Slavic-Aryan Vedas: what they are, what benefit are


"Slavic-Aryan Vedas" are an ancient Sacred Scripture, reflecting the history of mankind on the planet Earth from the very appearance of life on it. If we measure human standards, then it is not less than six hundred thousand years.

The author "Ved" - Alexander Khinievich, writer, head of the neo-language directions of the Church, the place of his residence and work - the Russian city of Omsk. The publication date of the publication is 2001.

Slavic Aryan Vedas

Varieties of Ved.

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"Slavic-Aryan Vedas" are divided into three main categories:

  1. Santia Speakers with precious metal plates, usually gold. The sacred text on them was applied with the help of a chasing, some of the Santia were bonded by rings like books.
  2. Harate They are books or texts caused to parchment sheets of very high quality.
  3. Volvar. - so call the hundreds of wood with information inflicted on them.

The most vintage documents are considered to be Santia. For example, the "Santia Vedas Perun" is distinguished (differently called "knowledge book" or "Book of Wisdom Perun). The date of their creation is forty thousand eight years ago. Initially, they were called the Vedas. However, they detect information about other versions of Vedas, even more old. Now they are either lost, or reliably hidden unknown where and temporarily not disclosed to humanity.

In Santia, we find the reflection of the biggest revelations. They can be safely read by the archive of sacred knowledge. This is also worth adding that Indian Vedes are not something else, as the section of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, who our great-grandfathers handed over to the territory of modern Industan about five thousand years ago.

As for breast cancer, they were mainly the rewritten sledge, contained some parts of the latter, allowed for massacup. The most ancient badies are called "haratie lights" (or the "Book of Wisdom"), written twenty-eight thousand seven hundred thirty five years ago.

It is easy to guess that the process of creating badly is much easier to print Santia on metal. Therefore, the bulk of historical information was preserved as a harati.

For example, there were hiureti "Avesta", created on twelve thousands of ski oxen seven thousand five hundred twelve years ago. They narrated about the triumph of Slavic Aryan nationalities over the Chinese. Destroyed Alexander Macedonian during his visit to India.

The third category of "Vedas" - Volvari. Of these, Velesov Book, created on tables made of wood and reflecting the historical events of the nationalities living in the south and in the center of Eastern Europe. According to time, a period of 1.5 thousand years before the Christianization of Russian lands is revealed.

Speaking of grumbling, it should be noted that their purpose is an ancient clergy, which influenced the name of the records.

Now let's talk about the language of writing ancient documents. They were ancient x \ 'Aryan runes either, otherwise - a man. The head does not apply to any letters or to hieroglyphs, but represents a number of sacred images, with the help of which gigantic volumes of secret knowledge are transmitted.

In total, the one hundred forty-seven characters in the man, they are recorded under a common line - or the subnet. In the form of signs we find the designation of numbers, letters, specific items and phenomena - daily applied or rather significant.

KHINEVICH Alexander Yuryevich - Creator

What are the Slavic Vedas tell?

Now let's turn to those knowledge that we open the Vedas of Slavs. Of course, in the article, mention everything that is revealed in the meeting of the four books "Veda", simply unrealistic. Therefore, if you are seriously interested in this topic, then I advise you to acquire the publication or, as an option, read the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" online on the Internet.

Here in short discuss the most important moments from books.

Device of the Universe

The first thing should be noted scientific information according to which our galaxy is a disk, its diameter is 30 kiloparsk. It contains approximately two hundred billion stars placed on four curved sleeves.

A person is able to observe the galaxy in a summer night telescope, but exclusively in the form of a rib - the Milky Way. This makes an inaccessible sleeve review, modern scientists put forward the opinion that they are a total of two. In reality, the sleeves are twice as much as it was well known to our distant ancestors. Not in vain, the ancient Slavs used the sign of the swastika, subsequently disgraced fascists. He symbolized our galaxy.

In total, there are about twenty thousand stars in the galaxy. We have the opportunity to observe the most near clusters even with the help of a unarmed look. These are the brightest constellations, known as the signs of the zodiac. True, they were not always called the same way as now - the Gods-Slavs were called the pains.

