident and run away from the painful break.

Stage of Male Love

So, the male psychology of love develops in 5 main stages. And the main reason for the separation is that the inlentibility did not reach the final stage, on which the MCH makes the proposal of the hand and the heart of the lady. Let's find out what causes the causes of the problem.

Stage 1. The appearance of sympathy

As you know, girls love ears, and men with eyes. And this is a fact that it is difficult to argue. Even if the young lady has a very rich inner world, it is unlikely that a man will make a desire to plunge into it, if there is no initial sympathy.

Of course, all representatives of strong sex have their own preferences for the appearance of the chosen. There is no unambiguous rules here and can not be. The main thing that should be observed is to be well-groomed, dressed in accordance with your age and the physique, follow accuracy, attend the Master of Manicure and Pedicure on time, to depilation.

The cunning of this stage of men's love is that the MCH can not like alone, but several girls. If he does not get enough attention from one lady, then without special repentance switches to the second. And if there is a response interest, go to the next stage.

Stage 2. Lovely

Here the man is trying to get close to his impressioning special. I fall asleep with generous compliments, romantic signs of attention, gives flowers and drives around restaurants. And, of course, trying to present himself in the most advantageous light. Such actions act as a small advance, which shows whether there is a response reaction from a woman.

At the stage of inlentity, the senses of men still did not have time to grow. Therefore, the girl needs a manifestation of a response initiative, demonstrating their location and sympathy for the guy, because otherwise it risks being abandoned and forgotten in very short time.

Stage 3: Hunting

If the previous stage was successfully overcome, the next stage begins. Here the MCH, entertaining the answer of the woman, begins to passionately wish her physically. At the same time, the interest of passion is growing in geometric limits. A man makes a decision to conquer the girl by making her her.

What means and methods of seduction it will use - everything depends on fantasy and financial opportunity. Unfortunately, not everyone will fall asleep the girl with a million scarlet roses. But pleasant surprises and classic courtship in any case will be.

Cleaning for a girl

According to the common line, this stage of male misstitivity is called "hunting". Then the man thrumpersed by the tears seeks to see the girl as often as possible, please her with pleasant surprises and so on. But there is a danger and danger here - still love is still strong enough, therefore the risk of accepting the manifestations of passion for a large and bright feeling and falling in love with no memory (which most often happens).

From the male side, we are not talking about true love, but only about flirting. Many young and naive young ladies lose their heads and start believing everything they say. For example, a man said that in the future he wants to have a family and children, and they find it almost a wedding wedding. It is worth come down from the pink clouds to the ground so that in the future it is brutally not to deceive.

What a long "hunting" is, this is influenced by the impudarity of the lady or her desire to seem so. If she did not "surrender" before, then it usually occurs just that moment. A man feels like a real hunter, enjoying not only physical, but also moral satisfaction.

True, there is a category of women who love to strongly delay this process. They begin to play in response, trying to prolong pleasant courtship as long as possible. At the same time, and do not reject the fan, but do not bring it to him, observing some "face". Psychology experts consider such behavior incorrect.

The fact is that a man can simply get tired of running for the object of passion. His power and desire will disappear, he will understand that the game is not worth the candle. And then the relationship will end, and without receiving further development.

Stage 4. Love

As you already understood, if men's feelings were not very strong and did not pass the time check, they ended at the previous stages. And only now love is on a qualitatively new level.

And if earlier the MSH did not come to mind about something serious, they were led by more instincts, physical attraction, now the situation is changing. He is thinking about whether the girl will suit him as a future spouse.

This stage is to adopt global solutions and search for answers on issues:

  • Will it work out a happy family with her?
  • Do I have a desire to take her in wives?
  • Is she really my ideal woman?

And here it is not external, and the internal qualities of a woman are nominated to the fore. A man analyzes her personality, trying on her the role of spouse, mother of future kids. Paradoxically, because of this MCh actively sought the location of the young lady, and now, having received a response in love, begins to check himself.

Yes, male egoism is really traced here. But, alas, it is impossible to change anything. Sometimes there are, of course, exceptions from the rules - the history of beautiful love at a glance. But in practice, this is implemented very and very rarely. The traditional development of relations occurs as described.

Of course, here a large imprint imposes a family in which the guy grew up. If relations with parents (especially mom) were warm, harmonious, then his beloved woman will cherish, showing her tender feelings. With bad relationship with the mother, there is a lack of love, so a man can in adulthood demand from its half a kind of "compensation".

Stage 5. Desire to be with a woman all life

Men love is more rational feeling than women's. The strong floor in need of initial understanding of the image of a partner, which is thoroughly "analysis" before it decides on a serious step. And when it appears confidence that it is the "that very" woman, everything ends with an official marriage.

everything can end with marriage

But it happens that the guy as a result of the analysis comes to the conclusion that for some reason the girl does not fit him. Then he may disappear even without a serious reason, which subsequently ends with female suffering. In fact, the desire to break the relationship seems illogical only to the abandoned girl, and his initiator everything thoughtfully thought out and weighed (probably more than once).

The last stage is often delayed for an indefinite period. Especially if the girl herself is not too striving for official marriage. Oils in the fire poured financial difficulties, pressure from parents, religious beliefs and much more. Whatever it was, then the MCH puts the girl to fame, and not just disappears.

Recommendations how to influence men's feelings

Why do people fall in love? Because they feel mutual interest and attraction to each other. But how to protect yourself from loving hunters, not turning into their easy prey? To do this, you need to be correctly navigating the stages of men's love.

I recommend to listen to the following advice:

  • Observe the balance between an easily accessible lady and an impregnable fortress. None nor another is good, much better is the Golden Middle.
  • Evaluate the feelings of MCH, based on his actions, not words. Of course, compliments and sweet speeches are pleasant to everyone. But without confirming the facts, any oaths of love and loyalty will remain just words. Do not deceive yourself!
  • As you know, special hormones of Euphoria begin to be produced under the influence of in the body. Then the world is seen in the pink light, and the cavalier seems ideal, devoid of any flaws. It is not necessary to go on the emotion and take at this time the speaking solutions. Wait until the primary euphoria calms down a little when you can see the real position of things.

Of course, not a single psychologist, even very experienced, will not be able to say for sure how love will develop in your particular case. Feelings - a very individual concept. There are many couples who decided to get married a month later dating and did not regret it through time! Or made love on the first date, but it did not prevent the creation of happy, harmonious relationships.

Therefore, it is impossible to be too categorical, orient only to the advice of psychologists. Still, your life is unique, and no one can say for sure exactly how it will happen, just like the story of your love.

And in conclusion, browse the video, giving answers to the question: "Why do we fall in love with" those "men?"

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