How introversion is manifested - review of characteristic features


The introversion - performs a complex of personal properties, which is characterized by the inclination of the restriction of oneself in social contacts. The concepts of "introversion" and "extroversion" were introduced by the Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Gustav Yung. Later, almost all complex psychological typologies and tests and tests will be developed on their basis to determine their type of personality.

In this article, I want to disassemble the introversion in detail as a property of a person, to talk about whether it is bad to be introvert and can they be happy in the world of extroverts?

Introvert -What is it in the world of extroverts?

Extravert or Introvert - What is the difference?

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By studying the study of introversion and extroversion, Jung did the main difference in the direction of movement of vital energy:

  • introverts - concentrated on mental processes within themselves;
  • Extrapers - focus mainly on external objects.

Based on this, it turns out that the introvert is able to accumulate energy inside itself, and the extrovert consumes it, interacting with the surrounding people.

Subsequently, Jung's term was borrowed by the British psychologist Gansa Aizenkom, the latter added to them its own characteristics. Initially, Aizenk perceived introversion and extroversion, pushing out from the processes of excitement and braking, but then began to make the main focus on internal qualities. At the same time, the scientist came to the following conclusions:

  1. Extravert. - with difficulty controls its emotions, but in the bulk, it remains optimistic mood.
  2. Introvert - tries to take their feelings and emotions under control, seeks to carefully plan their actions and order in everything.

Third who studied introversion and extroversion issues, was the German psychiatrist Carl Leongard. He did a division, focusing on volitional qualities:

  • Extravents called fireless, easily falling under someone else's influence;
  • and introverts - unshakable in their views and decisions.

Characteristic features of introversion

For a true representative of this type, the presence of such features of the personality is characteristic:

  1. He will never communicate spontaneously, always making it with a clear goal, even if it is imperceptible from its side.
  2. Capacked for a long time to do without social contacts without much damage to itself.
  3. Clearly maintains its identity boundaries. He quickly points high-handed interlocutor in its place, at the same time has high thin-skinned and quick temper.
  4. Carefully considering what is going to do.
  5. Belong to a secondary type response to the events: to be a long time "chew" unpleasant incident, all the time going back to him mentally.
  6. Have developed imagination and imagination.
  7. Very observant, I like to analyze what is happening.
  8. Patient.
  9. They know how to control their emotions.
  10. Characterized by high purposefulness.

What kind of work will approach introvert?

To a person who prefers the society itself to the society, I felt comfortable in life, it is extremely important to choose the right occupation. It is difficult, because introverts are perfectionists, workaholics, wanting to see these qualities in their employees. If it's the director, there will be high demands on subordinates.

Regarding collective activity, introverts will prefer a small team. In small groups, they feel "like a fish in water", which is very beneficial to the result of the work. In this case, the work itself such officer to exercise the utmost responsibility to the tasks.

Deep introvert correct to focus on home-based work. Emotionally unstable individual fine is implemented in creative activities.

Freelance - the perfect solution for introverts

In any case, if such a person does not accept for themselves the idea of ​​being in the office daily from morning to evening, he will approach the work, which does not require constant interaction with the nervous boss, colleagues, gossips and picky customers. And from all these presentations, meetings, planorok, meetings and (horror of horrors) constant communication introvert is likely to feel exhausted, emotionally exhausted and deeply unhappy man.

