What makes the fingers of the hands: detailed interpretation of signs


The itching of the fingers of the majority of people is associated with diseases. But those who believe in superstition know that in this way the body gives tips relative to the closest future. Grandma told me that in her youth, itching of the right nameless finger at a young girl was a hearer of the soon marriage. I was interested in this sign, and I decided to learn about it as much as possible. In this article, I will tell you why the nameless finger is drawn on the left hand, which events are foreshadowed by the Right Mizinz and much more.

What makes the fingers of the hands: detailed interpretation of signs 3940_1

What are the fingers of the right hand?

Combed fingers on your right hand - wait for good events and favorable changes. But from which area of ​​life will be associated with the sign, it will help to clarify a detailed interpreter:

  • Thumb. Sudden, unfortunate itching promises the onset of a favorable period. Good luck will be on your side, so you can safely take on new projects, to solve long-standing questions and implement your dreams. The next few days of circumstances will be in the best way - you will always be in the right time in the right place. You can also count on cash receipts, and from a completely unexpected source. Do not forget to buy a lottery ticket or take part in some draw, because Fortune is on your side.
  • Forefinger. The scabies on the index finger are associated with the professional sphere, so it will affect it important changes for the better. Often, the sign indicates a career growth, an increase in wages or receiving a profitable offer for work, if a person has been in the search. But the itching of the finger may indicate that the planned business negotiations or the business trip will be safely. To students or schoolchildren, this sign foreshadows successful exams or obtaining good test results.
  • Middle finger. I was interested in the middle finger - the other day you will get unexpected profits. It should be noted that the money will go as suddenly, as they appear, so it is worth thinking about how to dispose of them to get the most out of such a gift for fate. Esoterics recommend to spend money on what has long been dreamed of, but they could not afford it.
  • Unnamed finger. When the nameless finger is itching on his right hand, a cardinal change in personal life will occur very soon. For lonely people, this sign predicts a fateful meeting, and those who are in relationships are about to go under the crown with a loved one. Family people have a ring finger can get it before getting a huge profits. Also, this sign often indicates the emergence of a secret fan, which will soon show itself.
  • Little finger. Misinz's itching on his right hand warns of temporary difficulties and troubles that can touch any sphere of life. Those who are in the relationship will face the misunderstanding of a loved one, and lonely people - with misunderstandings with someone from relatives. Men this sign often foreshadows troubles, conflicts with colleagues or bosses. Fortunately, any negative situation is quickly resolved, and for this you will not have to apply special efforts.

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itch your right hand

What should the fingers of the left hand be scratched?

Signs associated with the left hand have a negative color, but should not be upset if some finger was successful. As a rule, itching warns of bad events and warns from making reckless actions. Consequently, the resulting prediction can be wrap in its favor. For example, if the sign speaks about financial problems, it means that it is worth more economically to spend funds, do not blame unconscious people and do not invest money in dubious projects.

  • Thumb. Unfortunate itch warns of life difficulties. A series of trouble is able to destroy the fact that you have built so long ago, therefore, the "black strip" will not end, it is better not to take on to solve important issues, not to start new projects and postpone all business negotiations at least a week. For men, this sign sometimes symbolizes the receipt of light money, which will also quickly be squatted. A young girl who is in a relationship, the thumbtus itch can fill the receipt of the offer from the beloved and the gift in the form of the engagement ring.
  • Forefinger. This sign indicates difficulties in the professional sphere. You need to work more diligently so that no one has any complaints. Colleagues should also communicate more restrained, otherwise conflict situations may arise, which will negatively affect your career. In some cases, itching the index finger may indicate that someone from relatives need help or care. If you have not seen your parents for a long time or did not communicate with other relatives, then it's time to do it.
  • Middle finger. Middle finger itchs - to cash flows, which can be both planned and spontaneous. Note usually warns that it is necessary to learn more careful contact with finance. If you disobey the council and succumb to the impulse, the financial position will deteriorate sharply, and will have to get into debt.
  • Unnamed finger. Strong itching warns of changes in his personal life, but not all of them can be good or on the way to happiness will have to face difficulties. For people who are married, the sign foreshadows the appearance of the heir. Free people. Sudden scabies can warn about gossip, which for your back dismisses someone from friends. Married men scabies of the nameless finger promises problems in the family, to solve large financial investments.
  • Little finger. Itching Misinza is a harbinger of failures, so it is not necessary to take on important things in the coming days. Business negotiations, long-distance trips and take serious solutions to better postpone at least a week. Knowing what the little finger is itching on his left hand, you can avoid troubles and in your personal life, because the sign can warn about meeting a bad person. If itching is very strong and long does not stop, the unfavorable period in your life will be protracted, so it is worth gaining strength and be patient.

