Lamy - who these mythical creatures are actually


Lamy in one sources are considered witches, and others described as monstrous vampires. If you are interested in mythological creatures and want to learn the whole truth about the lamies, then I propose to read the following material.

Lamia - Mythical Snake Woman

Lamia - Vampire Demon

The word "Lamia" comes from the word "Lammaszt'a" - this is exactly the inhabitants of the ancient Assyria and Babylon called the demonic entities that killed the infants. And the Hebrew Word "Lilim" - was used to designate children born by the Demon of Lilith. The book of the Prophet Isaiah describes Lilith as a night ghost.

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The name "Lamia" today is a generalizing term, which marked witches and different dark entities. Lamiyia is called demonents who take the appearance of beautiful women who are taking men with their charms and lead them from their spouse. But the night of love with Lamia is too expensive - after she, the demon sucks all the blood from his victim.

Lamia - Mythology

One ancient Greek legend talks about a real character who served as a prototype for wonderful demonents. She was a daughter of the god of the Sea of ​​Poseidon, the beautiful Queen, who seduced Zeus himself and gave birth to him.

Gera (Zeus's wife), having learned about the next shell of her husband, was furious. Thirsting revenge, she destroyed Lamy's children. And the latter made a terrible bloody monster who kidnapped and felt alien children. She was still so that Lamia could never sleep, forever wandering and day and night in search of new victims.

But Zeus regretted it and gave her the opportunity to take her eyes for a while to fall asleep. Only during this period, Lamia is not dangerous.

External appearance Lamiya

As a rule, demonic entities are depicted as half a woman, half a snake. Lamy is also able to change their appearance, but usually perform in the form of hybrids of animals and people.

The preserved images of Lami paint them as adorable girls, which is not surprising: such an appearance helps to attract inconsistent victims.

But they do not always act openly - they can attack sleeping men, taking their vitality (sperm). Robert Graves, the British poet, the novelist and literary critic tells about it.

There are also signs that help to identify terrible bloodsuckers. So, for example, you need to force Lamia to speak. Since it has a split language, it cannot talk, but it is capable of making a melodious whistle.

Robert Burton, who speaks by an English clergyman, a writer and scientist, in his edition "Anatomy of Melancholia" (written in 1621) tells about one lam. She turned a beautiful woman and seduced the young philosopher, "the same beautiful, like she herself."

Lamia launched it to his possessions located in Corinth. But the wizard of Apollonium Tiana appealed to the demon in his real name, and in the same moment Lamia, together with the palace, disappeared.

Lamy skillfully seduce men

Ancient Greek Queen Monster

According to another ancient legend, Lamia was called a queen, distinguished by incredible beauty. But her appearance completely did not promise anything good, as the queen was very cruel.

Lamy's heart was filled with anger and hatred, which caused disapproval even by the inhabitants of the Divine World. Spearness of the gods were tired of watching the horrible tricks of the queen and turned her in a giant sizes of a mound having a woman's head, and the body of the snake.

Later, Lamia gave offspring, and he had a genus of half-semi-grandfather. Monsters together with the dragons went to live in the cave or desert. You can learn Lamy in advance - she holds a golden comb in her hands, which comes up his curls.

Where do Lamia dwell and what they eat?

Lamia is the essence that hides its real nature. She settles next to people. Thus, it turns out to be near his food, can observe human society, penetrating his rules and norms. It was believed that Lamia seeks to be closer to representatives of the High Social Regulations. And always performs the goal.

The monster will never attack the sacrifice in a public place. At first, he lures her away from unnecessary views, make sure the safety of meals. A man thinks that all this is just a game. However, as soon as the creature made sure that they were left alone, it would relieve their shell and drink all the blood victims in seconds.

The peculiarity of Lamina is that they do not absorb their victim completely, but simply deprive her of their vitality. The body does not remain characteristic traces, which makes it almost impossible to identify the true cause of murder.

Some texts say that Lamia retains the bodies of the dead men, however, only if he does not plan a new crime soon. Then she devours and the body of the murdered.

Vintage legends are told about the terrible reproduction of demonits. So, they do not give birth to children, eggs are not surrounding, but they act differently. Lamia is noticed in advance of a prominent man having a high social situation.

And then puts it, he drinks all the blood, after which he inspires part of himself (it can be insects, snakes, poison or something like that). Monster's energy begins to spread through the body of the victim, as a result, another monster arises. It will have some memories from your human past.

Social status

Although the demon and prefers to choose to reproduce people who have a high social situation, he actually does not seek to gain power over humanity. As a rule, turning into Lamyia, a person who has been interested in important things before, is removed from them, begins to lead the usual human life. The government ceases to be interesting to him, as, however, and everything else, except for the thirst for the thickening of hunger.

Lamia is always trying to be in the shade. She takes her sacrifice away from the habitat so that no one can detect her lair. Prefers to behave quietly and littleness. For the same reason, the demon always has several accumulations in the arsenal: in one he leads everyday life (this image is inconspicuous), and in the second it will take a wonderful maiden.

Possessing a cold, sober calculation, which complements mystical talents and the ability to influence a person, endure it, Lamia Demon turns into a terrible and dangerous creature.

Lamy - Women Snakes


There is another kind of monsters, in this case they have human nature. Known as the priestesses of an ancient temple.

On the way from the ancient Greek city of Ephesus, the city of Gaerapol was located on the road, in which the ancient temples of worship of the goddess Kibel were located. Kibel patronized nights and all living beings.

This temple was known for his special priests: they were divided into black and red.

  • Blacks had dark skin, the same color hair, fell into a black robe and wore a dagger with them.
  • Reds possessed red hair, dressed in clothes of red shades.

The first category of Cyibel's priest was known as Lamia. It was believed that if a man succeeds to achieve the location of such a woman, Kibel will always defend him, and his life will be happy and successful.

But to get the location of the Black Priestess was very and very difficult. The potential spouse was to pass complex tests by proving his heroism. For example, a thick mesh with a belt was put on the priestess, and the future husband had to save her from such a robe, and bare hands.

And that was not limited to that - the man had to repeat the procedure every time in front of the love at night. And if he did not cope with the task, Lamia killed him in place.

The local population with horror talked about the cruelty of the priestens of Kibel, spread terrible legends about what was going on in the temple. But the strongest and beautiful heroes managed to enter the marriage union with the servant of the temple. Born offspring performed the functions of the guards, the keepers of the sanctuary or higher prizes.

In conclusion, it can be concluded that Lamia is not a specific character, but a collective way. She can act and a monster - half-semi-mounted seyren, and be a vampire daemon or act the priestess, who keeps mystical secrets and wait for a man who deserves the place next to her.

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