Fortunately, there are enough professionals who can meet the demands of unsociable personalities today. I suggest to get acquainted with the five most popular ones:

  1. freelancer . As a freelancer, he acts as head of an introvert for themselves and, as a rule, prefer to work at home. This alignment is a real boon for those who are not very fond of dialogue and feels uncomfortable at the thought about brainstorming or joint sittings at work with staff.
  2. Manager of social networks . You might be surprised by the word "social" in the profession, because it is the default involves communication. But communication through the Internet is given a closed people is much easier than in real life.
  3. Software Developer (Software) . This type of activity today is very popular and perfectly satisfy the needs of personalities that do not admire team work. After receiving the task of the customer, they can act completely freely, implementing the set goal.
  4. Writer . The perfect work option for creative introvert. It has only he, his laptop (or sheets of paper) and the sea of ​​ideas. It is much easier to implement in writing activities to be implemented much easier, because they express themselves through real communication, but with the help of texts.
  5. Accountant . Aimed at his inner world a man is much more interesting in the company of numbers than people. Then the accounting is an excellent profession. It is especially suitable for deeply deepened personalities, because in accounting (if it is not in the office, of course) there are only dry statistics and no need for working discussions.

In addition, people are not prone to communicate to the profession:

  • laboratory employee;
  • artist;
  • librarian;
  • scientist.

What activity categorically does not fit?

The introverts quickly lose working motivation if they cannot feel the inner comfort or if they are forced to contact with a large number of people.

Stripping from this, you can allocate some of the least suitable activities, namely:

  • Service / Sales Scope;
  • work by a journalist;
  • Work in the office from morning to evening;
  • work policy;
  • Military.

Types of introverts

It's not enough to know, introvert or extrovert - what it is necessary to own information about different types of the first category of people. So what can they be?

Logic-intuitive (Robespierre)

Have strong analytical thinking. Can engage in the development of new revolutionary techniques. Such personalities are lumbering and calm offices. They also differ in unpretentious, asceticism - do not like to take care of themselves. Feel perfectly, if you know that no one hears and sees them.


For this type of introversion, the purpose of the target is characterized, the subsequent analysis of all known techniques for its achievement and the choice of them is the best. Then the elected way will be brought to absolute perfection, which will help the logic and sensory introvert to successfully implement the conceived in life. Moreover, if he put a goal, it will come to her any ways.

Intuiti-rational logical

They are accustomed to living on a schedule and adhere to the order everywhere and in everything: in life, in their workplace, in the apartment. And in order to bring such a person from the state of internal harmony, it is necessary to provide him with a lot of free time.

After all sorts of incidents, he always calculates in advance, but what if you went to a meeting with the other half an hour earlier? What to do with those extra thirty minutes? As rational individuals rely exclusively real facts. And just crazy vyschityvaniya and building plans.

Irrational logic, Intuit

But this category, on the other hand, faints from the words "order" and "punctuality". Although in reality, its representatives and do not like chaos, but, alas, nothing can be done to him.

Irrationality manifests itself in clean energy and emotions. Planning for such a man - it means not to perform half of the planned practice. If suddenly he will be able to cope with the mission of at least 65% - this is an indicator of success.

Irrationals but serve an important function - they generate new ideas. Rules and the strict confines of totally accepted, so they are willing to create new things.

emotionally disturbed

In this case, there is an obvious social exclusion. These individuals suffer from uncontrollable emotions, low self-esteem, shyness, lack of confidence, hysteria.

In general, an introvert is capable in a matter of seconds to come up in your mind an unpleasant incident with all the dire consequences. And the real picture of it to decorate fantastic elements for greater emotional coloring events. And stubbornly refuses to believe that everything is invented them hardly ever will be embodied in life.

The world is ruled stable introverts

The world is governed emotionally stable introverts, who can, when necessary, to represent extroverts. That is the conclusion reached by researchers theme of introversion and extroversion.

Nowadays, television, advertising and various allowances are trying to teach people to become "sverhobschitelnymi" and "open." However, if you delve into statistics, it becomes obvious that introverts in the world about 25% (according to the book, Doctor of Psychology Marti Laney "The advantages of introverts. How in the world survive extroverts"). And these 25% are not worse than extroverts, but something significantly better.

People who are prone to introversion, live as if in the exercise of human dimensions step. Their main difference from a closed personality is the way to generate energy.

introvert filled with energy alone

An extrovert is filled with energy from its surroundings. That is literally takes someone else's positive energy. That's why he needs more frequent and prolonged interaction with people. After all, without them, just can not live - nowhere will take vitality.

