Cancer and Capricorn Woman - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Rational and stubborn man-Capricorn and wounded and sensitive female cancer. It seems they are absolutely not compatible. What are their common points of contact? A couple consisting of representatives of cancer and Capricorn is doomed to failure or happiness?

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Different interests, looks for life. Woman cancer lives emotions, she constantly needs new bright impressions. Capricorn man is a responsible, calculating, pragmatic person, whose solutions weighing and consistent. Will they manage to find a common language and achieve dizzying heights not only in family life, but also in a career?

Love and relations

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Despite different temperaments and characters, the Harmonious Capricorn Union and successful. Partners are fully suitable for each other. Feminine and gentle cancer complements its rational and stubborn Capricorn. Representatives of these zodiac constellations understand each other with a half-tissue, half off.

They have common goals in life, aspirations, plans. In this pair, the Capricorn man is ready to be responsible not only for itself, but also for his fragile chosen. Woman cancer in return gives his companion attention and care.

However, it cannot be said that their love relationships are developing at a glance. Representatives of these zodiacal constellations do not jump into the pool of passion with their heads. Partners look at each other, evaluate, study the tastes and interests of everyone. The first step towards the beloved always makes a man.

Sexual compatibility

The union, consisting of a female cancer and a Capricorn man, cannot be called passionate. However, their sexual attraction to each other is large enough. Sensual and dreamy cancer and conservative Capricorn in intimate life prefer a variety and unusual experiments.

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Indicating love joy, partners are completely liberated. There are no barriers to their sexual life. Woman cancer and Capricorn man enjoy each other, forgotten about everything in the world. In intimate relationships, they are 100% compatible, so they have no need to look for lovers or to start intrigue on the side.

Family and marriage

The Family Union of Women Cancer and Capricorn Men will be 100% successful. In this pair, accurate and harmonious role distribution. The responsible representative of a strong sex with clear views on life does everything for the well-being of his family. He is the main thing in these marriage relationships.

A sensitive and deep woman cancer will never fight for leadership in the family. It is satisfied with the position of the keeper of a homemade spot. The representative of the beautiful floor takes care of his spouse, if necessary, sends it and supports it. Even with different temperaments and characters, cancer and Capricorn were able to find common points of contact.

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Their family is distinguished by a calm and peaceful atmosphere. In their house reigns order and comfort. Spouses love to spend quiet family evenings together. Their house is a full bowl.

Pros and cons couple

The main advantages of female cancer and Capricorn men:
  • Clear distribution of roles in a pair.
  • Comfortable psychological atmosphere.
  • The desire of each partner to smooth conflicts.
  • Similarity of family values.

The main consumers of female cancer and Capricorn men:

  • Stubbornness Capricorn and excessive capriciousness and rack of cancer mood.
  • Frequent quarrels and conflicts.
  • Different hobbies and hobbies.

How to fall in love with Capricorn Men

Capricorn man is stubborn and calculating personality. He sees a worm woman next to himself, a keeper of a homely hearth and mother of his children. At first glance, it seems that the sophisticated and gentle cancer does not suit this role at all.

However, if a woman born under this zodiacal constellation, fell in love with Capricorn, she will do everything possible so that he drew attention to her and took a step towards her to meet. But she should do it extremely carefully. Capricorn man does not accept factories in the actions of representatives of weak gender.

Therefore, a woman's woman should show fantasy and unobtrusively hint to the future cavalier about his sympathy. Further the initiative should take a man. An excellent sex representative should not be invited to the chosen one in unusual places and give gifts. He will not appreciate it, but only will try to stay away from such a nailed girl away.

Friendship compatibility

Friendship between a cancer woman and a male-Capricorn is not interesting and not durable. They have different hobbies and hobbies. A woman likes to spend time in noisy companies, a man prefers a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

The sensitive and dreamy representative of the fine sex can not keep secrets. This circumstance does not suit the pragmatic and faithful Capricorn. Therefore, even if friendship is born between them, it will last no longer than a few months.

However, there are exceptions. Some representatives of these zodiac constellations due to different views on life in the person of another acquire a sincere and reliable friend. Over time, they have common topics for conversations. Upon learning of the partner better, friends are moving into a serious relationship.

Therefore, the second halves of cancer and Capricorn, with such cooperation, should be extremely careful. If they want to keep love relatives with their partner, they need to try to make this friendship break. Otherwise, they risk staying alone.

Compatibility in work

The business union between the cancer woman and the male-Capricorn can be both successful and productive and not very. It depends on the posts that are occupied by representatives of these zodiac constellations:

  • Equal posts. Interesting and successful cooperation. Capricorn man comes up to solving the tasks of the tasks responsibly and accurately. Woman cancer due to its non-standard thinking and fantasy makes creative notes in the task. Therefore, their tandem is distinguished by the originality and the ability to pass projects exactly on time. They work so harmonious together that they have no reason for quarrels and conflicts. The labor atmosphere in their union is calm and favorable.
  • Woman Cancer - Head, Capricorn Male - subordinate. A complex and extremely bad union. Head-cancer is the wounded and capricious leader. A woman does not suit absolutely everything that Slave-Capricorn offers, although she herself is not profitable and not consistent. The stubborn and responsible man does not agree with the position of the head, but it does not allow to tell her about it, he does not allow congenital tact. The increments of actions and the absence of the desired results forced the Capricorn subordinate to think about changing professional activities.
  • Woman cancer - subordinate, Capricorn man - boss. A good combination. Capricorn male has pronounced leadership qualities, he is able to lead the team. Woman cancer in the presence of clearly set tasks will be able to fulfill them. After all, otherwise, the Capricorn leader will get rid of a negligible employee. Sometimes between them because of the capricious nature of women and stubbornness and the principle of men, a personal hostility arises. But cancer and Capricorn find ways to ensure that this circumstance does not interfere with them in labor activity. After a while, the staff are torn to each other, and they no longer have reasons for protracted conflicts. Small quarrels they allow in operating mode.

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Opposites are attracted. It's about a woman and a Capricorn man. In love relationships, they are simply created for each other. But in order to understand it, they need time. Representatives of cancer and Capricorn are very happy in marriage. However, they are not compatible in friendship.

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