Gemini Woman and Male Virgo - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


A twin woman and a male-male can compare with a quick stream and stone - respectively, the interaction between them can be different. Sometimes the stone interferes with the flow of water and has resistance, which I want to immediately overcome, and sometimes - slightly holds back and sends to the right direction. Compatibility among representatives of these signs is average, therefore relations depend on how ready they are willing to work on their own shortcomings and take cons of the partner.

Love and relations

Do not notice the twin girl is very difficult - it is bright, beautiful and cheerful, it is easy to easily communicate and optimism. The guy born under the sign of the Virgin is a real esthete, so immediately will notice her and will make the first steps to acquaintance. They will immediately find a common language, as they adore intellectual conversations and disputes. The man will like the kind of child's child's character and her practical approach to life, and she will appreciate his perfect appearance and the ability to care for.

Gemini Woman and Male Virgo - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3882_1

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But after the charm of the first acquaintance will be held, problems can begin in relationships. Men-Virgin - calm and closed so much that sometimes seem some cowardly. They are really afraid of chaos, most of all in the world love order and prefer to plan their lives in advance. Gemini, on the contrary, sometimes create a confusion that will annoy the virgin. In this case, the partner will fall down to reproaches and soldiers, and the proud children of Mercury do not endure them. If the partners do not be able to settle this moment, the relationship can go to a dead end.

Sexual compatibility

The attraction between representatives of signs is simply colossal, but the characteristics of characters can impose a print and for sexual relations. Gemini girls are passionate and emotional, sometimes even seem too demanding. Men-Virgin, on the contrary, in bed slightly cold, rarely show feelings and take the initiative. In principle, if he agrees to play the second violin and follow the partner, and it will be able to fully express their desires, intimate relationships will be quite good.

Family and marriage

Happiness in marriage between the Men-Virgin and the twin woman is under a big question. He dreams of a calm, quiet family life with perfectly established life and evenings in front of the TV. She can't live without communicating and new impressions, so he will quickly miss his slightly boring partner.

On the household, the twin women also pay little attention, prepare and removed not regularly, but depending on the inspiration that absolutely not satisfied with an overly neat virgin. In addition, it will be irritated by the inertia and the misinterpretation of the partner, and its - the unpredictability and preoccupacy of the spouse.

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A happy marriage is possible only if Verva agrees to give the twins a little freedom, take on some of the home trouble and at least sometimes get out with his wife "in people." A woman, in turn, you need to take a little to temper your dust and divide your free time to equally between friends and a housemant. If, in addition, it will be able to convince the virgin in the fact that new acquaintances and impressions are not scary, but rather interestingly, their union will become almost perfect.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gemini Woman and Male Virgo - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3882_3

As in any other couple, twins and the virgin have both pros and cons. In indisputable advantages include:

  • high intellectual level of both partners;
  • practical and sober approach to life;
  • perseverance and perseverance in financial matters.

If we talk about minuses, then serious problems in a pair can create the following aspects:

  • Miscellaneous attitude to the organization of life and family relationship;
  • serious differences in social activity and life rhythm;
  • Low sexual compatibility.

If the twin female and male will learn to overcome difficulties and strengthen the strong places of their relationship, their marriage may well be successful.

How to fall in love with a male male

By the sign of the Virgin, stable and reliable men are born, which each new acquaintance is assessed as a potential spouse. Like all other representatives of the strong floor, they love beautiful women, but neatness and accuracy comes to the fore. Clothes, hairstyle and manicure Girls should be in perfect manner - picky Virgo will immediately notice a small speck or black border under the nails.

In addition, a woman should have a sufficiently high intelligence and modesty - too bright Wampsy woman or a loud thunder-babe will rather scare the male male, what will like him. If the first acquaintance was successful, the partner should show itself a good mistress, which can hardly lead a household. Do not forget that Male Virgo loves to criticize and give advice, but hates when his authority is questioned. Accordingly, with the opinion of the representative of this sign, it is best to agree, and never indicate errors.

Friendship compatibility

If in love relationships and marriage the compatibility of a twin woman and male-male is low enough, then as friends, they fit each other almost 100%. The time spent together will be filled with intellectual conversations and alive discussions, of which both will be able to learn something new.

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If desired, the twin woman knows how to not only speak, but also to listen, so a man will be able to share with her problems and fears. Melancholic Virgin tends to depressions and severe thoughts, but the fun and optimistic girlfriend quickly dispels the gloomy mood and will not let long be bored. For his part, careful, reasonable man will be able to give a woman a lot of good advice and keeps her from rampant deeds.

Compatibility in work

In work and business, the compatibility of this couple is also very high. They have an outstanding mind, hardworking and perfectly complement each other - the original ideas and activity of twins in combination with the scrupulsiness and responsibility of the Virgin may contribute to the achievement of considerable success.

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In this union, the woman will become a generator of ideas and a motor that will help constantly move forward, and a man will incarnate plans to life (the twins often lack patience on painstaking or boring work) and send a charming colleague in the right direction. He will not let her get lost in the stream of his own thoughts and will choose the most scented.


  1. Gemini and Virgo belong to different elements (air and earth) and have serious differences in characters.
  2. Love and sexual compatibility in this pair below average - the happy alliance is possible only if the partners agree to work on relationships.
  3. In friendship, work and business, the twin female and male-male are well suited to each other, so they often achieve financial success and retain warm relationships for life.

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