Unlike him, the introvert independently produces energy that does not deprive it, but, on the contrary, giving up with social contacts. In this connection, such a person literally depletes social interactions. Then he needs to be alone with him to "charge the battery."

And if we take into account that the energy is a limited resource, it is quite clear why introverts perceive the extroverts negatively - for them the latter are peculiar "predators", thirsting to pull a piece of sweet, energy nectar.

Proper interaction with introverts

The introversion itself does not mean that a person will definitely refuse to communicate and social contacts. Just these public relations are too expensive, and the introvert does not want to waste its energy into different stimuli.

Therefore, if you are an extrovert, but you need to interact with the opposite type representative, consider the following Tips:

  1. Show politeness and calm in the conversation process. Demonstrate the interlocutor that you recognize it and approve. He is vital to feel that he is a welcome guest, otherwise he will not spend its energy resources.
  2. If you own important information, news - tell us, but give up gossip.
  3. Never impose your society if there is no particular need. If the introvert wishes, believe me, he will find a way to make himself felt.
  4. With respect, treat the personal space of such individuals. Remember about the limited energy and do not require it to spend on you if there is no serious need.
  5. Do not treat silence as a resentment or ignoring, because in reality it is incorrect.
  6. Inverters also feel lonely and need to interact with others. Then they gladly support communication.

Interesting! According to the study conducted in 1986, the higher the human intellect, the most likely it is inclined to introversion.

Below are common social arguments that strongly distort the image of the real introvert.

Myth 1: "The introvert does not like to talk"

In fact, such a person is silent if he has nothing to say, since he hates empty conversations. But only getting careful the topic and will listen to his clock.

Myth 2: "He is very shy"

In fact, shyness and introversion - drastically different concepts. The introverts do not feel the fear of other people, they simply interact with them if there are causes for this, but do not make it aimless.

Cup of real introvert

Myth 3: "Such a person is rough"

Inverters terribly tirow senseless social rituals and conventions. They would prefer them honesty and straightness. Alas, society lives according to other rules, so you have to adhere to all these conventions, which can create the illusion of rudeness.

Myth 4: "Introvert does not like people"

On the contrary, he relates very well to his few friends and himself acts as a reliable ally. But, again, he will not communicate just for communication, since it is not interesting for him and energetically tiring.

Myth 5: "He hates publicity"

He does not like a long time to be in the center of attention. Prefers to quickly fill in the desired knowledge and experience in society, and then return to your personal space for "recharging".

Myth 6: "It dreams always to be alone with you."

Indeed, your own thoughts represent a good company for him. Such personals adore a lot of thinking, deal with problems and puzzles. But they also feel loneliness if they have no one to tell their discoveries. Therefore, they need one (or a couple) of the closest people.

Myth 7: "Introvert - Strange"

In fact, he is a bright individualist who does not go beyond the crowd. Its solutions come from the depths of the subconscious, without pushing out the fact that now popular and fashionable.

Myth 8: "Such a man - botan"

The attention of introverts most of all occupy their own thoughts and experiences. It does not mean at all that they are not interested in what is happening around, just the inner world gives them more emotions and incentives.

Myth 9: "Introvert - a boring bore that does not know how to entertain"

In fact, representatives of the introverts prefer public places to house or nature. They are not interested in permanent adventures, do not depend on adrenaline, they do not like noise and fuss. This is largely due to the increased sensitivity of their brain to the dopamine.

Myth 10: "Inverter really become an extrovert"

If introversion ceased to exist, almost all scientists, musicians, artists, poets, directories, mathematics, writers and philosophers would disappear from the world. The introversion is a congenital indicator that cannot be changed during life. Other people simply need to be respect for their temperament and contribution to culture.

Now you know, introversion - what it is and how it manifests itself. Finally, browse the thematic video:

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