Wise yoga for fingers: what is useful, wise options


Healing wise - Yoga for fingers - are simple performed by improving practice. She originated a couple of centuries ago in India, and from there he borrowed by the doctors of non-traditional medicine of a number of Buddhist states. Why the wisers for fingers work, how to properly perform them and examples of basic exercises you will find in this material.

wise yoga for fingers

Features of the impact of wise

Yoga Mudra relies on the reflex connections of all fingers and palms with concrete areas of the body, organs.

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For example:

  • The brain "is controlled" by the top of the thumb;
  • the spine - it affects the point located in the center between the index and nameless fingers, in the place of the millstone;
  • The lower limbs correspond to the nameless with the middle fingers;
  • And the upper limbs are associated with the little finger and the index finger.

As you can see, hands are a mini-version of the whole body. And the various folding of the fingers (wise) acts in the same way as the brain signals: "Make a slope", "strain", "relax" and so on.

In addition, with the help of these, at first glance, ordinary movements there is a change in the flow of energy in the body. And subject to regular practices, very soon sick organs are healed, and the body is restored as a whole.

Under the influence of different positions, the closure is observed or, on the contrary, the release of energy channels. When compressing the fingers, the energy is collected in the channels, and when they are disclosed, it starts to go out.

In order for the effect of the practice to be positive, taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. When performing a wise, both hands are involved.
  2. You are in a comfortable position, paying attention to your feelings - you should not be painful or unpleasant. In this case, stop mapping Mudra.
  3. Pay lessons at least half an hour a day. If you wish, you can break this time for several approaches.
  4. Be regular, because just just achieve the necessary action.

In practice?

Now let's get acquainted with the basic examples of a wise to fingers. They will help reveal the hidden energy potential, normalize well-being and provide a long and happy life.

Wise "sink"

It is the attributes of the Great Divine of Shiva. Its execution is shown at any ailments of the throat, larynx. It enhances the voice, in connection with which it is ideal for singers, artists, teachers and speakers.

Wise yoga for fingers: what is useful, wise options 3903_2

How to:

  • limbs are connected so that the "shell" was created;
  • The fingers of the right brush need to hug a thumb of the second limb;
  • And with a big finger of the right brush to touch the end of the middle finger on the left.

Mudra "Cow"

It is no secret that the hindows of the cow represents a sacred animal. In her honor, and called this practice. It will help to cope with rheumatic pains, radiculitic painful sensations and articular pathologies.

How to perform:

  • The maizin of the left brush must be touched by the nameless finger of the opposite brush;
  • The same thing is done with the mother's new limb;
  • It is necessary to combine medium with indicative fingers on the left limb;
  • accordingly we do with the second hand;
  • Performed with estimated large fingers.

Mudra Knowledge

Is very important. Allows you to get rid of emotional stress, increased anxiety, depression, melancholy, improves the process of thinking, memory, attention. It is shown to do it with sleep disorders (insomnia or drowsiness), elevated pressure. Mudra Knowledge will help a person "come to the feeling," will make him think about many things in the world, philosophy.

Mudra Knowledge

How to:

  • combine the index finger with the end of a large finger;
  • Straighten the remaining fingers, but without stretching.

Mudra Sky

Exercise has a connection with the spiritual world, the highest energy center. It is important to practice if a person has ears diseases, a hearing is reduced. Often, regular practice helps to quickly normalize the rumor, and if there are long-term practices, many ear diseases are gradually eliminated.

How held:

  • Flex a middle finger so that its base affects the base on the thumb;
  • Big thumb Fightened to the first finger;
  • As for the remaining fingers, they must be straight, but without tension.

Winds wind

Chinese medicine finds the wind with fifth elements. It is believed that with its violation in the human body there are "windy" diseases. What are these ailments? Under them understand the attacks of rheumatism, radiculitis, trembling limbs, neck, head.

The practice of the wise of the wind will help to significantly improve the overall condition of the person after all of a few hours. If the diseases managed to enter the chronic stage, together with this practice you need to fulfill the wise of life. You need to do exactly so much until all the symptoms are completely disappeared.

How to:

  • Using the base of the index finger, you need to touch the cushion of the thumb;
  • And the thumb should gently hold it;
  • The remaining fingers straighten and relax.

Of course, the practice of wise is very favorable, but you should not forget also about the need for proper nutrition, sleep mode and physical activity. After all, it affects everything in the complex.

winds wind

Mudra "Rising"

Indications for its implementation are any cold pathology, inflammatory processes in the throat, lungs, cough, runny nose, sinusitis. Exercise contributes to the activation of the protection of the body, improving immunity, which allows a person to recover faster.

But so that the effect is better, adhere to certain nutrition restrictions. So, it is necessary to eat only fruit, rice and risks, drinking at least eight water glasses.

How to:

  • Palms are combined together;
  • Fingers crossed together with each other;
  • The little finger on each of the hands is retributed and surrounded with the help of index and large fingers of the second brush.

Mudra "Saving Life"

This is emergency, if a person has a heart attack. The wizard is shown in cardiac pains, attacks, tachycardia, anxiety, longing, myocardial infarction.

If there is at least something from the designated one, immediately begin to make Mudra. The symptoms are gradually going to no, and in its influence it acts as nitroglycerin.

How to perform:

  • The index finger must be bent so that its base is touched to the base of large fingers;
  • Multiple the pads of all fingers with straight maizors are combined.

Wise love

Promotes the leveling of the energy balance in the body, increases vital energy, adds disability, endurance, favorably affects general well-being, will improve eyes, eye pathology will heal.

She will suit those who suffer from apathy, has problems with urgency.

How to:

  • It is necessary to connect the pads on the nameless, mother's and thumb;
  • The remaining fingers straighten and relaxed.

There are many other wise having a health effect on other ailments. With some of them, you will familiarize the following video:

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