1936 What kind of animal on the horoscope


My mother-in-law began to get involved in Feng Shui and Chinese astrology, which had a positive impact on her character and self-satisfaction. The eastern animal horoscope is psychological portraits of people born in one year or another. Each year, a certain beast is patronized from the 12-year-old cycle.

Today we will look at 1036: what animal it represents. The fact is that this year my mother-in-law was born, and a red fiery rat was patronized. What is the difference between these people from others, how to find an approach to them? My mother-in-law was lucky that her son was also born in the year of rat. They understand each other perfectly, and the world also reigns in our family.

1936 what animal

Red fiery rat

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With the word "rat" in most people there are unpleasant associations, but in fact rats are very smart and intellectual animals. Not only they are the differencers of infection, but also people are also able to transmit infection and viruses to each other, so they should not blame the rats and mice alone. So what is remarkable fiery rat?

The element of fire has endowed its wards with fiery temperament and excitement: these people can put on the conservation of their savings. They also do not like gradual success - they need everything immediately. To do this, they are ready to risk, look for light or district paths: the fiery rat does not like to work physically.

On a note! Born in the year of fire rats are distinguished by natural cunning, mind and talents.

Also, the fiery element endowed rats with a changeable character: they can change their solutions suddenly. This quality brings rats a lot of problems in life, but they cannot cope with him. They are not able to cope with a sharp tongue, which is always not in time will express the unflattering assessment or criticism to a person. And if this happens in the working team, the conflict situations can not be avoided.

Positive characteristics include excellent adaptability of fiery rats to any circumstances, as well as survival in any conditions. Also, these people are distinguished by crudeness and laundry, because they value the results of their work. But for native and close fiery rats are ready to sacrifice everyone, including finances.

On a note! Fiery rats possess passionate and supper in nature. They know how to convert ideas into action.

The element of fire has endowed its wards with a huge reserve of vitality. The kipache energy of the fiery rat is looking for a way out, and the best solution for this will be traveling. . The rats are needed, new impressions - it encourages them to participate in various events and events.

Excessive self-confidence of red rats (mice) often leads to a confrontation with others. They need to learn how to restrain the outbreaks of anger and irritation, especially since they quickly subside themselves. The flareness of nature often harms fire rats, what they are regretted.

For these people, the public situation of a person is important, and if it is lower than that of the rat, it will never be equal to it.

1936 What kind of animal on the horoscope


Born this year are endowed with incredible charm and attractiveness. However, the desire to always be at the height leads to the formation of the complex: the rat is always important that others think about her. Because of this, she fears critics and responds quite rapidly to comments in their address.

Fire rats are leaning nature that are concerned about the accumulation and contribution to their future. On the one hand, it is bad, as the rat does not live here - all her thoughts in the future. The savings of rats are manifested in everything: from discounts on purchases to the abandon from those. This excessive thrift can lead to quarrels in the family, but the rat is not able to control their drawing.

In the family, the rat is manifolding like a attentive wife and a caring mother. These are the perfect housewives, in the house of which are always satisfying and cozy. But also, they also do not forget about the career, since material stability for rats is above all.


These are gambling and temperamental nature, filled with boilers. External tranquility hides explosive temperament and hot temper . It is better not to move the fiery rat road and not annoying it on trifles. In anger, the fiery rat becomes unmanageable and suggests the surrounding.

From nature, male rats do not differ in generous nature, but if necessary, they will be able to become wasteful. But only for a specific purpose: to demonstrate its financial power and consistency.

In love, a man-rat is very sincere, his feelings can embrace fearlessly. Rat can lose his head from love, and after the wedding will be the faithful and gentle spouse . Rats in love leads to numerous novels with women, but one of them will certainly lead to a crown.


These are tireless workers and innovators who are trying to make the world better and more comfortable. They are endowed with the nature of an incredible energy that literally overwhelms them to the very edge. Skillfully directed kipache energy can serve as a blessing for the rat itself, and for the people around it.

Congenital ambition does not give fire mice and causes tirelessly to work to achieve heights in his career. Thirst for success so much masters these personalities that they are ready to go on their heads and not reckon with the norms of morality for the achievement of the intended goal.

Uncomplicated thinking and originality, multiplied by turnover, isolated fiery rats from the mass of people and leave no one indifferent. Fire mice cannot be deceived or misleading, they are not amenable to suggestion, but they themselves can speak anyone.

