Logical thinking: what it is, ways of development


A person is forced every day to deal with various difficulties or simply analyze new information. In this process, it helps a lot of logical thinking. Some people have a well-developed logic from nature, and others have problems with it, but this is not a reason to be upset, because the logic can be developed! How to do it, what are the varieties of logical thinking - I will tell about it in the following material.

logical thinking

Logical thinking: What is it?

For a better understanding of the concept, it is necessary to pay attention to its components - that is, separately thinking and logic.

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Thinking It is a mental process that involves processing information and establish links from events, subjects and phenomena. A subjectivity is strongly influenced on thinking, because each person perceives the same phenomenon in different ways.

Logics It provides objectivity of thinking. If we speak more simple words, logic is a science about the right, true thinking. It has its own methods, laws and forms. Logic is based on experience and knowledge, and not on emotional components.

To make elementary conclusions, it is enough to have sound arguments. However, if something really complicated happens, the appropriate thinking is required. It will help to find the most faithful strategy of actions, even if you do not have many facts.

Logical thinking He acts as a process in which a person uses logical concepts based on evidence and sound reason. The purpose of logical thinking is considered to obtain a reasonable conclusion, pushing out the specific information about the problem.

Important moment! Start training logic gradually. For example, to start, solve one crossword or play a couple of simple parties in chess. Gradually increase mental loads.

Types of logic

All logical arguments are divided into three categories and can be:

  1. Figy-logical . In this case, the problem arises in the imagination of a person, it is repelled from the images of objects or phenomena, which are involved in it.
  2. Abstract - This is a more complex option. It uses categories, connections or subjects that are absent in real life (abstractions).
  3. Wound - There is a logical reasoning with other people. It is important here, firstly, be able to analyze what is happening, and secondly, to own the art of competent speech.

Now we know what logic is. It's time to figure out how it can help us in life?

Why do I need logic?

Logical thinking is value for each of us, regardless of the profession and social status. There are certain differences in logic: it allows one people to get a common, household output, and others enjoy strict, formalized logic (in mathematics, engineering, philosophy).

An interesting nuance. The first who concretized the concept of "logic" was the famous scientist of antiquity Aristotle. It owns the authorship of a whole cycle of works, where the main logical concepts are covered, categories. The name of the collection "Organon".

What can be achieved by the development of logical thinking?

  • rapid and accurate conclusions in different life situations;
  • adequate assessment of oneself, their forces, without self-deception and false illusions;
  • identifying their personal mistakes and other people's errors;
  • clear and capacious statement of arguments;
  • The arts of the belief of the interlocutor with the leading arguments.

Each of the listed moments will become an excellent bonus for everyday life. Therefore, if you have difficulty with logic, think about the development of the logical apparatus. After all, its masses will allow you to instantly distinguish important information from unnecessary "garbage".

Also, you can not forget about the obvious psychological dignity: having developed logical thinking, the person is easier to overcome the life obstacles, he is more confident in herself, seeks more success in studying and career.

Rubic Cube Develops Logic

Logic is a congenital skill or purchased?

The ability to think logically, analyzing what is happening is acquired, which is confirmed by psychologists and other experts. No man was born, already knowing how to make logical meditation.

The simplest kind of thinking is figurative-logical, and it arises by 1.5 years of life. Then the child begins to make an elementary analysis of what is happening, gradually distinguishing, which is important, and what is secondary.

Skills of this plan are known as empirical - that is, developed on the basis of personal experience. Alas, usually all of us, in addition to our own developments, we also receive many public installations, not always correct and healthy. Binding them without analyzing the situation on their own, a person gradually loses critical thinking.

An interesting nuance. If you want to improve your logic, start performing elementary tasks - invent new words, rhymes. All this will have a stimulating effect.

Each desire to actually achieve the level of abstractions. Just think about how many times you argue about non-existent phenomena - after all, in this process, the active work of your logical apparatus takes place.

If you take on a rule regular training for the development of logic, then over time you can achieve heights, even if it was very far from logical reasoning. The main thing, the presence of sincere desire.

