Cancer and male virgin - Compatible in love, relationships, marriage, sex, friendship


The Cancer with the Virgin very often there is a combination, characterized by wealth and fruitfulness. Astrologers argue that these signs of the zodiac are the high probability of happy relationships at all levels.

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How does a male male affect the woman-cancer? What are the chances of both for happiness and mutual understanding? Is it possible between them a strong union? We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

Love and relations

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This is almost the perfect plot, similar to a beautiful movie, because the guy-Virgin loves to show tenderness, pointing in a relationship, it is all soul. He is a supporter of traditional classic caressing for a girl. She will receive flowers from him, gifts, a lot of time this couple will spend under the starry sky, in theaters and cinema halls. Gentle and beautiful tied novel will be like this, this is what it is waiting for her chosen one.

Cancer is managed by a sensitive moon, and the Virgin is intelligent Mercury - what could be better for the beginning of the relationship. They both wait for tremendous and strong love, so everything will happen very concise and consistently. Understanding, strong emotions, strong and touching friendship will be reigned.

Sexual compatibility

  • Because both, and another sign relate to sensual personalities, their sex life will cause bright and saturated sensations. Partner's cancer should be more decisive, since the maid-man will pull the moment of diving into the ocean passion.
  • In general, Virgo are somewhat restrained in matters of love, so they need help in relaxation. It should be created atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding. Open all your cards, and then the male Virgo will be able to meet and show everything that is capable of.
  • The lady will have to break through the natural defensive wall, which was erected in the soul of the satellite, after this obstacle will be overcome, the partner-maiden will open with his beloved in all its glory, will show the heat of passion and the strongest emotions.

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Pros and cons couple

Uninchronous emotions are something that can overshadow these almost perfect relationships. Virgo-man is a very discreet friend, a woman cancer can suddenly change the mood that will not immediately understand the satellite.

Many alarms caused by experiences for loved ones, relatives, friends, colleagues often cause cancer genuine emotions, sometimes negatively affecting the state and mood. Sometimes the situation cannot be changed, but the emotional splash shrinks.

A partner must definitely satisfy the beloved woman, for this it will be important information about preferences. This couple will not be limited to bed, and innovation initiation is inevitable. New positions that cause emotions and the power of feelings will be invented by mutual agreement.

Family and marriage

Woman Cancer and Male Virgo is a couple, doomed to happiness. They both dream of a strong family, prosperous life, comfortable life and comfort in the house. Virgo will be able to become a real breadwinner and will create a maximum comfort for a family, providing it with sufficiency. In such a family, all the roles are distributed through the classical and traditional scheme, it is effective, tested by time and is extremely clear to everyone.

The transformation of the house, family dinners and chatting with children is the task of a woman's cancer, and the maid-man will work in such an environment with pleasure and a great desire. The realization of any dream of his beloved spouse is a matter of honor.

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Large quarrels and heavy conflicts bypass this family. Both partners are not scandalous personalities, it is able to solve the accumulated problems peacefully at the negotiating table.

For the virgin male it is important to understand what it is needed, so it needs to be more likely to thank, praise and maintain. And if the spouse admires them, then the motivation is the strongest, in such an atmosphere he will move forward, despite any obstacles.

How to fall in love with a male male

At the very beginning of building relationships, when there is still no hint of strong feelings, it is best to establish certain rules and stick to them in the future. You get rid of yourself from many problems if you do not disturb the established dogmas.

The Men-Virgin has a lot of valuable qualities, but it's not worth idealizing it, because each person has shortcomings, so we can walk the pedestals. Pink glasses are also better to remove, in order not to experience large disappointments in the future. Remember, ideal people, including men, simply do not exist.

  • Verine should be given the opportunity to be alone, every man dreams of independence. Do not be afraid to let go of football or a gym with friends. Men-Virgin are a model of loyalty, they will never betray a woman who loves with all his heart.
  • Do not change the Virgin, if he finds out about it, he will leave with a broken heart and never return. Think about it before tie relations with the Virgin, this sign is very angry.
  • The inner world of your partner should always be interested in and maintaining you. Integet to his mood, inspire it and assist all kinds of help.
  • Plut a partner to say your feelings, because you lack his recognition. Over time, he will get used to the fact that you need more often to talk about love, there will be gifts and eloquent recognition.

Friendship compatibility

Cancer-Woman is distinguished by devotion, reliability and wisdom. Such a companion is needed by a demanding man born under the sign of the Virgin. He will soften, will become more trusting.

In their friendship, Virgo and Cancer admire only those who checked actions or time. It is possible that a great feeling can get from strong friendship. Every person has its own "cockroaches", you need to love them and learn to take it as it is. Often, the girl-cancer does not see what the feelings are experiencing her companion, and it does not want to enter into relations in principle at all. In this case, the boyfriend understands the futility of his position, but does not decide to interrupt friendship.

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Both Virgo and Cancer very strictly guarded friendly relations and are very zealous about those who encroach on the Union. It is not easy to break through the wall of the alienation, but those who take this "fortress" guaranteed life recognition.

Compatibility in work

To lead in such an alliance will be Virgo, he skillfully chooses from all your ideas the most promising and will be implemented with enthusiasm. He knows how to competently manage with budget funds, weigh risky situations and avoid rapid actions.

Thanks to the intuition of cancer and the logic of the Virgin, the joint thing will be promising, promising and bring big money. Both partners are able to create something stylish, unusual, important for life.

Attracting the necessary people, the ability to establish important connections - all this is a man-male and female cancer. And what can be more important for the successful joint business?


  • Among all the signs of the zodiac, this union is the most promising and promising.
  • There are more general trends than disconnecting moments. Sensuality, tenderness, turbidity of relationships, lack of pressure, rudeness - this is what brightens the virgin and cancer, giving them the opportunity to build real, strong, unshakable relationships for many years.
  • A happy family is the main and ultimate task in relations between a woman's cancer and a male.

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