But the galaxy was not at all times, and one day its existence will cease. Each galaxy in the Universe is born from primary matter, develops on a specific cycle and, finally, dies, but only with the goal to reiterate. That is, the matter changes, but the universe remains unchanged. More information about the cycle of its formation in a number of galaxies can be found in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas (section "The Book of Wisdom").

Welrish a circle in comparison with Mayan calendar

In the galaxy there is a spread of life from some stars to the planets of other stars. Moreover, this process begins with the center of the Galaxy, gradually reaching the edge.

Our galaxy Milky Way was not an exception to the rules - in it, organic forms of life begin to appear in the central part. The solar system is located in a distance from the center of the Milky Way approximately 10 kiloparsk, while in the middle of her two sleeves.

Based on this, the emergence of organic life could occur with one of two ways: self-timing or awarded from more developed civilizations living on stars located in the center of the Galaxy or in its sleeves.

The appearance of life on Midgard-Earth

As the old ruunic chronicle says, our ancestors of Aria-Slavs gave the planet of our life Midgard-Earth. Midgard land turns around the Yarily-Sun, which is part of the Wati Stars system (that is, our galaxy), called in another Perunov, either heavenly Irium.

Mobati is described as a swastika with left-sided direction. At the very bottom of the welcoming sleeve, a triswithic yaril-sun is located, that is, the carrier light at three dimensions at once:

  • Javi - the world of human;
  • Navi is the abode of the souls of the Fatherhood, spirits;
  • Runts to the righteous world, where the Slavic-Aryan deities live.

The Sun-Yarilo refers to the constellation of Sumin (called the heavenly cow or a small bear), representing the eighth of his stars. The races of white-skinned people living on the lands of this solar system are known as the Dazhbog-Sun (or in today's version - beta lion). It also knows how a fierce malicious sunshine, which has greater radiation, and its parameters with a lot of much greater than that of the Yarlo-Sun.

Near the Jewelry Sun turns into Inghard Land for five hundred seventy-six days. She has two moon: the Great (turns around her thirty-six days around it) and small (for nine days).

The location of the Sun System is the parsion of the race (welded the circle - the traditional version of the Slavic zodiac circle). On Inghard-Earth there is a life resembling human. It is the inghard earth that is a pranodine for most of Slavic nations.

But how did it happen?

Midgard-Earth was located in the middle of eight cosmos roads, binding inhabited lands of various bright worlds (that is, star systems). Their residents were exclusively Rasići belonging to the greatest white race. They hit Midgard-Earth, inhabited and burning it.

A long time ago, the Great Assa happened - a huge battle between the heavenly gods of light and beckyful dark entities. She involved at once three of the worlds: obvious, naval and the right.

In the process of one battle of Waitmar (which is a flying apparatus) was damaged, and she had to land on Midgard-Earth. Subsequently, star wanderers gave the name to the mainland, to which Daaria (that is, the gift of Aria, or the gift of the gods).

According to the Slavic Vedas, the chariot was controlled by the four peoples of the Great Race: X \ 'Aryans, yes \' Aryans; as well as messes and sacrifices. All of them had white skin. The difference between them was only in the shade of the iris:

  • She was green - at x \ 'of the Aryans;
  • Silver - yes \ 'of the Aryans;
  • The colors of the sky - in the sacraisus;
  • And the fiery - at the scattered.

The shade of the shell depended on that shining, which covered the native planet of representatives of the race.

When the heavenly chariot was fixed, some representatives of the crew returned to their planets, and others decided to settle on Midgard-Earth. They began to call asami - the descendants of the heavenly deities.

After time, many inghard land inhabitants representing the Great White Rasa settled on Midgard-Earth, in Daaria. They did not forget about their ancient homeland, about what the deities of Lights speak. They began to be magnifying themselves with the grandchildren of the Dazhbog - that there are descendants of those from the Great Race, who once covered the Lazbog-Sun.

Then the inhabitants of Midgard land are called the Great Race, and the ancient race remaining on Inghard-Earth. Very often, our planet was attended by native deities that flew here to keep in touch with descendants, teaching them great wisdom.

