Eastern animal calendar by year: year symbols in order


My girlfriend was seriously fascinated by Fengshui and opened the Chinese philosophy of life for me. This is a very interesting direction that is worthy of careful study. The Chinese horoscope of animals is also fascinating, in which the characters of people and their compliance with some animals are also described. After familiarization with this information, it became easier for me to communicate with my native people, and with strangers, and with colleagues at work. In the article I want to share with you the knowledge of the ancient Chinese sages about the 12-year calendar cycle of the Eastern Horoscope of Animals.

Chinese horoscope

Twelve animals of the Chinese horoscope

Chinese (East) horoscope is based on a twelve-year-old lunar cycle, in which each year is dedicated to a certain animal. The ancient wise men experienced an experienced way that it was the marked animals and their habits that have a certain influence on the nature of the people born in this or that year of the cycle. Also, the character is also influenced by the control element, which is marked every year of the calendar. For example, the element of the metal does the representative of the animal kingdom, and the elements of the Earth can make it more mercantile.

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The Chinese calendar (Sheng Xiao) literally denotes "like a birth." The east calendar has no fixed date, but begin with the first young month after the last (twelfth) full moon of the outgoing year. Therefore, the Chinese New Year is always celebrated in different dates - in January or February. An offensive of the Novolhetia still has its borders, which are determined by two dates - January 21 and February 20.

Why among all the representatives of the animal world were chosen only 11 individuals and why did the representative of the mythical creatures of the Dragon be played between real animals? The animals were not chosen by chance: each of them believes the Chinese brings good luck. Some animals from the horoscope were traditionally kept in the household (for example, a rooster, bull, sheep, etc.). It is these animals that brought good luck to the house and prosperity. The remaining 6 animals of the zodiac are found in Chinese traditional culture (snake, tiger, monkey, rabbit, rat and dragon).

According to Chinese esoteric teaching, animals in the zodiacal circle are not arbitrary, but taking into account the number of their paws / hoofs / claws. They are strictly alternating an even and odd number. Opens an eastern calendar of animals by the years of the rat, because she has 4 fingers on her front paws, and on the rear - five . That is, the rat symbolizes an even and odd number at the same time. However, with the addition of numbers 4 and 5, the odd number 9 is as a result, so the rat is a symbol from the odd side.

In China, animals are considered as representatives of the realm of the mind and give characteristic differences:

  1. Rat symbolizes wisdom;
  2. Bull is distinguished by hard work;
  3. Tiger characterizes courage;
  4. Rabbit - Caution symbol;
  5. Dragon expresses strength;
  6. The snake personifies flexibility;
  7. The horse symbolizes the desire of ahead;
  8. Goat symbolizes unity;
  9. Monkey expresses variability;
  10. Rooster expresses consistency;
  11. The dog symbolizes loyalty;
  12. Pig symbolizes friendly.

As you can see, the traditional perception of the representatives of the animal kingdom in the Chinese are somewhat different from European.

There is a legend that these 12 animals came to say goodbye to the Buddha when he left the land. On another legend of animals, a rat chose a rat at the request of the emperor when he decided to appoint the ruler for each year. According to the third legend among animals, the competition was arranged for them to demonstrate their strength and dexterity. The rat has managed to take first place due to tricks and dodes, that is, dishonest.

Four Calendar Triads

The Chinese calendar in the years of animals is divided into 4 triads:

  • The first is a monkey, dragon and rat.
  • The second is a rooster, snake and bull.
  • Third - dog, horse and tiger.
  • Fourth - Pig, Sheep and Rabbit.

People matching signs First Triad , very energetic and active. They are united by the tendency to adhere to certain stereotypes in their lives. The changeability of opinions and priorities represents them in the eyes of society as people unpredictable and unreliable.

They are suitable for vivid energetic partners, because others they can be suppressed by their strength and power. Astrologers recommend entering the marriage union only with representatives of their (first) tirada.

animal year by year

The first triad of the Chinese horoscope

People matching signs Second Triad differ in hard work and purposefulness. Everyone is given in life extremely hard work, so they are distinguished by tremendous patience and the developed power of will. These are balanced personalities that can organize business and manage it. People of the second triads are well harmonized with each other in all life spheres - marriage, friendship and business.

Eastern horoscope for years table

The second triad of the Chinese horoscope

People matching signs Third Triads Different with sociability and can easily establish contacts with others, thanks to the gift of belief. They also differ in a humanistic look at the world, despite some horse's egoism. Representatives of this triad are distinguished by faith in good, decency and an ideal partner.

Chinese horoscope for years table

Third Triad of the Chinese Horoscope

People whose year of birth corresponds to signs Fourth Triads Different with exquisite taste and desire for luxury and beautiful life. They are artistic, well brought up and aesthetic. A well-developed intuition helps them in life, but for the present success in life they lack hardness. In the Union with representatives of their triads, they will feel safe and comfort.

Year of which animal

Fourth Triad of the Chinese Horoscope

Incompatible signs:

Horoscope by year

Five elements of the Chinese horoscope

According to Chinese wise men, not only the symbolism of a certain beast is affected, but also an element of the element that controls one or another period. Thus, 5 control elements were allocated:

  1. Wood;
  2. Metal;
  3. Fire;
  4. Water;
  5. Earth.

A cycle of 12 years in aggregate with elements expands to 60 years. So, the year of the fire rabbit occurs in no twelve years, but after 60. That is, the combination of the animal and the element appears once to the generation. The ancient wise men explained that after 12 years the zodiac animal is returned, but there are already several in other quality and characteristic. Because the Chinese calendar on the years describes us 5 different dogs, tigers, boars, etc.

