1978 - the year of which animal on the horoscope


Read the article about people born in 1978 to find out, the year of which animal affects their actions and fate. I disassembled the characteristics of the nature, behavior of men and women in different areas of life: relationship, friendship, career.

general characteristics

1978 corresponds to a sign of an earthen horse in the Chinese horoscope. Above all for people born during this period, their material interests are facing. They are more practical than all other people under similar signs.

1978 What kind of animal on the horoscope

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Endowed with common sense, which helps them to make faithful decisions without leaning to emotions, almost always. Logic and analyzers, they carefully think over each step, have a clear plan for life and act actively, often contrary to circumstances.

Attractive and sexy, possess congenital magnetism, so people are drawn to them. There are practically no problems in personal life, they always have a large selection of fans from which they will certainly choose the most worthy candidate.

Sometimes they lead a double game, hiding from those who surround their true interests and intentions. Talented manipulators, know how to agree with anyone and get from a useful person what they want.

Man - earth horse

A horse-horse that is in the power of the Earth Element, the most cautious and prudent of all his fellow signs. He will not risk and participate in dubious adventures.

1978 what animal

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. Before making a decision, first everything will thoroughly think about the possible options and the consequences of their actions, and will then bend actions.
  2. From nature, he is given a huge wisdom, while he is not a person - eternal reflections, and the reaches, too. If you put a goal, then nothing will stop it. Almost always gets from people and life what he wants.
  3. Hardworking, work is not afraid, happily responds to the requests of the authorities and takes the most difficult tasks. It is interesting for him to find solutions to confusing problems, train the brain and enterprise.
  4. It is able to inspire people and lead them behind them. He loves and knows how to work in a team, always helps colleagues who stopped cope with their duties. It is most often all others for advice, as well as ask to settle certain conflicts.
  5. In the critical situation is ready to rush to the ambrusura to protect his loved ones. The offender will not receive a single chance to remain unpunished.
  6. For the sake of the beloved woman is ready for all, for any feats and achievements. Forgets about the usual economy and descends all free money on the gifts of the beloved. True romantic, he will sing serenades under the window and arrange unforgettable dates, surprises.
  7. Even if I did not like the woman, I will certainly achieve my own. It will take care of her until she tells the cherished "yes." And no obstacles will stop him.
  8. Married becomes more restrained and calm. Only after the registry office, the wife understands that he is very practical and carefully calculates the budget. She will have to give family spending exclusively in his hands.
  9. He will do everything that depends on him, for the well-being of his loved ones, but without frills. Transport earned either to his wife nor the children will never allow.

Woman - Earth Horse

She always lives actively and energetically. She strives to bring all new events and impressions every day. But at the same time, it is not called frivolous. She is careful enough in his actions and actions. "Trust, but check," her motto in life.

Earthy horse

What is still characteristic of her:

  1. It is open enough to people, so it does not have problems in communication. Always comes to the rescue to the one who needs her support. Able to give a valuable advice, console.
  2. Intuition works fine. If it becomes listen to the inner voice, it will take exceptionally faithful solutions that lead it only to success. In addition, it is smart and has well-developed logic, so it is not able to do something that causes it harm.
  3. It can become a very talented leader, responsible and sensible. There will be no demanding, on the contrary, it will try to help subordinate to obtain the necessary results in the work. Good and responsive. It is respected and loved.
  4. Respectively refers to men. She has many fans, and for everyone she will select the necessary words, even if you need to refuse. Incredibly tactical and never make a man offensively, hurt. Even the failure will sound nice.
  5. Very wise, so trying to maintain good relationships with everyone. I know how to be friends even with those with whom the relationship has built a relationship, but they failed. Patient and very prudent, no detail will not leave her attention.
  6. Always pleased with what has. It will not require a man of expensive gifts or some special entertainment. It is unpretentious in everyday life and does not impose on potential partners of a kilometer list of requirements.
  7. Wife becomes almost flawless. She is a great mistress. Always find free time for children and husband, although it does not become a housewife, and in parallel with the family he has time to pay attention and career.
  8. Created to "grow up" a man, inspire him. Thanks to its support and wise behavior, the husband over time becomes very serious and successful, even if at the beginning of the relationship to other girls seemed frivolous and completely unpromising.

Check the video on the topic:


  • People born in the year of an earthen horse are eternal reinsurers. For a long time they will think before making even slightly solutions. But in this and their plus - among many paths they choose more often faithful.
  • Smune and wise, they are especially easy to communicate with people. True diplomats. Could build relationships with people as they need.
  • Accustomed more to give than to take. Will eagerly share with their resources surrounding: time, forces, money and attention. Always respond, come to the rescue, will help and give a good advice.

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