Love to everything new encourages rats to seek or create innovative schemes and techniques that increase productivity. Thanks to this, they can achieve stunning heights on a professional field.

Note! Fiery rats will be able to achieve excellent results as a broker or manager. But they are driving on literary Niva, in politics and on theatrical stage.

Intuitive flair helps a rat to enter into the most favorable deals and seek success. . Commercial prosperity is due not only to natural reality and cunning, but also with tireless labor. If the rat has extended success, it will work without stopping the hands to achieve the target target.

Note! Fire rats can easily manipulate people.

The disadvantage of fiery rats is hot-tempered temperament, which often leads to conflicts in the labor collective. Clear rat may be for any reason, especially if something seems unfair or wrong . If the fiery mouse does not learn to keep the tongue behind the teeth, and criticism and stalking statements in the farbox, then conflicts will be repeated with regular frequency.

1936 What kind of animal on the Eastern calendar

Love and family

Rats in love does not always make them happy. In love relationships, they prevent children's naivety and sincerity. If in business and friendly relations, the rat is looking for benefits, then in love she strives for sincerity. If the partner shows coldness or indifference, the rat will be offended and leaves: for her, there is no relationship without mutual love.

The need for dominance can create an impression of a rat as a home tyrant. But it is not at all as follows: they just love order in everything and require domestic compliance with discipline. Domestic duties of the rat distributes right and not biased.

Parents rats carefully and conscientiously approach to raising their offspring, in their own example, showing the right behavior. Natural sensitivity to the mood of other people helps rats to understand their children and provide them in time.


Rat . With your sign good compatibility, complete mutual understanding and reverent attitude to each other. In bed, also complete mutual understanding. However, Idyllius can ruin the struggle for leadership: one of the partners should voluntarily give way to the palm of championship to another.

Bull . A completely harmonious union, rat easily tolerates the head of the bull due to his sense of humor. A bull can scare anything with its militant temper, but not a rat. Moreover, Wola is a wonderful defender that is so necessary to be an enterprising rat.

Tiger . Union is not harmonious, because in a pair there is a struggle for leadership. If any of the partners agree to give the place of the leader to another, they will be able to build a durable marital union. In bed, partners are perfectly suitable for each other. The most possible relationship is the one in which the tiger will be a man.

Rabbit . Union is not harmonious, as the rabbit constantly takes attempts to psychological pressure on the rat. Relationships stop immediately as soon as they started. If the partners want to marry, the rabbit should reconsider their attitude towards the Union and stop pressure on the rat.

The Dragon . Very positive union. The dragon is so fascinated by the rat, which is ready to come with his desire for free life and enter into marital relations. He will try to maximize its elect by all the benefits, surround the attention and care. The couple will be a single whole, such partners will be able to merge with each other.

Snake . Partners attract each other, but subsequently the rat comprehends strong disappointment in the snake. Snakes do not know how to be loyal and devotees. Relationships in a pair will quickly complete after cooling partners in bed.

Horse . Despite the stormy beginning of the novel, this union is extremely disadvantaged. Partners simply do not understand each other, and negative character qualities take literally grotesque shape. After twreads, the quarrels and conflicts, partners decide on breaking relationships due to strong fatigue from them. Astrologers believe that only a sexual connection can be between them, but not marriage.

Goat . Relationships are possible only with rat material security: the goat is constantly looking for a partner who can be sitting on the neck. However, the capriciousness and beams of the goat at one point can greatly tire the rat, and it will decide on the breaking of the relationship unnecessary to it.

A monkey . The union between them is quite harmonious, but far from perfect. Nevertheless, over time, the rat will be able to reveal before the monkey, which will indicate its trust and affection.

Rooster . These relationships are undesirable for both. The rat is constantly wounds the narcissistic rooster, which is eager for recognition and praise. However, if the rat nourishes deep and sincere feelings to the rooster, the union is possible between them. But in this case, permanent conflicts on the basis of finance are waiting for a couple: the rat cannot come to terms with how the rooster rakes carefully stored money.

Dog . A harmonious union in which partners are comfortable with each other. The rat provides a dog financial stability and surrounds care, the dog gives her his dedication and sincerity. Especially safe will be the Union in which the role of chapter belongs to the rat.

Pig . A successful union in which partners excellent understand each other. Both love to make money, both know how to merry each other and diversify the life of adventures. However, the rat should temper their aggressiveness so as not to scare a pig at the very beginning of dating. In bed, they greatly harmonize each other.

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