How to cause gnome desires: 3 ritual


People tend to believe in the otherworldly peace and the help of creatures, there are inhabited. This vera reached us from the depths of the centuries and worriedly survived the era of atheism. About the gnomes are described in detail in Scandinavian mythology, and now we have heard each in Russia and knows about these magical creatures. How to cause gnome desires? My daughter with girlfriends is often practicing a joint ritual of the challenge of the gnome. They even gave him the name, which retained in secret from everyone. They say wishes to be executed if they are ridden correctly and do not go beyond reasonable. In the article I want to share the rules for calling magic creatures, as well as talk about security when challenges.

how to cause gnome desires

Who are such gnomes

In the Scandinavian mythology, the gnomes are represented by the autonous bearded bearded beings of small growth. You can say, it is dwarfs. Gnomes live, according to the beliefs of Scandinavians, in underground tunnels and there are also mining precious stones and cast metal. It is very hardworking creatures that hate sit without a case. The gnomes are very rich, so they are often treated with a request for the fulfillment of material desire or asking for money.

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Despite small growth, the gnomes have a stunning physical force and can lift heavy boulders. They also never get tired and can work in their mines for many hours. Dwarfs are very oppressive and malicious. If you happened to offend any of them, then expect the loss of a significant amount of money. To draw offended gnomes, you need to present sweets to him. It is very big sweet tooth, so in rituals they always make a delicious offer.

Joint Ritual Challenge Gnome

How to cause gnomic desires during the day? To do this, you can conduct a joint ritual, after selecting the group leader. The leader is necessary for coordination so that everyone acts coordinated.

Note! Gnome will fulfill only one desire, so it is meaningless to make some desires.

If the gnome performs only one desire, why collect a group to call? Practice shows that the joint ritual is much more effective than solitary. Today you can call for a gnome for the performance of one desire, and the next time you will be coming for another member of the group.

Ritual move:

  • Sit in a circle.
  • The leader of the group writes the desire on a piece of paper and wraps in it candy.
  • Next, the participants of the ritual should be called upon the gnome choir, having agreed in advance about the words of the challenge.
  • Gnome call on three times.

Then you just need to wait for the otherworldly creature to call. Do not hope to see it: it is impossible. The gnome will give himself to know only the sounds, for example, the rusty of candy from candy.

Important! After the challenge of the gnome, you can not turn around, look around. It is better to close your eyes and wait for the guests a gnomic. But you can wait with open eyes.

As soon as you hear a rustle, immediately begin to think about the specified desire. Let me remind you that the desire should be reasonable and not go beyond the real. For example, it is impossible to ask to make friends with a magic dragon or give a foreign car . However, you can make the same desire for all participants in the ritual, for example, so that everyone needs finance or something else.

how to cause a gnome desire

After the ritual of the call, politely say goodbye to the gnome, otherwise he will decide to live with you constantly. Say goodbye and remind him to return to his own house.

Night challenge gnome

At night, the call of the otherworldly creature is faster and easier. A gnomic, acting, immediately respond to your call. However, before the call, you need to prepare the room and remove everything too much from it:

  • icons;
  • church attribute;
  • Things white.

You also need to remove native crosses and not to light church candles. Accordingly, the holy water cannot be used.

Ritual move:

  • Write a desire on the leaf leaves and wrap it with candy.
  • Light the usual candle and stand up with her by the window.
  • Call a gnome to help fulfill your desire.
  • Throw candy through the left shoulder without looking back.
  • As soon as the flame of the candle starts to break, mentally ask the gnomer about the execution of your request.
  • When the flame of the candle calms down, you can turn around. The call ritual is completed.

How to understand that the gnome was in the room? He will not leave traces, but some item will change its usual place.

how to cause a gnome of executing

What desire can perform a gnome? Anyone who does not go beyond reasonable. However, he can damage the damage to your enemy, but in return will require something very significant. For example, your health. Keep in mind that it is impossible to joke with dark forces.

How to cause gnome without candy

Although the gnomes are large sweets, you can give them other presents. For example, they love all the brilliant: stones, precious metals, souvenirs from a diverse stone.

Before the start of the ritual, burn the usual candle, put a gift in front of it and call the gnomer in your own words: "Gnome, come, a gift to take, the desire of my fulfillment." After these words, said three times, watch the candle flame. If it starts to sneak, then the guest has already come. But it is impossible to turn around until the end of the ritual.

Where are the decorations donated to the gnome? They do not need to be bought into the ground or throw into the river: Leave in your home. After requests, do not forget to send a gnome to him home, otherwise it will come true in your home.

Security measures

The challenge of otherwalls is often associated with unforeseen circumstances, so before the ritual, familiarize yourself with the safety measures.

  • The ritual is not carried out in Orthodox holidays and the days of church posts.
  • The ritual is not held on Mondays, since the gnome will not respond to your call.
  • If you call the gnome on the street, this place should not be near the church or cemetery.
  • During the call, you can not be afraid of the gnome, it may not end for you.
  • If you spend the ritual in the room, remove the entire church attribute.
  • It is impossible to laugh at ritual or dwarf: it can face bad for you.

Upon completion of the ritual, do not forget to say goodbye to the gnome and send it to the ravoisi, otherwise it will begin to live next to you.


How to call a gnomic, acting, we found out. But it can happen so that the gnome ignores your request or will not respond at all. What to do in this case? Repeat the gnome no longer needed, since he did not want to come to the first call. You can try to call the fairy of desires, they are more responsive.

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