itch your fingers left

Localization itch

To clarify the prediction for the coming days, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is very felt. For example, if the pads are cushioned, it means that the other day will take place, which will give a lot of positive emotions, provided that it was felt on his right hand. If the left hand was involved, then something can go wrong after the meeting there will be a negative sediment.

The scabies at the base of the finger indicates the betrayal of someone from the close. It should be noted that this may be connected not only with a loved one. Quite often, sign warns that someone from loved ones will cause you moral injury, for example, a colleague for work, a friend or relative.

The presence of envious will indicate a strong itch between the fingers. And if it felt on the left hand, it is possible that the enemy plots something bad to harm you. Women this sign usually warns about the presence of an opponent who wants to take the beloved from her. For men, scabies between fingers can be a harbinger of danger - it is not worth entering into business contracts in the coming days, take or give large sums of money and go to long-distance travel.

Interpretation of the day and time of day

The value of signs in many ways depends on what time of day it came to the thumb on the finger:

  • in the morning - to favorable incidents, good news and positive emotions;
  • Day - a serious conversation to be able to solve important issues;
  • In the evening - to a meeting with friends or relatives, but if itch is very strong, then to a date with your loved one;
  • At night - to get important news.

Itch your fingers on the day of the week

Get a small prediction on a day with the help of an interpreter on the day of the week:

  1. Monday. Itching the fingertips of the right hand promises favorable news, and left - profits.
  2. Tuesday. If the finger is drawn on his right hand, get ready for guests, on the left - to the return of old debt.
  3. Wednesday. A meeting with your loved one or a new acquaintance foreshadows the scabies of the fingertips of the right hand, and the left - to financial profit, which will not bring the expected joy.
  4. Thursday. Itchies the finger of the left hand - to the conflict with a friend or relatives on the financial soil, right to the long-awaited meeting.
  5. Friday. The itching fingers of the left hand are thrown out the loss of a rare chance, which can not be missed, but if the right hand was combed, then relatives will come soon or someone will ask for money.
  6. Saturday. The scabies of the finger on the left hand - to the deserved remuneration, on the right - to the conclusion of a profitable transaction or acquaintance with a respected person.
  7. Sunday. When the head of his right hand, it means that it will be profitable to sell an unnecessary thing, and if left - to expensive gifts.

Neutralization of negative

If the sign foreshadows something bad, you should not despair. First, the situation can be wrapped in your favor, if you correctly use the information received. Secondly, any negative can be neutralized by spending a simple ritual. The easiest way to avoid bad consequences is to wear a golden ring on a cushion finger. It is possible to remove it only when itching will pass.

Another simple way implies the use of a red woolen thread that needs to be wrapped in the place where it is felt. When an unpleasant feeling subsides, you need to remove the thread and burn it.

If for the coming days you have an important event, which cannot be transferred, and the signs are promoting unpleasant events, you can use the plot. During the smoke of the finger, the following words should be pronounced: "The shield with a shield, a sword compartment. Amen!"

It should be noted that the fingers may be fully due to natural reasons, therefore, if the unpleasant sensations arise quite often, you must refer to the doctor.


  • Itching fingers foreshadows quickly important changes in life.
  • Most interpretation signs are favorable.
  • About negative incidents usually warns the scabies of the maiden.
  • About changes in personal life will tell the itching Unnamed finger.

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