Sun in 3 houses in woman and men


The sun in 3 house will tell a lot about the owner of a natal card. In the article, I reviewed all the features of the horoscope of such people, both men and women.

general characteristics

The sun in the 3 house immediately draws attention to the fact that the main value of a person is communications, qualitative relationships with the surrounding people. Therefore, with such a horoscope, a person simply has no right to become a lonely one.

Sun in 3 houses in a woman

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Key points:

  1. Such people love learning, eternal students, attend different trainings, seminars, courses. "Want to know everything!" - Their motto in life.
  2. Enjoy the living communication, dating with new people, love to build a relationship of various kinds.
  3. Their talent is to collect a ton of different information, to strip out the essence of it, structure, decompose on the shelves and convey to other people in simple form. Their explanations are able to understand even the first grader, so they become excellent teachers, coaches, instructors.
  4. Such people are most often physically hardy, possess good health, hardy. Perfectly oriented in space due to their intuition, which will not allow to get lost even in the very impassable forest.
  5. Often spray your energy into many goals immediately, not trying to concentrate on something one. Therefore, many do not have time, throw halfway, and then they are angry. They need to learn the art of small steps.

It is important to use this talent to train other people, and not to extinguish your potential, working in the days in unloved work.

In a man

A man with such an indicator in the Natal Map is always in motion, it is difficult to catch in one place. Its entails novelty and the constant change of the situation, if it does not have the ability to travel and constantly move around, communicate with people, its energy potential "fades".

Sun in 3 houses in a man

Features of his character and behavior:

  • He is very observed. It often draws attention to very small details, which are usually hidden from others. Thanks to this quality, it rarely allows mistakes, is a perfectionist, which, however, absolutely does not prevent him from living.
  • He is very inquisitive, he likes to explore the world and people. Curious, but not excessively. She strives to constantly develop and recognize something new. In obtaining new experience and experiments, he sees his special meaning from his life.
  • Usually he is aware of everything, and he has no need to report news - he himself is a source of information. Trying to know everything and everyone, being in the center of events, be the main acting person of any significant situation for him.
  • Conditions and likes to build good relationships with people, he has many friends, acquaintances and patrons who are always ready to help. It can safely break towards an old friend to another city.
  • Most often, loves driving and does not represent life without a personal car. May go to Avtource throughout the country, having led to work and wish impressions.

Recommendation for it: travel as much as possible to expand your borders and maintain the energy level to achieve goals at a steady high level.

In woman

The sun in 3 house will tell, first of all, what kind of men unconsciously choose this woman.

Sun in 3 houses

Important moments:

  • She is true Sapiosis - this means that only men with high intelligence are sexually attracted. She will not communicate with stupid and not far away, because he understands - to love the one who is not so smart as it is impossible.
  • It also looks at men with an active life position, with organizational abilities and those who can easily make new acquaintances, build qualitative relationships with the surrounding people.
  • Most likely, the Father, who raised her and raised, possesses these qualities, so it unconsciously and tries to find them in men.

Recommendations for it: do not try to start the relationship of ABI with whom of fear to remain one (and at 25-30 years old on it will be desperately crushing others. Her motto should be: "Better than one than with anyone." It is imperative to find a like-minded person, an interesting interlocutor and a partner, the same lighter on the rise as she herself.

Check the video on the topic:


  • People with the Sun in 3 house have a very fast reaction. They easily adapt to new circumstances and find solutions to any problems faster than all other people.
  • Men are avid travelers, do not like to sit still. They are important to constant movement, decorations change, new emotions and impressions.
  • Women are smart and attractive, preferred men with high intelligence. But their mind often interferes with building happy and harmonious relationships.

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