Is it possible to develop the logic to an adult person?

Of course, really and even necessary! There are so many changes in the world that old knowledge is often no longer given to solving situations. And although some people think that it is enough to get higher education once, and more you can not learn, in reality such an opinion is wrong.

Perhaps the most difficult will be victory over his own laziness. True, time in the life of an adult is a scarce resource that does not always want to spend on additional efforts. In fact, everything is not as scary as you think - for the development of logic, you will not have to spend a lot of precious time.

There is no need for hours to sit behind books, neglecting communication with your relatives, because most of the logical exercises can safely be performed in the company.

Interesting fact. The famous Rubik Cube, invented by a sculptor from Hungary, was so popular that in the 80s of the last century even published a whole brochure dedicated to the cube.

What results do you achieve with regular practice? It will begin to make it much easier to decide the solution of complex tasks, some of which will seem like enjoyable trifles.

Logic development

There are many ways to develop logical thinking. Then we will get acquainted with the most famous of them.

Logic games

They are recommended by adults and children if desired to develop the logic and improving their logical thinking. What are these games?

  1. Chess. Without with developed logical thinking, it is simply impossible to win in chess.
  2. Checkers. A more simplified version of the game than chess, but also favorably affects logical thinking.
  3. Backgammon. Many played in them as a child, but not everyone knows that backgammon improve logic.
  4. Crosswords, puzzles, rebuses. With their help, you can not only train memory and develop intelligence, but also improve your logical thinking.
  5. Association. The technique is incredibly simple - you need to choose a certain word and pick up the maximum possible number of associations to it.
  6. Reversi or Othello. This is another option of a board game, in which black and white chips and the board are used, very similar to chess. It develops not only logical, but also strategic thinking.
  7. Erudes or Scrabble. The game involves drawing up words from specific letters.

Chess for logic development

Exercises for the development of logic

If you set a goal - a serious improvement of your logical thinking, then the games will not be enough. As additional tools it is worth using special exercises. Their examples will be found in the list below.
  • Anagram. The letters are mixed in an arbitrary sequence, and a person needs to create a word of them.
  • Tasks for logic. You will find them in large quantities in the social cobweb. And the counters of bookstores also offer plenty of collections with similar tasks.
  • Select the words that are binding for two phrases. For example, "open the door", "birds fly" - the word key.
  • Independently make crosswords, puzzles.
  • Come up with five methods of applying a certain item. Or alternatively find five solutions to a particular problem.
  • Test execution. The Internet offers a large assortment of such tasks. Tests will become an excellent assistant for the development of intelligence. There are options where the timer counts a certain time to perform tasks, but there are not limited to any temporary framework.

All tests use the principle of "reasons-investigation". This implies the presence of several solutions, only one of which is correct.

At first glance, it may seem that this is performed elementary. In fact, an unprepared person will experience some difficulties: the answers look mutually exclusive, but chose so that it seemed to seem to be that they are all suitable. This is how the workout of the mind and logic happens.

Effective recommendations how to develop logic

You are too lazy to do exercises for improving logical thinking, but you are not hopeless in this matter? Then useful will be simpler methods that work without much effort:

  • Reading detectives. Detective literature describes the actions of specialists in the investigation of crimes, they are based on logical thinking. The more detectives you read, the easier the logical tasks will be given.
  • Analyze the actions performed. At least periodically you need to explain to yourself: for what purpose you do something, what happens if you do not do it, to which result will come with errors and so on.
  • Try to write and make other steps with a non-working hand. This will allow two hemispheres of the brain at once.
  • Every day, walk on the street at least an hour. Of course, if the weather allows. The outdoor walk will provide not only the development of logic, but also other types of thinking.
  • If possible, do not pay one point of time for more than an hour. Or at least take breaks every 60 minutes. Such a tactic will help keep the brain in constant tone and improve logical thinking.

Do you dream of improving your logic? Then do not be lazy, and you devote at least a little time on the day of training. The result should you like.

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