Why were these 5 elements of nature (elements) were noted? Because, according to the Chinese view, they are the main, and of them consist of all things of the Earth.

  1. The element of the metal manages financial flows, so born under his patronage will not experience a lack of money.
  2. Element of water imposes an imprint of emotional mobility. These people are very sensitive and know how to quickly adapt to new circumstances.
  3. Element of the tree stimulates the development of creative abilities, as well as these people differ in developed thinking and softness of character.
  4. Element of fire imposes a passionage imprint. These are very energetic and dynamic people, but hot-tempered.
  5. Signs running the elements of the Earth are distinguished by stability and reliability, sometimes they demonstrate mercantility or misfortune.

How can the element be changed in the nature of the animal and man? To radically change the character of the element is not able, but it can give it a kind of shade. For example, a fiery goat is characterized by extraordinary stubbornness and developed creative abilities, and the Earth Sheep is a mercantile realistic with landed views on life.

You can determine your element by the last digit of the year:

Zodiac signs by year

What is the difference between the oriental horoscope from the European? In the latter, the intentions of a person and its goal are determined, while the Chinese horoscope for years determines human capabilities. With the help of an eastern horoscope, you can learn about the spiritual requests of the individual, the method of self-expression and interaction with the surrounding world.

Influence Yin and Yang

Chinese philosophy shares the world on male (yang) and female (yin).

Male origin is extrovertative and the following characteristics are compliant:

  • dryness;
  • mobility;
  • warmly;
  • light.

The feminine start is introveus and the following characteristics are compliant:

  • moisture;
  • immobility;
  • cold;
  • darkness.

Male energy Yang marked even years on the horoscope of animals, the women's energy yin marked the odd years. In even years (Energia Yang), it is good to start any business or a project, and the odd can be completed previously started. Even years are suitable for active, in odd years it is best to rest and replenish the energy resource.

Inisk years of the Chinese calendar:

  • Ox;
  • Cat;
  • Snake;
  • Goat;
  • Rooster.

Yanskaya years of the Chinese calendar:

  • Rat;
  • Tiger;
  • The Dragon;
  • Horse;
  • A monkey;
  • Dog.

Chinese horoscope for years table

Chinese horoscope: animal characteristics

Signs of the zodiac by year, their brief description without taking into account the influence of the elements.

Year of rat. . These people have exceptional energy, soft charm and charisma. Regardless of the influence of the elements, the rat is distinguished by practicality and laundry: it always has the means "about the supply". Rats are able to earn money and competently dispose of accumulated resources. In relations are always looking for benefits, they do not come to contact with whom fell. These are quite secretive people who tell little about themselves and know how to keep other people's secrets. They have more acquaintances than friends, because rats do not need a big circle of communication.

Year of Bull . Persistence and hard work - the main distinguishing features of this animal. Slow, a few, solid, honest and conscientious person. However, the bull is a great owner, there are misunderstandings with friends and second halves: in jealousy Bull is terrible. Also, bulls do not like change, innovations and changes. They are conservative in their essence and perceive changes as an attempt on their inner harmony and peace.

Year of Tigger . The sign is characterized by a boiler energy, a huge power of will and absolute fearlessness. All his life Tiger is engaged in finding justice, for the sake of her ready to sacrifice his personal time and even life. They do not like to obey, so they choose or work with a senior position or organize their own business.

Year of Rabbit . Born in the year of the rabbit (cat) consider the main task of living the creation of a family. They are all ready to do for the sake of their loved ones, they like the family hearth and family comfort. These are soft intelligent people, far from aggression and malice.

Year of the Dragon . This is a mythical character that symbolizes protection against evil spirits. Born this year is distinguished by strong will, charisma, the ability to make money. The weak point of the Dragon is the desire of all to subjugate to its will, combined with children's trust. Despite its strength and power, the dragon can become a victim of fraudsters due to their gullibility to people.

Year of the Snake . Born this year inherent insight bordering wisdom. Snakes are endowed with a developed intuition, which allows for unmistakably define ill-wishers. These people have great endurance, can quickly restore forces after large loads and go steadily to the target target. Snakes can be something that is not available to other signs of the horoscope.

Year of the Horse . These people are endowed with incredible optimism, strength, energy and desire to constantly move forward. Despite its selfishness, horses are beautiful friends and managers. However, attempts to limit the freedom and personal space of the horse will end with a complete rupture of relations from her part.

Year of the goat (sheep) . These are artistic natures endowed with a special charm. If the goat fails to realize himself on stage, it will certainly show his artistism in a company or other society. The negative qualities include capriciousness, bordering with shaviness, and the impermanence of intentions and goals.

Year of Monkey . These are charismatic, interesting and unpredictable personalities who have a flexible mind and intelligence. Nature is endowed with a powerful energy resource, capable of withstanding large psycho-emotional loads. Of negative qualities, it is possible to note the variability and a tendency to lie.

Year of Petush . These are bright charismatic personality, capable of leading people. They trust them, they appreciate them, they admire. Professability, high professionalism, innovation - Roosters are valuable workers who always notices the bosses. Among the negative qualities there is a love for the bowling and thirst for praise.

Year of dog . This is the most altruistic selfless sign of the Chinese horoscope by year. The dog is ready to give the last shirt to the needy, is absorbed by the solution of global problems and finding justice. Romance and idealists, they experience a huge disappointment in the collision of their utopian ideas with real life. Negative features include a tendency to depression and criticism.

Year of Pig . This is the most benevolent and friendly sign of the zodiac from the entire horoscope. Incorrigible optimists, pigs are very trusting and naive. They are often becoming victims of violence, including home. The powerful energy resource given to them from nature attracts large material tools. Pigs are prone to obesity and alcoholism, if they do not control their appetites.

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