Magic Fire at home: how to learn how to spend the element


Magic is a change in circumstances by the will of a person. This art is much ancient of any science, as it originated in the depths of the centuries. With the magic of the fire, I encountered in unusual circumstances when it was necessary to urgently warm up in Lyuda Claus. And I was taught to do it instantly. Office of fire elements is called pyroinosis. In the article, I will tell you about what is the magic of fire, how to learn how to manage what is necessary to teach this magical direction.

Magic fire

Acquaintance with the element

The medieval scientist Paracels described the 4 elements from which the universe consists. One of the elements is the fire. In many magical rituals there is a direct appeal to fire with a request to perform this or that self-sulfolis of the operator (sorceressing). However, without direct acquaintance, with the essence of the element of fire, the appeal of the element and the appeal to it will be useless. Therefore, the first thing you need to make a beginner Magu is to have a diary in which observations of the elements and achievements will be recorded in mastering the essence of fire.

Important! Lovers to approach the objects of fire magic is not available: the element does not like those who do not manage their desires and emotions.

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Oddly enough, but the element of the fire does not like "hot heads", that is, those who are unable to control their own emotions. These include quick-tempered people, fonding, gambling, scandalous and so on. Get acquainted with the fire with a cold head and without any emotion.

First you need to write in your diary all associations associated with the image of the flame. Leave for associations a whole page, you may, you will add figurative comparisons not one day.

After that, you will need contact with a lively flame. It can be a candle fire, but best to make a real bonfire on Earth. Go to where it will be possible to decompose the fire, and the collected branches. When the flame breaks up, stand as close to the fire as much as possible and tune in to the feeling of a flux of hot air that goes from the flame. Do not rush, feel every cell of the body going warm.

Then you will need to get any flame sign to make sure there is contact with it. You can turn to the fire in your own words and ask him to become your assistant. Carefully monitor the reaction of the flame and its behavior. What exactly you get a sign, no one can say in advance: it will be your personal code for which you will communicate with the elements in the future.

During the practice with flames, keep care to not get a burn or a thermal blow . The merger with the elements occurs at the level of energies, and not on the physical plan. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to try to touch the flame with your hands or take hot coals from the fire.

how to learn magic fire


Not everyone has the opportunity to divide a fire in nature, so you can get acquainted with the elements and at home. To do this, you will use the candle - wax or stearin. You can also divide the semblance of a fire in refractory dishes, observing fire safety measures.

You need to bring the palms to the flame, try to penetrate the heat emanating from it and mentally connect with the elements. At this time, a specially composed spell can be pronounced, preferably in poetic form (rhymed). However, if you do not own the art of rhyme, you can simply pronounce your intention:

I combine my thoughts with a flame, and we become one. From now on, I and the fire is one whole. Fire, become me an assistant and friend, respond to my calls for help.

This is an exemplary text of the reference to the flame. You can make your personal text that will differ from the above. But it does not matter at all: it is important to find contact with the flame and enlist his support.

During the practice of fusion with the essence of fire on the home altar, it is advisable to place attributes that symbolize the flames. It may be:

  • lighter;
  • sharp spices;
  • Wasil Taro;
  • Talisman (or drawing) with the image of Salamandra;
  • incense - Sandal;
  • gem of red or yellow color;
  • Flower of red or yellow.

Spices can be put in small swings or cups, you can simply keep them in bags - not so important. From Arkanov Tarot is the main Ace of Wands. He personifies the fiery element, being a quintessence of the Entility of Fire. The card is put on the night under the pillow, so that the subconsciousness gets information about the elements in a dream.

Sandal wands need to be lit for high-quality adjustment to the element. First, the scent of the sand believes cleans consciousness from foreign information and helps to tune in to the ritual. Secondly, the sandal represents the element of fire at the level of energies.

Candle at home will replace the fire of the fire. It does not matter how color the candle you ignite: the flame is important. Looking at the fire, you will learn the basics of meditation. Sit smoothly and look at the candle flame, trying to think only about him. If other thoughts are obsessively climbing, imagine that the candle fire burns and they disappear.

