Woman Aries and Gemini Male - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Woman Aries slightly reminds Amazon or an excellent goddess Artemis from ancient Greek myths. For this reason, not every representative of the strong sex can cope with this stubborn and proud beauty, and some it simply scares its brightness and activity. But the twin male does not suffer with timidity or understated self-esteem, so it will immediately try to conquer her. The situation may develop in different ways, but if the couple learn to overcome obstacles and look for compromises, it is waiting for a long and happy relationship.

Love relationship

With the first acquaintance, the woman-Aries and the twin men will immediately notice each other, as both love to be the center of attention, possess incredible charisma and magnetism. Long courtes, most likely, will not, because both partners value simplicity, sincerity and honesty. From the outside they will look quite happy, but a little cold pair - neither the Aries, nor the twins are inclined to demonstrate the feelings of the strangers.

Woman Aries and Gemini Male - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3883_1

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Both signs need to communicate, so they rarely sit still, but alone will not be bored either. Woman-Aries and twin men comfortably together - they do not build far-reaching plans, but just enjoy the moment. Sometimes the relationship can be dyed by violent disputes - straight partners are not accustomed to hiding their discontent and express it at the first convenient opportunity.

In addition, the hot girl-Aries can hurt the external coldness of the twin guy - he does not apply to the jeys, and she would like him at least a little bit. Especially since she does not need to give serious reasons for jealousy - a man will just say hello to the old familiar.

Sexual compatibility

In bed, representatives of these signs are rarely cold. Women-Aries are hot and passionate, but very love to command and experiment, which can scare away the lovers inherent in themselves. Gemini's man has a flexible character and knows how to adapt to any circumstances, so it will be completely able to withstand the glow of passions and a tendency to dominate. They will perfectly complement each other and constantly make a variety of intimate life.

Family and marriage

The marriage between the Gemini men and the woman is a rather rare phenomenon due to the fact that the representatives of both signs appreciate their freedom. If they still decide to the wedding, she will surely be chic, even if after the newlywed ceremony will remain without a penny. In family life, these two more resemble good friends than lovers - they will find time to gloom about acquaintances, get to the cinema, to a party or in a gym.

Woman Aries and Gemini Male - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3883_2

The only thing that could cause small clashes is household questions. Woman Aries are not averse to please the spouse with culinary delights, but constantly clean and cook it is not interesting. Gemini do not pay attention to the little things like dust in the corner, but they can make his wife a few comments. If they can divide home duties among themselves, misunderstandings will no longer arise.

Pros and cons couple

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The pluses of a couple of woman-aries and twin male include:

  • The same level of activity - both support the rapid rhythm of life, so none of the partners will be tired;
  • general views on life, ease of communication, high intellectual level;
  • Excellent sexual compatibility.

Along with good advantages, partners have consists that can provoke quarrels:

  • The coolness of the twin men and excessive jealousy of a woman-Aries;
  • stubbornness and desire to prove their rightness at all costs;
  • The love of twins to communicate with the representatives of both sexes, which will cause dissatisfaction with Aries.

To smooth sharp corners, a pair will have to learn how to find compromises. Woman-Aries need a little to temper her jealousy and own instinct, and the twin men - more often remind a partner that she is the only and unique.

How to fall in love with the twin male

Outwardly, the twin male may seem removed and cold, but it is not entirely true. It just rarely focus on something alone, which creates certain difficulties in meeting. Interested in a representative of this sign, it is much more difficult to keep their interest. The main feature of the character of twins is curiosity, so the woman will have to throw new riddles to him all the time.

It should be an original and versatile personality with non-standard thinking and a slight character. Men born under the auspices of this sign hate conservatism, stereotypes and routine. Caprises, imposing their own opinions and hysterics, too, banned - from such things, the twins run like from fire.

Friendship compatibility

If the Woman Aries and the Gemini men will not be able to keep love relationships, they may well be friends. They are fairly generous and unlockable to forget all disagreements and warmly communicate over long years. Representatives of these signs will always find common topics for conversations, and a restless character will help to spend a fun. The only obstacle can be some duality of the nature of the twins - the Aries do not tolerate tricks and insincerity.

Compatibility in work

Woman Aries and Gemini Male - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 3883_4

In the work, a compatibility of a woman-Aries and twin men is not bad, but they need to learn to adapt to each other. Representatives of the fiery sign always put global tasks, but rarely concentrate on trifles, and sometimes they do not notice them at all.

Air twins have excellent intuition and find a way out of any situation, but sometimes they can give contradictory orders, sick, and sometimes to conceal some of the important information for their own good. Woman Aries will not tolerate such behavior, but will express discontent in the face of a partner or colleague, which will definitely not go for the good of the common cause.


  1. Woman Aries and Gemini Male can build a happy relationship and even a strong family, if they learn to put up with the lack of each other.
  2. The main obstacles in the relationship - the duality and cunning nature of the twins, as well as the proprietary pops and jealousy of Aries.
  3. In marriage, representatives of these signs will feel quite comfortable - their sexual compatibility is excellent, and domestic issues will be solved by themselves.
  4. Women-Aries and Gemini Men can be not only good lovers, but also with colleagues, business partners and friends.

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