Map Midgard Earth

State of Daaria

The place of its location is now the buried by the waters of the North-Arctic Ocean. Daaria shared four rivers: Rai, Tula, Svagoy and X \ 'Arra.

All of the birth of the White race was allocated its territory, which was allocated by the river. And with the help of the river, the inner sea was created. It was the island with a mountain of mode. It was erected by the city called Asgrad Daarian and Grand Chapter. There is even a copy of the country map that Mercateter copied in 1595 with the Egyptian pyramid.

What did our planet looked like

Vintage manuscripts assure that three hundred thousand years ago, our planet looked completely different than now, namely:

  • Instead of the desert, the Sahara stretched the endless sea;
  • At the site of the Indian Ocean, land was located;
  • Gibraltar Strait was absent;
  • Russian plain (the area of ​​modern Moscow) was the sea;
  • Modern Russian city Omsk was an extensive island of Buyan;
  • The Sacred State of Daaria associated with the mainland with the help of the rocky ripen (Ural) mountains;
  • River Volga was part of the Black Sea.

Miscellaneous population

There are many different people who differ in the shade of the skin, eye cut and placement area. The great-grandpars of all of them are the first aliens from space, who once visited Midgard-Earth. Their homeland was a variety of celestial parses - that is, star systems, and more specifically:

  • The abnormal of the Great Race ensured snow-white skin;
  • The Great Dragon - endowed a yellow tinge of the skin;
  • The fiery snake - endowed a reddish tinge of the skin;
  • gloomy empty - black leather;
  • Ceiled worlds are a gray tint of the skin, characteristic of alien.

Different races on earth

White race helped to fight with dark entities those who entered the title of the Great Dragon. They received permission to settle on Midgard-Earth in the southeastern part of it - the territory of modern China. And the second assistant of the White race - representatives of the pane of the Fiery Snake remained living in the field of the modern Atlantic Ocean. Later, this area will be called Antlaun - that is, the earth of Ants, or Atlantis.

When Antlaun died, righteous people having skin cover with a shade of sacred fire were transferred to Eastern lands belonging to the modern American continent.

In the distant antiquity, black people owned not one African mainland, but also partly by the Industrial. It was the habitat of Indian tribes of Dravidov and Nagov - representatives of the Negroid race. Their main deities was Kali-Ma - or the goddess Black Mother.

Slavs presented to them as a gift of Vedas, more precisely, their part, which is now well known under the name of Indian Vedas and refers to the religion of Hinduism. When they were about the eternal higher laws - karma, rebirth and others, they stopped performing terrible actions (bloody human sacrifices for their patroness and dark dragons).

The only ones who did not want to change for the better and became the main enemies of the White race and other inhabitants of Midgard-Earth, are those who came from the Hosel Worlds. They trickyly penetrated our territory, so it is impossible to designate their specific location.

The God of Perun is marked as "alien". They have a gray shade of skin cover, the eyes of darkness and are from birth two-fallen, that is, hermaphrodites. Their gender varies on the basis of the phase of the moon disk. Strangers are unusually cunning and insidious - they diligently disguise, in order to resemble the white man. Do not show your true face.

They are engaged in creating a variety of false religious exercises on the planet, deliberately destroy either the cult of bright gods. Strangers seek to take possession of all the strangers, the fact that it does not belong originally. And they crave to take possession of the world power.

In addition, they wish the harmony of the world's world and the complete destruction of the descendants of the kind of heaven, that is, the greatest white race, because only those in the power to cope with them.

Little, insincere speeches, they are rubbed in confidence in people, begin to learn their knowledge. And as soon as they received all the necessary information, they treat it as it is profitable. They begin to refer to themselves "Messengers of God", but they can not be trusted, because they only bring wars and conflicts.

Countless lives were carried out by senseless wars, unleashed to please the desires of alien. And the more on the land of wars and deaths, the stronger the power of the Messengers of Darkness increases. To achieve their terrible goals, they began to use even fiery mushrooms that carry the death of Midgard land to the population.

In conclusion

Slavic-Aryan Vedas include other interesting information about the lives of our divine letters, different events that took place on Earth, and many other things. I recommend to get acquainted with them in the original.

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