What dreams umbrella: detailed interpretation of a dream


Umbrella from rain symbolizes protection, shelter. He can also be perceived as shelter, salvation. However, in the interpretation of dreams plays an important role to the detailing of events: whether it was open, whether it was raining in a dream and so on. What dreams of an umbrella? What do psychologists talk about this and clairvoyant? I will tell you about it in the article. My friend somehow saw myself soaring in the sky under the umbrella: it was not half a year as she and her husband moved to their own home. Sleep was in hand.

General value

Psychologists believe that in a dream we communicate with our own subconsciousness, and it is talking to us with the help of images. If the umbrella serves as a shelter in reality, then in a dream it denotes protection. A person seeks to protect against difficulties, hide, avoid trouble.

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If a shower attended the dream plot, from which a man tried to hide with the help of rain, it suggests an attempt to avoid "surprises" of fate. A person is afraid that he will not cope with the tasks set by the life, looking for shelter. This is a sense of unprotected, the need for help from the outside. Perhaps a person is counting on support for loved ones.

If during the shower of the umbrella broke, it means that the help of the outside is not expected. It symbolizes hopelessness, deadlock. Perhaps the subconscious is hinting that it is not necessary to hope for help from outside: it's time to act on your own.

See bright umbrellas descending from the sky - to an unexpected turn of events, fortunately.

What dream of a woman's umbrella? This image may be pregnant to get pregnant, an attempt to find protection. The umbrella man dreams for a different reason: the need for privacy, an attempt to protect against people because of irritability and hostility to them.

Select an umbrella from another person - an attempt to hide, so as not to find. And if you also beat a man with an umbrella, then this is a warning about a stupid act. Then you have to regret and see your own actions.

If the umbrella is in the hands of a dream, he may affect the development of events in life. If the umbrella holds another person, then you will have to sail downstream - change circumstances will not work.

The umbrella proceeds during the rain? Someone needs your help, but you are able to sympathize only.

Hide under the umbrella - the fear of revealing your true feelings in front of others. Suddenly they will not understand or get ridiculous? This is the position of the insecure in itself, who oppresses the psyche.

The image of an umbrella can warn that the conceived will not be fulfilled: circumstances will prevent this. Perhaps this is for the better.

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Umbrella shape and color

After waking up, you need to try to remember which form and colors were an umbrella:
  • New bright colors - joy associated with a man;
  • Lady Laman - Family Low, No Changes;
  • Beach umbrella for a woman - be careful with your erotic fantasies;
  • Beach umbrella for a girl - coquetry with men;
  • Beach umbrella in a dream of a married man - seduction of another woman;
  • Broken beach umbrella - spoiled vacation;
  • Petray of heyday - you need to urgently correct the laughter, perfect in the recent past;
  • Use an umbrella as bits - repent in a perfect act;
  • Beautiful silk - an increase in the career ladder, the execution of the desired;
  • Black Color - Faise intrigues at work, do not trust colleagues.


Umbrella can be opened not only in rainy weather, but also on a sunny day. If this happens, you need to prepare for the chief of small trouble. However, the image of the already revealed umbrella speaks about another: the dream is awaiting success in affairs.

Other values:

  • Open on the street - expect surprise from friends;
  • open a glowing umbrella - to material well-being;
  • reveal and close - experiences due to debts, financial failures;
  • Close - all problems will remain in the past;
  • If the umbrella closes a familiar man, it speaks of a love relationship with him - everything will be successfully;
  • To see a man going under the umbrella - in the near future, a girl awaits a fascinating love affair with a young man.


Any broken thing contains negative energy, and an exclusion umbrella:

  • troubles at work, in personal life;
  • Someone spreads slander from which you need to defend;
  • broken in half - you need to bring started to the end, get ready for negotiations;
  • Losing a broken umbrella - offense from an expensive person.

The general meaning of a broken umbrella - the situation has completely outlined due to control. You can fix it, but you have to try.

If an image of a lossed old umbrella has come, you need to prepare for a false charge of your address. Your kind motivations interpret turned, pure thoughts are perceived in distorted form.

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Actions with umbrella

Sometimes in dreams a person makes any actions. You need to remember this on awakening.

  • Buy - This plot warns about caution that needs to be observed. Perhaps robbery, fire, other negative event. Need to protect yourself from trouble.
  • If a young girl buys one umbrella in the store - this dream predicts acquaintance with a pleasant young man; Several pieces - flirt with several men.
  • To take away from someone - it takes a lot of caution in the actions, then not to hide from retaliation.
  • To give a familiar to a person to a quarrel and disagreements with him.
  • Exchange umbrellas - conflict and misunderstandings between relatives are coming.
  • Thought - to misunderstanding, conflict relationships with other people.
  • Draw - to parting with an expensive person, for a long time.
  • Find - a dream will appear at the dream.
  • Lose - to cope with the solution of a challenge task.
  • Fly with an umbrella in hands - a change of apartment, district, cities, works, countries.

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Rainy weather

  • If there is a walk in the rain, soon waiting for the mass of small cases that take a lot of time and strength.
  • To see the crowd of people under umbrellas in the rain - will soon have to provide services to those who need it.
  • Carry the umbrella in his hand in the rain - soon you will have to take care of the elderly man who needs help.
  • Keep over a person's head - you are too intrusive in your care. Cannot be delivered to people in trouble under the guise of help.

Fly across the sky with an open umbrella during rain - internal transformation under the influence of negative life events. High-quality identity change.

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