How much do you need to meditate on the flame candles? How much the perfection is enough, it will be enough to begin with five minutes. During the contemplation of the flame, it is necessary to shoot as long as possible, passing the eyes to the concentration of attention at the facility: it will be useful for magical imaging practices.

Recommendations for Logging Magic

A beginner magician must learn a lot to become a real practice. Here are some tips, how to master the magic of fire:

  • The power of fire is equal to its source. The brighter the flame, the more powerful the essence of fire.
  • Without comprehending the essence of the flame, it is impossible to control the elements of fire.
  • To successfully practice any magic, you need to master the visualization skills.

Practical exercise on the visualization of fire

Connect the palms together, and then extend to a distance of 30-35 cm from each other. Imagine that there is a ball of orange color between the palms. In order for the presentation to be clearer, you can keep the real air ball or ball between the palms - to work up the sensation.

When you master this exercise, you will need to imagine how an orange ball enters your body through closed palms. To do this, slightly connect the palms, representing the absorption of the ball. After that, take a deep breath, as if you really swallowed a fiery ball.

how to master the magic of fire

Fireballs in hand

Many watched the series "Enchanted", where the sisters successfully enjoyed fire magic and metal fiery balls from hand. Can be treated as fiction. However, in real life, there are also people who know how to manage the elements of fire with their own thought. This is called pyronesis.

With the help of the pyronesis, it is possible to light objects, ignite a fire without matches and repay it, etc. Also with the help of peerinase, you can increase the temperature of your own body to warm up in the frost. However, regular workouts are needed to disclose their own energy potential, rather than classes on occasion.

How to learn Magic Fire: Exercise on the creation of a fiery ball

  • At the beginning, meditation on the candle to calm the thought process and connect mentally with the essence of fire.
  • Straighten your right hand and concentrate thoughts at the Palm Center.
  • Will's effort to direct the inner energy of the heat of your body into this palm. Feel like palm getting hot.
  • Once reached this result, squeeze your palm in a fist, as if closing energy.
  • Then open your palm and feel warm in all your fingers.
  • Close the palm, open again - and so several times in a row.
  • Now direct the energy into the surrounding space: the hand is as if it becomes severe and increases in size (per feeling).

This exercise should be done daily, alternating hands. Exercise until you learn to dispose of your energy potential at your own request. However, people with blood and heart disease exercise thus strictly prohibited: it can provoke a disease.

After mastering the skills of the magic of fire you will learn to cope with diseases, manage the emotions of people, attract success and well-being. However, it is not necessary to think that all this is easy and simple: learn magic is not given to everyone, but only the most stubborn and purposeful. You will also need to learn how to manage your emotions, control feelings and desires.

Never expect to see the real flame on the palm of your hand, as it is shown in fantastic films: it exists only in your imagination. The flame must be represented and feeling, and the ball can be created by any color - blue, green, blue, purple.

Fire Magic For Love

Attract the attention of a cute person to you and even toggle the flame of love in his heart will help the magic of fire. For the ritual, you will need to get out on nature so that you can register a fire. Of course, you can use the candle flame to attract love, but its strength is too little for an effective result. You also need a photo of your favorite or his drawing.

Having come to the forest, spread the fire. After that, you will need to merge with the essence of fire, to become one with him. When you feel unity, take a photo of a person, look into his eyes and refer to the flame for help. You can prepare the text in advance, and you can speak expression. Remember that it is not necessary to take someone created a conspiracy: it can be composed independently.

Then keep on the flame some time. It is advisable to represent the scenes of love with the right person: meetings, hugs, joint walks. The fire will remember your desires and fulfill them exactly. After meditation, throw a little cereal to the fire as a sign of gratitude for the help. You can throw coins as a otkup. Return home, soon your dreams will be performed.

Never make a similar ritual if you are not sure about your feelings for this person. Magic for the sake of interest is always punishable - not tomorrow you will get a rollback, so in a month or year. The ritual can be done only if you want to connect your fate with all our hearts, and not for the sake of a momentous whim or checking its "magical forces."

Mages of fire are filled with the energy of the flame in volcanoes, in the deserts. It is a very powerful recharging, but it is not mandatory at all. To fill the energy of love, there will be a fire, and to secure the result - daily meditation to the flame candle.

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